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Simulating data with posterior::rvar

Matthew Kay 12/27/2021


This document demonstrates some features of the posterior::rvar() random variable datatype, how to simulate data with it, and how to visualize random variables using ggdist. It also shows some useful bits of distributional, tidybayes, and gganimate along the way.


These packages are needed:


# I am using the dev version of ggdist. You may need to use
# devtools::install_github("mjskay/ggdist") to install it
# if version 3.1 is not on CRAN when you are reading this:


A single dataset

Generating the data

Before jumping into rvar, let’s simulate a single dataset the traditional way in R, using one of the r functions. For simplicity, we’ll do 100 draws from a Normal(0,1) distribution:

set.seed(1234)  # for reproducibility

n = 100
x = rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1)

##  num [1:100] -1.207 0.277 1.084 -2.346 0.429 ...

Which we might visualize with a dotplot. We’ll use ggdist::geom_dots(), which automatically picks a dot size so that the dotplot fits in the plot region:

tibble(x = x) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = x)) +

Basic statistics

If we wanted to we could calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation of x as well:

mean_x = mean(x)
var_x = var(x)
sd_x = sd(x)

cat(sep = "",
  "mean:     ", mean_x, "\n",
  "variance: ", var_x, "\n",
  "sd:       ", sd_x, "\n"
## mean:     -0.1567617
## variance: 1.00883
## sd:       1.004405

We see that the values come out as approximately 0 and 1, as they should.

P values

If operating in a frequentist mode, we might also be interested in the outcome of some statistical test; say a t-test for the null hypothesis that the mean is 0. In this case, since we generated the data, we know that the mean is 0, but once we generate many datasets like the one above we might be interested in whether or not this particular statistical test is well behaved (e.g. that its distribution of p values is uniform), so we’ll demo calculating the p value in the individual case as well.

First, we’ll calculate the p value using t.test(), then we’ll do it manually (as this will come in handy later).

Using t.test():

##  One Sample t-test
## data:  x
## t = -1.5607, df = 99, p-value = 0.1218
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.35605755  0.04253406
## sample estimates:
##  mean of x 
## -0.1567617

The p value itself is t.test(x)$p.value:

pvalue = t.test(x)$p.value
## [1] 0.1217758

We can also calculate this manually using the standard error of the mean, (SE = SD/sqrt(n)), and the degrees of freedom (DF = 1 − n) along with a scaled-and-shifted Student’s t distribution (provided by ggdist::pstudent_t() — one could also manually scale and shift the standard Student’s t distribution provided with stats::pt(), but I find the method below nicer because of its connection to confidence distributions):

se_mean_x = sd_x / sqrt(n)
df_x = n - 1

2 * pstudent_t(-abs(mean_x), df = df_x, mu = 0, sigma = se_mean_x)
## [1] 0.1217758

Confidence intervals

Speaking of confidence distributions, we could also use the confidence distribution for the mean to calculate the lower and upper bounds of a 95% confidence interval on the mean…

confidence = 0.95
alpha = 1 - confidence

lower = qstudent_t(alpha/2, df = df_x, mu = mean_x, sigma = se_mean_x)
upper = qstudent_t(confidence + alpha/2, df = df_x, mu = mean_x, sigma = se_mean_x)

cat("95% CI for mean(x): [", lower, ",", upper, "]\n")
## 95% CI for mean(x): [ -0.3560575 , 0.04253406 ]

And then we can ask, is the true mean in the interval?

zero_in_interval = lower <= 0 & 0 <= upper

## [1] TRUE

We lucked out this time: the true mean (zero) is in the interval. Of course, it might not have been — given our data generating process, 5% of the time the mean should be outside of intervals calculated this way.

A single dataset, many times

Of course, if we’re working in a frequentist mode, we’d really like to ask all of the above questions with the qualifier, “… if we repeated this a very large number of times.” Then the questions become things like, “does the 95% CI contain the true mean 95% of the time?” and “are the p values uniformly distributed?”

To do this in R, typically you will see people create large matrices or data frames of many simulations from the same data generating process, and then summarize those objects down. Instead, for this demo we will use posterior::rvar() objects, and attempt to keep the code as close as possible to looking like the original code above.

Generating the data

For the single dataset we used an r function, i.e. rnorm(), which is a built-in random number generator in R.

The posterior package provides a way to generate random variable datatypes using the built-in r functions, by passing them as the first argument to posterior::rvar_rng(). The remaining arguments are passed to the underlying r function, except that instead of generating only n = 100 values, rvar_rng() will generate n × k values for some value of k (by default 4000, set by options("posterior.rvar_ndraws")) and return the result as an rvar().

Thus, where before we had a numeric vector of length 100, now we have an rvar vector of length 100, with 4000 draws per element:

set.seed(1234)  # for reproducibility

n = 100
# compare to before: x = rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1)
x = rvar_rng(rnorm, n, mean = 0, sd = 1)

##  rvar<4000>[100]   0.0018 ± 1.00   0.0116 ± 0.99   0.0164 ± 0.99  -0.0231 ± 1.00 ...

We could visualize 100 datapoints from one version of x by using unnest_rvars() on a data frame containing x. This will return a long format data frame with a .draw column indexing the draws from x:

tibble(x = x) %>%
## # A tibble: 400,000 x 4
##         x .chain .iteration .draw
##     <dbl>  <int>      <int> <int>
##  1 -1.21       1          1     1
##  2  0.277      1          2     2
##  3  1.08       1          3     3
##  4 -2.35       1          4     4
##  5  0.429      1          5     5
##  6  0.506      1          6     6
##  7 -0.575      1          7     7
##  8 -0.547      1          8     8
##  9 -0.564      1          9     9
## 10 -0.890      1         10    10
## # ... with 399,990 more rows

We can select one draw from x, which will consist of 100 rows (i.e. a single draw from the distribution of a 100-element vector), and visualize it with a dotplot as before:

tibble(x = x) %>%
  tidybayes::unnest_rvars() %>%
  filter(.draw == 1) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = x)) +

We could also use animation to see what several such 100-element vectors might look like, by selecting (say) 20 draws and using gganimate::transition_manual() to animate over them:

p = tibble(x = x) %>%
  tidybayes::unnest_rvars() %>%
  filter(.draw <= 20) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = x)) +
  geom_dots() +

gganimate::animate(p, type = "cairo", width = 600, height = 400, res = 100)
## nframes and fps adjusted to match transition

Basic statistics

As before, we could calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation of x. Except now, we can calculate these as random variables by using rvar_-prefixed functions from posterior, yielding distributions of means, variances, and sds:

mean_x = rvar_mean(x)
var_x = rvar_var(x)
sd_x = rvar_sd(x)

cat(sep = "",
  "mean:     ", format(mean_x), "\n",
  "variance: ", format(var_x), "\n",
  "sd:       ", format(sd_x), "\n"
## mean:     0.0016 ± 0.099
## variance: 1 ± 0.14
## sd:       1 ± 0.072

We see that the values come out as approximately 0 and 1, but now we can also see their uncertainty from repeated sampling.

We can visualize the three statistics using stats from the slab+interval family of stats in {ggdist}. These stats (like ggdist::stat_halfeye(), below) accept posterior::rvar() objects on their xdist or ydist aesthetics, which are alternatives to x and y aesthetics that ggdist geoms can use with rvars or distributional objects:

  stat = c("mean", "var", "sd"),
  value = c(mean_x, var_x, sd_x)
) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = stat, xdist = value)) +

In fact, we could even compare them against their theoretical distributions:

  • variance should be Gamma(n/2,n/(2σ2)) using a shape, rate parameterization
  • standard deviation should be sqrt(Gamma(n/2,n/(2σ2)))
  • mean should be Normal(0,σ/sqrt(n))

We can construct all of the above distributions using distributional objects. For the distribution of the standard deviation, which is the square root of a Gamma distribution, we’ll use distributional::dist_transformed(), which can construct a transformed distribution so long as you supply it with the transformation and its inverse:

var_dist = dist_gamma(n/2, n/2)
sd_dist = dist_transformed(var_dist, sqrt, inverse = \(x) x^2)
mean_dist = dist_normal(0, 1/sqrt(n))

To make it easier to compare the theoretical distributions (mean_dist, …) and the sampled distributions (mean_x, …), we’ll create a data frame with a single list-column called value which contains both the theoretical distributional objects and the sampled rvars:

stat_comp_df = tibble(
  stat = rep(c("mean", "var", "sd"), 2),
  which = rep(c("theoretical", "sampled"), each = 3),
  value = list(
    mean_dist, var_dist, sd_dist,
    mean_x, var_x, sd_x

## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   stat  which       value     
##   <chr> <chr>       <list>    
## 1 mean  theoretical <dist [1]>
## 2 var   theoretical <dist [1]>
## 3 sd    theoretical <dist [1]>
## 4 mean  sampled     <rvar [1]>
## 5 var   sampled     <rvar [1]>
## 6 sd    sampled     <rvar [1]>

We can then compare these in a single plot, as both distributional objects and rvars (and lists of both) can be mapped onto xdist / ydist aesthetics in ggdist:

stat_comp_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = stat, xdist = value, color = which)) +
  stat_slab(fill = NA, alpha = 0.5) 

And we can see that the sampling distributions of these three statistics match their theoretical distributions.

P values

Calculating the p value for the null hypothesis that the mean is 0 as a random variable is a bit more complicated, because unlike mean (rvar_mean()) or variance (rvar_var()), posterior does not already have functions to do this for us. We’ll demonstrate two ways to solve the problem.

The slow way

The slow way would be to apply the t.test() function within every one of the 4000 draws of x (each draw containing 100 data points). We can do this by using rfun(), which converts an existing function (which should return a numeric vector) into a function that can take rvar objects, applies itself over every draw of those objects, and returns a new rvar vector with the results:

rvar_ttest = rfun(\(x) t.test(x)$p.value)

pvalue = rvar_ttest(x)
## rvar<4000>[1] mean ± sd:
## [1] 0.5 ± 0.29

As expected, the resulting distribution of p values is uniform:

tibble(pvalue = pvalue) %>%
  ggplot(aes(xdist = pvalue)) +

In fact, this is probably easier to see with a cumulative distribution function (CDF), which will be a diagonal line if the distribution is uniform. We’ll use ggdist::stat_cdfinterval() to plot the CDF.

Note: we set scale = 1 (the default is 0.9 to leave a bit of space between multiple geoms) and justification to 0 (the default is 0.5 to center the CDF on the interval). This will make the CDF go from 0 to 1 on the y axis and thus be comparable to the diagonal reference line.

tibble(pvalue = pvalue) %>%
  ggplot(aes(xdist = pvalue)) +
  geom_abline(alpha = 0.5) +
  stat_cdfinterval(scale = 1, justification = 0, slab_color = "red", alpha = 0.5)

As expected, the CDF of the p value is a diagonal line along y = x from 0 to 1, indicating that the distribution is Uniform(0, 1).

The fast way

While rfun() works well for prototyping, it can be slow, because it cannot take advantage of vectorization to calculate its results. Instead, we could use the manual calculation of p values with ggdist::pstudent_t() that we used before, but apply it to a random variable representing the standard error of x.

This approach is a bit trickier, as we will have to manipulate the matrix of draws that underlies the rvar objects. This can be accessed via draws_of(), which returns a matrix whose first dimension is draws from the random variable (in this case, 4000).

First, we calculate a random variable for the standard error, essentially the same as with a single dataset, except now the result is an rvar:

se_mean_x = sd_x / sqrt(n)
## rvar<4000>[1] mean ± sd:
## [1] 0.1 ± 0.0072

The draws underlying se_mean_x look like this:

##  num [1:4000, 1] 0.092 0.1015 0.084 0.1118 0.0968 ...
##  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ : chr [1:4000] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
##   ..$ : NULL

We can use these draws and the draws from mean_x directly in a vectorized function like ggdist::pstudent_t() to create a new vector of draws, which can be passed into posterior::rvar() to create a new random variable:

df_x = n - 1

# NOTE: this approach assumes that mean_x and se_mean_x are scalar rvars. If 
# they are vectors this will not work correctly.
pvalue_fast = rvar(
  2 * pstudent_t(-abs(draws_of(mean_x)), df = df_x, mu = 0, sigma = draws_of(se_mean_x))
## rvar<4000>[1] mean ± sd:
## [1] 0.5 ± 0.29

The result is the same as before.

Comparing the slow and fast ways

We can benchmark the two methods:

  slow = rvar_ttest(x),
  fast = rvar(
    2 * pstudent_t(-abs(draws_of(mean_x)), df = df_x, mu = 0, sigma = draws_of(se_mean_x))
## Warning: Some expressions had a GC in every iteration; so filtering is disabled.

## # A tibble: 2 x 6
##   expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
##   <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
## 1 slow          258ms    262ms      3.81    18.4MB    13.3 
## 2 fast          892us    920us   1031.     125.5KB     4.00

The fast way is quite a bit faster!

Since the fast way (vectorization of draws) involves more low-level manipulation than the slow way (rfun()), I recommend also checking to ensure the two give equivalent results. Using direct comparison (==) is typically not that useful due to floating point rounding errors…

pvalue == pvalue_fast
## rvar<4000>[1] mean ± sd:
## [1] 0.34 ± 0.47

…so instead use all.equal(), which will compare the two rvars with some tolerance for floating point errors:

all.equal(pvalue, pvalue_fast)
## [1] TRUE

(bench::mark() also checks for equality of the expressions it benchmarks, so it also would have caught any problems above.)

Confidence intervals

Finally, we’ll calculate confidence intervals within each of the 4000 draws of x. We’ll again compare rfun() (the slow way) to manual manipulation of draws (the fast way).

The slow way

First, we’ll create rvar versions of the qstudent_t() function:

rvar_qstudent_t = rfun(qstudent_t)

Now we can apply it using code similar to what we did with the single dataset:

confidence = 0.95
alpha = 1 - confidence

lower = rvar_qstudent_t(alpha/2, df = df_x, mu = mean_x, sigma = se_mean_x)
upper = rvar_qstudent_t(confidence + alpha/2, df = df_x, mu = mean_x, sigma = se_mean_x)

cat("95% CIs for mean(x): [", format(lower), ",", format(upper), "]\n")
## 95% CIs for mean(x): [ -0.2 ± 0.1 , 0.2 ± 0.1 ]

As before, we can ask, is the true mean in the interval?

zero_in_interval = lower <= 0 & 0 <= upper

## rvar<4000>[1] mean ± sd:
## [1] 0.95 ± 0.22

And we can see that it is 95% of the time. We could also calculate just this proportion using mean() (or E() or Pr(), which are aliases provided by posterior):

## [1] 0.95025

The fast way

Finally, for completeness, the fast way:

confidence = 0.95
alpha = 1 - confidence

fast_rvar_qstudent_t = function(..., mu, sigma) {
  # NOTE: this assumes mu and sigma are scalar rvars. If they are vectors the
  # result will be incorrect.
  rvar(qstudent_t(..., mu = draws_of(mu), sigma = draws_of(sigma)))

lower_fast = fast_rvar_qstudent_t(alpha/2, df = df_x, mu = mean_x, sigma = se_mean_x)
upper_fast = fast_rvar_qstudent_t(confidence + alpha/2, df = df_x, mu = mean_x, sigma = se_mean_x)

cat("95% CIs for mean(x): [", format(lower_fast), ",", format(upper_fast), "]\n")
## 95% CIs for mean(x): [ -0.2 ± 0.1 , 0.2 ± 0.1 ]

Comparing the slow and fast way

Again, we can benchmark:

  slow = rvar_qstudent_t(alpha/2, df = df_x, mu = mean_x, sigma = se_mean_x),
  fast = fast_rvar_qstudent_t(alpha/2, df = df_x, mu = mean_x, sigma = se_mean_x)
## Warning: Some expressions had a GC in every iteration; so filtering is disabled.

## # A tibble: 2 x 6
##   expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
##   <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
## 1 slow         77.1ms   83.9ms      11.7   298.2KB     17.5
## 2 fast         32.5us   36.7us   20202.     62.9KB     40.4

And double-check the results are the same:

all.equal(lower, lower_fast)
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(upper, upper_fast)
## [1] TRUE

A more complex dataset, once

The above example is a bit silly because it shows only one variable (x). Typical datasets are more complicated, often involving multiple predictors, etc.

Generating the data

Let’s do another example with a paired t test using repeated measures of x (one in condition A and one in condition B) on different participants. Each participant will have an offset from the grand mean from which their observations are drawn. Something like:

xcondition, participant ∼ Normal(meancondition+offsetparticipant,1)
meanA = 0
meanB = 1
offsetparticipant ∼ Normal(0,0.5)

A single data frame generated from the above process might look like this:

n_participant = 30
offset_participant = rnorm(n_participant, mean = 0, sd = 0.5)

df = tibble(
  condition = rep(c("A", "B"), n_participant),
  mean_condition = rep(c(0,1), n_participant),
  participant = rep(1:n_participant, each = 2),
  mean = mean_condition + offset_participant[participant],
  x = rnorm(n_participant*2, mean, sd = 1)

## # A tibble: 60 x 5
##    condition mean_condition participant   mean       x
##    <chr>              <dbl>       <int>  <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 A                      0           1 -0.604  0.499 
##  2 B                      1           1  0.396 -0.0791
##  3 A                      0           2  0.139 -0.571 
##  4 B                      1           2  1.14   0.637 
##  5 A                      0           3  0.542 -1.09  
##  6 B                      1           3  1.54   0.375 
##  7 A                      0           4 -1.17  -3.35  
##  8 B                      1           4 -0.173 -1.51  
##  9 A                      0           5  0.215 -0.0797
## 10 B                      1           5  1.21   0.749 
## # ... with 50 more rows

Here are the observations, with light-blue lines connecting the same observation from each participant:

df %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = condition, x = x)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = participant), alpha = 0.5, color = "skyblue") +
    aes(side = ifelse(condition == "A", "bottom", "top")),
    height = 0.5, shape = 20, color = "skyblue"
  ) +
  stat_summary(fun = mean, aes(group = NA), geom = "line", size = 1)

Confidence intervals

Now, if we wanted a confidence interval on the paired differences between A and B, for a single dataset we could pivot it wider by condition and then calculate the difference:

df_wide = df %>%
  select(participant, condition, x) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = condition, values_from = x) %>%
  mutate(diff = B - A)

## # A tibble: 30 x 4
##    participant       A       B   diff
##          <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1           1  0.499  -0.0791 -0.578
##  2           2 -0.571   0.637   1.21 
##  3           3 -1.09    0.375   1.46 
##  4           4 -3.35   -1.51    1.84 
##  5           5 -0.0797  0.749   0.828
##  6           6  1.70    0.184  -1.52 
##  7           7 -1.14    0.432   1.57 
##  8           8 -1.27   -0.242   1.03 
##  9           9 -1.39   -0.534   0.855
## 10          10 -0.969   0.0581  1.03 
## # ... with 20 more rows

Then we could ask for a confidence interval on diff:

sd_diff = sd(df_wide$diff)
mean_diff = mean(df_wide$diff)
se_mean_diff = sd_diff / sqrt(n_participant)
df_diff = n_participant - 1

confidence = 0.95
alpha = 1 - confidence

lower = qstudent_t(alpha/2, df = df_diff, mu = mean_diff, sigma = se_mean_diff)
upper = qstudent_t(confidence + alpha/2, df = df_diff, mu = mean_diff, sigma = se_mean_diff)

cat("95% CI for mean diff in x: [", lower, ",", upper, "]\n")
## 95% CI for mean diff in x: [ 0.397707 , 1.379391 ]

And see if the CI contains the true difference (1):

diff_in_interval = lower <= 1 & 1 <= upper
## [1] TRUE

To check our work we could always use t.test() to do the calculation:

t.test(df[df$condition == "B",]$x, df[df$condition == "A",]$x, paired = TRUE)
##  Paired t-test
## data:  df[df$condition == "B", ]$x and df[df$condition == "A", ]$x
## t = 3.7024, df = 29, p-value = 0.0008918
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.397707 1.379391
## sample estimates:
## mean of the differences 
##                0.888549

Which yields the same interval as before.

A more complex dataset, many times

Generating the data

We can repeat the above single example many times simply by constructing a data frame containing rvars instead of numeric vectors. Where previously we used rnorm(...), we would use rvar_rng(rnorm, ...), but otherwise the code is the same.

That looks like this:

n_participant = 30
offset_participant = rvar_rng(rnorm, n_participant, mean = 0, sd = 0.5)

df = tibble(
  condition = rep(c("A", "B"), n_participant),
  mean_condition = rep(c(0,1), n_participant),
  participant = rep(1:n_participant, each = 2),
  mean = mean_condition + offset_participant[participant],
  x = rvar_rng(rnorm, n_participant*2, mean, sd = 1)

## # A tibble: 60 x 5
##    condition mean_condition participant             mean              x
##    <chr>              <dbl>       <int>           <rvar>         <rvar>
##  1 A                      0           1   0.00091 ± 0.50  -0.0113 ± 1.1
##  2 B                      1           1   1.00091 ± 0.50   0.9954 ± 1.1
##  3 A                      0           2   0.00580 ± 0.49   0.0054 ± 1.1
##  4 B                      1           2   1.00580 ± 0.49   1.0142 ± 1.1
##  5 A                      0           3   0.00820 ± 0.49   0.0167 ± 1.1
##  6 B                      1           3   1.00820 ± 0.49   1.0044 ± 1.1
##  7 A                      0           4  -0.01156 ± 0.50  -0.0017 ± 1.1
##  8 B                      1           4   0.98844 ± 0.50   1.0157 ± 1.1
##  9 A                      0           5  -0.00539 ± 0.51  -0.0140 ± 1.1
## 10 B                      1           5   0.99461 ± 0.51   1.0072 ± 1.1
## # ... with 50 more rows

Now we have a data frame the exact same shape as in the single simulation example, except the mean and x columns are rvars, each containing 4000 draws from the distribution of possible means and xs.

We can grab the observations from just one simulation by unnesting the rvar columns, using tidybayes::unnest_rvars(), which will return a long-format data frame:

df %>%
## # A tibble: 240,000 x 8
## # Groups:   condition, mean_condition, participant [60]
##    condition mean_condition participant   mean      x .chain .iteration .draw
##    <chr>              <dbl>       <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <int>      <int> <int>
##  1 A                      0           1 -0.604  1.11       1          1     1
##  2 A                      0           1  0.139  1.04       1          2     2
##  3 A                      0           1  0.542  0.367      1          3     3
##  4 A                      0           1 -1.17  -0.271      1          4     4
##  5 A                      0           1  0.215  3.13       1          5     5
##  6 A                      0           1  0.253 -1.19       1          6     6
##  7 A                      0           1 -0.287  0.939      1          7     7
##  8 A                      0           1 -0.273 -1.69       1          8     8
##  9 A                      0           1 -0.282 -0.259      1          9     9
## 10 A                      0           1 -0.445 -1.81       1         10    10
## # ... with 239,990 more rows

The .draw column indexes the same draw (simulation) across mean and x. In other words, all rows in this table with the same value of .draw come from a single draw from the joint distribution of mean and x. Thus, we can subset to a single draw in order to visualize a single simulation result.

(We’ll also add a new layer to this chart: a stat_slab() showing the distribution of the mean of x across draws):

df %>%
  tidybayes::unnest_rvars() %>%
  filter(.draw == 1) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = condition, x = x)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = participant), alpha = 0.5, color = "skyblue") +
      side = ifelse(condition == "A", "top", "bottom"),
      x = NULL, xdist = x_mean, slab_alpha = stat(pdf)
    data = group_by(df, condition) %>% summarise(x_mean = rvar_mean(x)),
    thickness = 1, height = 0.1, fill = "gray50", fill_type = "gradient",
    show.legend = FALSE
  ) +
    aes(side = ifelse(condition == "A", "bottom", "top")),
    height = 0.5, shape = 20, color = "skyblue"
  ) +
  stat_summary(fun = mean, aes(group = NA), geom = "line", size = 1)

Or show a handful of simulations (here, just 20) using gganimate by adding gganimate::transition_manual(.draw):

p = df %>%
  tidybayes::unnest_rvars() %>%
  filter(.draw <= 20) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = condition, x = x)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = participant), alpha = 0.5, color = "skyblue") +
      side = ifelse(condition == "A", "top", "bottom"),
      x = NULL, xdist = x_mean, slab_alpha = stat(pdf)
    data = group_by(df, condition) %>% summarise(x_mean = rvar_mean(x)),
    thickness = 1, height = 0.1, fill = "gray50", fill_type = "gradient",
    show.legend = FALSE
  ) +
    aes(side = ifelse(condition == "A", "bottom", "top")),
    height = 0.5, shape = 20, color = "skyblue"
  ) +
  stat_summary(fun = mean, aes(group = NA), geom = "line", size = 1) +

gganimate::animate(p, type = "cairo", width = 600, height = 400, res = 100)
## nframes and fps adjusted to match transition

Confidence intervals

As before, we can use tidyr::pivot_wider() to restructure the tibble (even with rvars in it!) and then calculate the difference between conditions:

df_wide = df %>%
  select(participant, condition, x) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = condition, values_from = x) %>%
  mutate(diff = B - A)

## # A tibble: 30 x 4
##    participant              A           B        diff
##          <int>         <rvar>      <rvar>      <rvar>
##  1           1  -0.0113 ± 1.1  1.00 ± 1.1  1.01 ± 1.4
##  2           2   0.0054 ± 1.1  1.01 ± 1.1  1.01 ± 1.4
##  3           3   0.0167 ± 1.1  1.00 ± 1.1  0.99 ± 1.4
##  4           4  -0.0017 ± 1.1  1.02 ± 1.1  1.02 ± 1.4
##  5           5  -0.0140 ± 1.1  1.01 ± 1.1  1.02 ± 1.4
##  6           6   0.0079 ± 1.1  1.02 ± 1.1  1.01 ± 1.4
##  7           7  -0.0034 ± 1.1  0.99 ± 1.1  0.99 ± 1.4
##  8           8  -0.0085 ± 1.1  1.01 ± 1.1  1.02 ± 1.4
##  9           9   0.0260 ± 1.1  1.01 ± 1.1  0.99 ± 1.4
## 10          10   0.0128 ± 1.1  0.99 ± 1.1  0.98 ± 1.4
## # ... with 20 more rows

The fast way

We could ask for a confidence interval on diff, re-using the fast_rvar_qstudent_t() function we made above. Thus we use rvar_sd(), rvar_mean(), and fast_rvar_qstudent_t() in place of sd(), mean(), and qstudent_t(), but do not need to change anything else:

sd_diff = rvar_sd(df_wide$diff)
mean_diff = rvar_mean(df_wide$diff)
se_mean_diff = sd_diff / sqrt(n_participant)
df_diff = n_participant - 1

confidence = 0.95
alpha = 1 - confidence

lower = fast_rvar_qstudent_t(alpha/2, df = df_diff, mu = mean_diff, sigma = se_mean_diff)
upper = fast_rvar_qstudent_t(confidence + alpha/2, df = df_diff, mu = mean_diff, sigma = se_mean_diff)

cat("95% CI for mean diff in x: [", format(lower), ",", format(upper), "]\n")
## 95% CI for mean diff in x: [ 0.48 ± 0.27 , 1.5 ± 0.27 ]

As before, we can ask the probability that the true mean difference (1) is in the interval:

Pr(lower <= 1 & 1 <= upper)
## [1] 0.94625

Which is approximately 95%, as it should be.

To check our work we could always use t.test() to do the calculation. This would require using rfun(), which will be slower than the previous solution:

rvar_ttest_ci = rfun(\(x, y, ...) t.test(x, y, ...)$

ci_slow = rvar_ttest_ci(df[df$condition == "B",]$x, df[df$condition == "A",]$x, paired = TRUE)

cat("95% CI for mean diff in x: [", format(ci_slow[[1]]), ",", format(ci_slow[[2]]), "]\n")
## 95% CI for mean diff in x: [ 0.48 ± 0.27 , 1.5 ± 0.27 ]

And indeed the result is the same.