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717 lines (510 loc) · 25.9 KB

File metadata and controls

717 lines (510 loc) · 25.9 KB

0.16.0 (March 24 2016)

Breaking Changes

  • Replace Map#featuresAt and Map#featuresIn with Map#queryRenderedFeatures and map.querySourceFeatures (#2224)
    • Replace featuresAt and featuresIn with queryRenderedFeatures
    • Make queryRenderedFeatures synchronous, remove the callback and use the return value.
    • Rename layer parameter to layers and make it an array of layer names.
    • Remove the radius parameter. radius was used with featuresAt to account for style properties like line-width and circle-radius. queryRenderedFeatures accounts for these style properties. If you need to query a larger area, use a bounding box query instead of a point query.
    • Remove the includeGeometry parameter because queryRenderedFeatures always includes geometries.
  • Map#debug is renamed to Map#showTileBoundaries (#2284)
  • Map#collisionDebug is renamed to Map#showCollisionBoxes (#2284)

New Features & Improvements

  • Improve overall rendering performance. (#2221)
  • Improve performance of GeoJSONSource#setData. (#2222)
  • Add Map#setMaxBounds method (#2234)
  • Add isActive and isEnabled methods to interaction handlers (#2238)
  • Add Map#setZoomBounds method (#2243)
  • Add touch events (#2195)
  • Add map.queryRenderedFeatures to query the styled and rendered representations of features (#2224)
  • Add map.querySourceFeatures to get features directly from vector tiles, independent of the style (#2224)
  • Add mapboxgl.Geolocate control (#1939)
  • Make background patterns render seamlessly across tile boundaries (#2305)


  • Fix calls to setFilter, setLayoutProperty, and setLayerZoomRange on ref children (#2228)
  • Fix undefined bucket errors after setFilter calls (#2244)
  • Fix bugs causing hidden symbols to be rendered (#2246, #2276)
  • Fix raster flickering (#2236)
  • Fix queryRenderedFeatures precision at high zoom levels (#2292)
  • Fix holes in GeoJSON data caused by unexpected winding order (#2285)
  • Fix bug causing deleted features to be returned by queryRenderedFeatures (#2306)
  • Fix bug causing unexpected fill patterns to be rendered (#2307)
  • Fix popup location with preceding sibling elements (#2311)
  • Fix polygon anti-aliasing (#2319)
  • Fix slivers between non-adjacent polygons (#2319)
  • Fix keyboard shortcuts causing page to scroll (#2312)

0.15.0 (March 1 2016)

New Features & Improvements

  • Add ImageSource#setCoordinates and VideoSource#setCoordinates (#2184)


  • Fix flickering on raster layers (#2211)
  • Fix browser hang when zooming quickly on raster layers (#2211)

0.14.3 (Feb 25 2016)

New Features & Improvements

  • Improve responsiveness of zooming out by using cached parent tiles (#2168)
  • Improve contextual clues on style API validation (#2170)
  • Improve performance of methods including setData (#2174)


  • Fix incorrectly sized line dashes (#2099)
  • Fix bug in which in feature filter drops features (#2166)
  • Fix bug preventing Map#load from firing when tile "Not Found" errors occured (#2176)
  • Fix rendering artifacts on mobile GPUs (#2117)

0.14.2 (Feb 19 2016)


  • Look for loaded parent tiles in cache
  • Set tile cache size based on viewport size (#2137)
  • Fix tile render order for layer-by-layer
  • Remove source update throttling (#2139)
  • Make panning while zooming more linear (#2070)
  • Round points created during bucket creation (#2067)
  • Correct bounds for a rotated or tilted map (#1842)
  • Fix overscaled featuresAt (#2103)
  • Allow using tileSize: 512 as a switch to trade retina support for 512px raster tiles
  • Fix the serialization of paint classes (#2107)
  • Fixed bug where unsetting style properties could mutate the value of other style properties (#2105)
  • Less slanted dashed lines near sharp corners (#967)
  • Fire map#load if no initial style is set (#2042)

0.14.1 (Feb 10 2016)


  • Fix incorrectly rotated symbols along lines near tile boundries (#2062)
  • Fix broken rendering when a fill layer follows certain symbol layers (#2092)

0.14.0 (Feb 8 2016)

Breaking Changes

  • Switch GeoJSONSource clustering options from being measured in extent-units to pixels (#2026)

New Features & Improvements

  • Improved error message for invalid colors (#2006)
  • Added support for tiles with variable extents (#2010)
  • Improved filter performance and maximum size (#2024)
  • Changed circle rendering such that all geometry nodes are drawn, not just the geometry's outer ring (#2027)
  • Added Map#getStyle method (#1982)


  • Fixed bug causing WebGL contexts to be "used up" by calling mapboxgl.supported() (#2018)
  • Fixed non-deterministic symbol z-order sorting (#2023)
  • Fixed garbled labels while zooming (#2012)
  • Fixed icon jumping when touching trackpad with two fingers (#1990)
  • Fixed overzoomed collision debug labels (#2033)
  • Fixed dashes sliding along their line during zooming (#2039)
  • Fixed overscaled minzoom setting for GeoJSON sources (#1651)
  • Fixed overly-strict function validation for duplicate stops (#2075)
  • Fixed crash due to not being present on some browsers (#2056)
  • Fixed the unsetting of paint properties (#2037)
  • Fixed bug causing multiple interaction handler event listeners to be attached (#2069)
  • Fixed bug causing only a single debug box to be drawn (#2034)

0.13.1 (Jan 27 2016)


  • Fixed broken npm package due to outdated bundled modules

0.13.0 (Jan 27 2016)


  • Fixed easeTo pan, zoom, and rotate when initial rotation != 0 (#1950)
  • Fixed rendering of tiles with an extent != 4096 (#1952)
  • Fixed missing icon collision boxes (#1978)
  • Fixed null Tile#buffers errors (#1987)

New Features & Improvements

  • Added symbol-avoid-edges style property (#1951)
  • Improved symbol-max-angle check algorithm (#1959)
  • Added marker clustering! (#1931)
  • Added zoomstart, zoom, and zoomend events (#1958)
  • Disabled drag on mousedown when using boxzoom (#1907)

0.12.4 (Jan 19 2016)


  • Fix elementGroups null value errors (#1933)
  • Fix some glyph atlas overflow cases (#1923)

0.12.3 (Jan 14 2016)

API Improvements

  • Support inline attribution options in map options (#1865)
  • Improve flyTo options (#1854, #1429)


  • Fix flickering with overscaled tiles (#1921)
  • Remove Node.remove calls for IE browser compatibility (#1900)
  • Match patterns at tile boundaries (#1908)
  • Fix Tile#positionAt, fix query tests (#1899)
  • Fix flickering on streets (#1875)
  • Fix text-max-angle property (#1870)
  • Fix overscaled line patterns (#1856)
  • Fix patterns and icons for mismatched pixelRatios (#1851)
  • Fix missing labels when text size 0 at max zoom (#1809)
  • Use linear interp when pixel ratios don't match (#1601)
  • Fix blank areas, flickering in raster layers (#1876, #675)
  • Fix labels slipping/cropping at tile bounds (#757)

UX Improvements

  • Improve touch handler perceived performance (#1844)

0.12.2 (Dec 22 2015)

API Improvements

  • Support LngLat.convert([w, s, e, n]) (#1812)
  • Invalid GeoJSON is now handled better


  • Fixed Popup#addTo when the popup is already open (#1811)
  • Fixed warping when rotating / zooming really fast
  • Map#flyTo now flies across the antimeridan if shorter (#1853)

0.12.1 (Dec 8 2015)

Breaking changes

  • Reversed the direction of line-offset (#1808)
  • Renamed Pinch interaction handler to TouchZoomRotate (#1777)
  • Made Map#update and Map#render private methods (#1798)
  • Made Map#remove remove created DOM elements (#1789)

API Improvements

  • Added an method to disable touch rotation (#1777)
  • Added a position option for Attribution (#1689)


  • Ensure tile loading errors are properly reported (#1799)
  • Ensure re-adding a previously removed pop-up works (#1477)

UX Improvements

  • Don't round zoom level during double-click interaction (#1640)

0.12.0 (Dec 2 2015)

API Improvements

  • Added line-offset style property (#1778)

0.11.5 (Dec 1 2015)


  • Fixed unstable symbol layer render order when adding / removing layers (#1558)
  • Fire map loaded event even if raster tiles have errors
  • Fix panning animation during easeTo with zoom change
  • Fix pitching animation during flyTo
  • Fix pitching animation during easeTo
  • Prevent rotation from firing mouseend events (#1104)

API Improvements

  • Fire mousedown and mouseup events (#1411)
  • Fire movestart and moveend when panning (#1658)
  • Added drag events (#1442)
  • Request webp images for mapbox:// raster tiles in chrome (#1725)

UX Improvements

  • Added inertia to map rotation (#620)

0.11.4 (Nov 16 2015)


  • Fix alpha blending of alpha layers (#1684)

0.11.3 (Nov 10 2015)


  • Fix GeoJSON rendering and performance (#1685)

UX Improvements

  • Use SVG assets for UI controls (#1657)
  • Zoom out with shift + dblclick (#1666)

0.11.2 (Oct 29 2015)

  • Misc performance improvements


  • Fix sprites on systems with non-integer devicePixelRatios (#1029 #1475 #1476)
  • Fix layer minZoom being ignored if not less than source maxZoom
  • Fix symbol placement at the start of a line (#1461)
  • Fix raster-opacity on non-tile sources (#1270)
  • Ignore boxzoom on shift-click (#1655)

UX Improvements

  • Enable line breaks on common punctuation (#1115)

API Improvements

  • Add toString and toArray methods to LngLat, LngLatBounds (#1571)
  • Add Transform#resize method
  • Add Map#getLayer method (#1183)
  • Add Transform#unmodified property (#1452)
  • Propagate WebGL context events (#1612)

0.11.1 (Sep 30 2015)


  • Add statistics and checkboxes to debug page
  • Fix Map#featuresAt for non-4096 vector sources (#1529)
  • Don't fire mousemove on drag-pan
  • Fix maxBounds constrains (#1539)
  • Fix maxBounds infinite loop (#1538)
  • Fix memory leak in worker
  • Assert valid TileCoord, fix wrap calculation in TileCoord#cover (#1483)
  • Abort raster tile load if not in viewport (#1490)

API Improvements

  • Add Map event listeners for mouseup, contextmenu (right click) (#1532)

0.11.0 (Sep 11 2015)

API Improvements

  • Add Map#featuresIn: a bounding-box feature query
  • Emit stylesheet validation errors (#1436)

UX Improvements

  • Handle v8 style center, zoom, bearing, pitch (#1452)
  • Improve circle type styling (#1446)
  • Improve dashed and patterned line antialiasing


  • Load images in a way that respects Cache-Control headers
  • Filter for rtree matches to those crossing bbox
  • Log errors by default (#1463)
  • Fixed modification of text-size via setLayoutProperty (#1451)
  • Throw on lat > 90 || < -90. (#1443)
  • Fix circle clipping bug (#1457)

0.10.0 (Aug 21 2015)

Breaking changes

  • Switched to [longitude, latitude] coordinate order, matching GeoJSON. We anticipate that mapbox-gl-js will be widely used with GeoJSON, and in the long term having a coordinate order that is consistent with GeoJSON will lead to less confusion and impedance mismatch than will a [latitude, longitude] order.

    The following APIs were renamed:

    • LatLng was renamed to LngLat
    • LatLngBounds was renamed to LngLatBounds
    • Popup#setLatLng was renamed to Popup#setLngLat
    • Popup#getLatLng was renamed to Popup#getLngLat
    • The latLng property of Map events was renamed lngLat

    The following APIs now expect array coordinates in [longitude, latitude] order:

    • LngLat.convert
    • LngLatBounds.convert
    • Popup#setLngLat
    • The center and maxBounds options of the Map constructor
    • The arguments to Map#setCenter, Map#fitBounds, Map#panTo, and Map#project
    • The center option of Map#jumpTo, Map#easeTo, and Map#flyTo
    • The around option of Map#zoomTo, Map#rotateTo, and Map#easeTo
    • The coordinates properties of video and image sources
  • Updated to mapbox-gl-style-spec v8.0.0 (Changelog). Styles are now expected to be version 8. You can use the gl-style-migrate utility to update existing styles.

  • The format for mapbox:// style and glyphs URLs has changed. For style URLs, you should now use the format mapbox://styles/:username/:style. The :style portion of the URL no longer contains a username. For font URLs, you should now use the format mapbox://fonts/:username/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf.

  • Mapbox default styles are now hosted via the Styles API rather than You can make use of the Styles API with a mapbox:// style URL pointing to a v8 style, e.g. mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v8.

  • The v8 satellite style (mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v8) is now a plain satellite style, and not longer supports labels or contour lines via classes. For a labeled satellite style, use mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-hybrid.

  • Removed mbgl.config.HTTP_URL and mbgl.config.FORCE_HTTPS; https is always used when connecting to the Mapbox API.

  • Renamed mbgl.config.HTTPS_URL to mbgl.config.API_URL.


  • Don't draw halo when halo-width is 0 (#1381)
  • Reverted shader changes that degraded performance on IE

API Improvements

  • You can now unset layout and paint properties via the setLayoutProperty and setPaintProperty APIs by passing undefined as a property value.
  • The layer option of featuresAt now supports an array of layers.

0.9.0 (Jul 29 2015)

  • glyphs URL now normalizes without the /v4/ prefix for mapbox:// urls. Legacy behavior for mapbox://fontstacks is still maintained (#1385)

  • Expose geojson-vt options for GeoJSON sources (#1271)

  • bearing snaps to "North" within a tolerance of 7 degrees (#1059)

  • Now you can directly mutate the minzoom and maxzoom layer properties with map.setLayerZoomRange(layerId, minzoom, maxzoom)

  • Exposed mapboxgl.Control, a base class used by all UI controls

  • Refactored handlers to be individually included in Map options, or enable/disable them individually at runtime, e.g. map.scrollZoom.disable().

  • New feature: Batch operations can now be done at once, improving performance for calling multiple style functions: (#1352)

    style.batch(function(s) {
        s.addLayer({ id: 'first', type: 'symbol', source: 'streets' });
        s.addLayer({ id: 'second', type: 'symbol', source: 'streets' });
        s.addLayer({ id: 'third', type: 'symbol', source: 'terrain' });
        s.setPaintProperty('first', 'text-color', 'black');
        s.setPaintProperty('first', 'text-halo-color', 'white');
  • Improved documentation

  • featuresAt performance improvements by exposing includeGeometry option

  • Better label placement along lines (#1283)

  • Improvements to round linejoins on semi-transparent lines (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#1771)

  • Round zoom levels for raster tile loading (2a2aec)

  • Source#reload cannot be called if source is not loaded (#1198)

  • Events bubble to the canvas container for custom overlays (#1301)

  • Move handlers are now bound on mousedown and touchstart events

  • map.featuresAt() now works across the dateline

0.8.1 (Jun 16 2015)

  • No code changes; released only to correct a build issue in 0.8.0.

0.8.0 (Jun 15 2015)

Breaking changes

  • map.setView(latlng, zoom, bearing) has been removed. Use map.jumpTo(options) instead:

    map.setView([40, -74.50], 9) // 0.7.0 or earlier
    map.jumpTo({center: [40, -74.50], zoom: 9}); // now
  • map.easeTo and map.flyTo now accept a single options object rather than positional parameters:

    map.easeTo([40, -74.50], 9, null, {duration: 400}); // 0.7.0 or earlier
    map.easeTo({center: [40, -74.50], zoom: 9, duration: 400}); // now
  • mapboxgl.Source is no longer exported. Use map.addSource() instead. See the GeoJSON line or GeoJSON markers examples.

  • mapboxgl.util.supported() moved to mapboxgl.supported().

UX improvements

  • Add perspective rendering (#1049)
  • Better and faster labelling (#1079)
  • Add touch interactions support on mobile devices (#949)
  • Viewport-relative popup arrows (#1065)
  • Normalize mousewheel zooming speed (#1060)
  • Add proper handling of GeoJSON features that cross the date line (#1275)
  • Sort overlapping symbols in the y direction (#470)
  • Control buttons are now on a 30 pixel grid (#1143)
  • Improve GeoJSON processing performance

API Improvements

  • Switch to JSDoc for documentation
  • Bundling with browserify is now supported
  • Validate incoming map styles (#1054)
  • Add Map setPitch getPitch
  • Add Map dblclick event. (#1168)
  • Add Map getSource (660a8c1)
  • Add Map setFilter and getFilter (#985)
  • Add Map failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat option (#1082)
  • Add Map preserveDrawingBuffer option (#1232)
  • Add VideoSource getVideo() (#1162)
  • Support vector tiles with extents other than 4096 (#1227)
  • Use a DOM hierarchy that supports evented overlays (#1217)
  • Pass latLng to the event object (#1068)

UX Bugfixes

  • Fix rendering glitch on iOS 8 (#750)
  • Fix line triangulation errors (#1120, #992)
  • Support unicode range 65280-65535 (#1108)
  • Fix cracks between fill patterns (#972)
  • Fix angle of icons aligned with lines (37a498a)
  • Fix dashed line bug for overscaled tiles (#1132)
  • Fix icon artifacts caused by sprite neighbors (#1195)

API Bugfixes

  • Don't fire spurious moveend events on mouseup (#1107)
  • Fix a race condition in featuresAt (#1220)
  • Fix for brittle fontstack name convention (#1070)
  • Fix broken Popup setHTML (#1272)
  • Fix an issue with cross-origin image requests (#1269)

0.7.0 (Mar 3 2015)


  • Rename Map hover event to mousemove.
  • Change featuresAt to return GeoJSON objects, including geometry (#1010)
  • Remove Map canvas and container properties, add getCanvas and getContainer methods instead

UX Improvements

  • Improve line label density
  • Add boxzoom interaction (#1038)
  • Add keyboard interaction (#1034)
  • Faster GeoJSONSource setData without flickering (#973)

API Improvements

  • Add Popup component (#325)
  • Add layer API (#1022)
  • Add filter API (#985)
  • More efficient filter API (#1018)
  • Accept plain old JS object for addSource (#1021)
  • Reparse overscaled tiles


  • Fix featuresAt for LineStrings (#1006)
  • Fix tileSize argument to GeoJSON worker (#987)
  • Remove extraneous files from the npm package (#1024)
  • Hide "improve map" link in print (#988)

0.6.0 (Feb 9 2015)


  • Add wrapped padding to sprite for repeating images (#972)
  • Clear color buffers before rendering (#966)
  • Make line-opacity work with line-image (#970)
  • event.toElement fallback for Firefox (#932)
  • skip duplicate vertices at ends of lines (#776)
  • allow characters outside \w to be used in token
  • Clear old tiles when new GeoJSON is loaded (#905)


  • Added map.setPaintProperty(), map.getPaintProperty(), map.setLayoutProperty(), and map.getLayoutProperty().
  • Switch to ESLint and more strict code rules (#957)
  • Grab 2x raster tiles if retina (#754)
  • Support for mapbox:// style URLs (#875)


  • Updated to mapbox-gl-style-spec v7.0.0 (Changelog). Styles are now expected to be version 7. You can use the gl-style-migrate utility to update existing styles.
  • HTTP_URL and HTTPS_URL config options must no longer include a /v4 path prefix.
  • addClass, removeClass, setClasses, hasClass, and getClasses are now methods on Map.
  • Style#cascade is now private, pending a public style mutation API (#755).
  • The format for featuresAt results changed. Instead of result-per-geometry-cross-layer, each result has a layers array with all layers that contain the feature. This avoids duplication of geometry and properties in the result set.

0.5.2 (Jan 07 2015)


  • Remove tiles for unused sources (#863)
  • Fix fill pattern alignment


  • Add GeoJSONSource maxzoom option (#760)
  • Return ref layers in featuresAt (#847)
  • Return any extra layer keys provided in the stylesheet in featuresAt
  • Faster protobuf parsing

0.5.1 (Dec 19 2014)


  • Fix race conditions with style loading/rendering
  • Fix race conditions with setStyle
  • Fix map.remove()
  • Fix featuresAt properties

0.5.0 (Dec 17 2014)


  • Fix multiple calls to setStyle


  • featuresAt now returns additional information
  • Complete style/source/tile event suite: style.load, style.error, style.change, source.add, source.remove, source.load, source.error, source.change, tile.add, tile.remove, tile.load, tile.error
  • Vastly improved performance and correctness for GeoJSON sources
  • Map#setStyle accepts a style URL
  • Support {prefix} in tile URL templates
  • Provide a source map with minified source


  • Results format for featuresAt changed

0.4.2 (Nov 14 2014)


  • Ensure only one easing is active at a time (#807)
  • Don't require style to perform easings (#817)
  • Fix raster tiles sometimes not showing up (#761)


  • Internet Explorer 11 support (experimental)

0.4.1 (Nov 10 2014)


  • Interpolate to the closest bearing when doing rotation animations (#818)

0.4.0 (Nov 4 2014)


  • Updated to mapbox-gl-style-spec v6.0.0 (Changelog). Styles are now expected to be version 6. You can use the gl-style-migrate utility to update existing styles.

0.3.2 (Oct 23 2014)


  • Fix worker initialization with deferred or async scripts


  • Added map.remove()
  • CDN assets are now served with gzip compression

0.3.1 (Oct 06 2014)


  • Fixed iteration over arrays with for/in
  • Made browserify deps non-dev (#752)

0.3.0 (Sep 23 2014)


  • Updated to mapbox-gl-style-spec v0.0.5 (Changelog). Styles are now expected to be version 5. You can use the gl-style-migrate utility to update existing styles.
  • Removed support for composite layers for performance reasons. #523
  • raster-hue-rotate units are now degrees.


  • Added LatLng#wrap
  • Added support for Mapbox fontstack API.
  • Added support for remote, non-Mapbox TileJSON sources and inline TileJSON sources (#535, #698).
  • Added support for symbol-avoid-edges property to allow labels to be placed across tile edges.
  • Fixed mkdir issue on Windows (#674).
  • Fixed drawing beveled line joins without overlap.


  • Fixed performance when underzooming a layer's minzoom.
  • Fixed raster-opacity for regular raster layers.
  • Fixed various corner cases of easing functions.
  • Do not modify original stylesheet (#728).
  • Inherit video source from source (#699).
  • Fixed interactivity for geojson layers.
  • Stop dblclick on navigation so the map does not pan (#715).

0.2.2 (Aug 12 2014)


  • map.setBearing() no longer supports a second argument. Use map.rotateTo with an offset option and duration 0 if you need to rotate around a point other than the map center.


  • Improved GeoJSONSource to also accept URL as data option, eliminating a huge performance bottleneck in case of large GeoJSON files. #669 #671
  • Switched to a different fill outlines rendering approach. #668
  • Made the minified build 12% smaller gzipped (66 KB now).
  • Added around option to Map zoomTo/rotateTo.
  • Made the permalink hash more compact.
  • Bevel linejoins no longer overlap and look much better when drawn with transparency.


  • Fixed the broken minified build. #679
  • Fixed blurry icons rendering. #666
  • Fixed util.supports WebGL detection producing false positives in some cases. #677
  • Fixed invalid font configuration completely blocking tile rendering. #662
  • Fixed Map project/unproject to properly accept array-form values.
  • Fixed sprite loading race condition. #593
  • Fixed GeoJSONSource setData not updating the map until zoomed or panned. #676

0.2.1 (Aug 8 2014)


  • Changed Navigation control signature: now it doesn't need map in constructor and gets added with map.addControl(nav) or nav.addTo(map).
  • Updated CSS classes to have consistent naming prefixed with mapboxgl-.


  • Added attribution control (present by default, disable by passing attributionControl: false in options).
  • Added rotation by dragging the compass control.
  • Added grabbing cursors for the map by default.
  • Added util.inherit and util.debounce functions.
  • Changed the default debug page style to OSM Bright.
  • Token replacements now support dashes.
  • Improved navigation control design.


  • Fixed compass control to rotate its icon with the map.
  • Fixed navigation control cursors.
  • Fixed inertia going to the wrong direction in a rotated map.
  • Fixed inertia race condition where error was sometimes thrown after erratic panning/zooming.

0.2.0 (Aug 6 2014)

  • First public release.