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Hello -An introduction to C algorithms and Syntax.

  • Projects done during my study of Harvard University's cs50, an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.


  • Files written in Visual Studio Code 1.73 editor.
  • C files compiled using gcc 9.4.0.
  • C files wriiten according to the betty coding style.
  • Files tested on Windows 10 using gcc.


File Description
0-hello_world.c A C code to type hello world
1-hello_user.c promts user to enter their name and prints hello, user.
2-hi.c A program to print H!.
3-hi.c Printing 72 73 33 using Hi!.
4-hi.c Alternative to 3-hi.c.
5-hi.c Alternative to 3-hi.c.
6-hi.c Alternative to 3-hi.c.
7-hi.c Alternative to 3-hi.c, and implementing the NUL character
8-hi_by.c printing out HI!, and BYE!
9-string_length.c Prints out the length of a string entered by a user.
10-cl_args.c Priting an input from the command line without prompting the user to enter an input.