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Upgrading from LB HTTP v2.0.0 to v3.0.0


This upgrade will require changing the input of your lb-http module to conform to the new group structure. There are also several additions you may add, including:

  • address and create_address - Allows you existing IPs to be used
  • ssl_policy- Allows you to pass in your own SSL Policy
  • quic - Allows you to enable QUIC support

Input differences

The old version of terraform-google-lb-http had a list of backends and comma-separated backend_params

module "gce-lb-http" {
  source            = "GoogleCloudPlatform/lb-http/google"
  name              = "group-http-lb"
  target_tags       = [module.mig1.target_tags, module.mig2.target_tags]
  backends          = {
    "0" = [
        group = module.mig1.instance_group
        balancing_mode               = null
        capacity_scaler              = null
        description                  = null
        max_connections              = null
        max_connections_per_instance = null
        max_rate                     = null
        max_rate_per_instance        = null
        max_utilization              = null
        group = module.mig2.instance_group
        balancing_mode               = null
        capacity_scaler              = null
        description                  = null
        max_connections              = null
        max_connections_per_instance = null
        max_rate                     = null
        max_rate_per_instance        = null
        max_utilization              = null
  backend_params    = [
    # health check path, port name, port number, timeout seconds.

The new version allows you to specify all of your backend configuration, including groups and health checks into one object:

module "gce-lb-http" {
  source            = "GoogleCloudPlatform/lb-http/google"
 version           = "3.0.0"

  name              = "group-http-lb"
  target_tags       = [module.mig1.target_tags, module.mig2.target_tags]
  backends = {
    default = {
      description                     = null
      protocol                        = "HTTP"
      port                            = var.service_port
      port_name                       = var.service_port_name
      timeout_sec                     = 10
      connection_draining_timeout_sec = null
      enable_cdn                      = false

      health_check = {
        check_interval_sec  = null
        timeout_sec         = null
        healthy_threshold   = null
        unhealthy_threshold = null
        request_path        = "/"
        port                = var.service_port
        host                = null

      groups = [
          # Each node pool instance group should be added to the backend.
          group                        = var.backend
          balancing_mode               = null
          capacity_scaler              = null
          description                  = null
          max_connections              = null
          max_connections_per_instance = null
          max_connections_per_endpoint = null
          max_rate                     = null
          max_rate_per_instance        = null
          max_rate_per_endpoint        = null
          max_utilization              = null

Dealing with Dependencies

When migrating you may run into errors that look something like this:

Error: Error reading BackendService: googleapi: Error 400: The backend_service
resource 'projects/[PROJECT]/global/backendServices/multi-mig-lb-http-backend-0'
is already being used by 'projects/[PROJECT]/global/urlMaps/multi-mig-lb-http-url-map',

Error: Error reading HttpHealthCheck: googleapi: Error 400: The http_health_check
resource 'projects/[PROJECT]/global/httpHealthChecks/multi-mig-lb-http-backend-0'
is already being used by 'projects/[PROJECT]/global/backendServices/multi-mig-lb-http-backend-0',

The reason for this is that when we are changing the backend service and health check around, then must be destroyed and then re-created. The dependencies here are as follows:

global_forwarding_rule -> target_http_proxy -> url_map -> backend_service -> http_health_check

Meaning if you want to change the things on the right, you first have to remove the dependency on the left. There are a few different ways of doing this.

Method 1 - Destroy dependencies and re-apply

If this is a test project that is not used by anyone, simply destroy the dependencies and re-apply. For example, if your module is called gce-lb-http:

terraform destroy -target=module.gce-lb-http.google_compute_global_forwarding_rule.http[0]
terraform destroy -target=module.gce-lb-http.google_compute_target_http_proxy.default[0]
terraform destroy -target=module.gce-lb-http.google_compute_url_map.default[0]
terraform apply

Method 2 - Non-destructive

For this, you'll have to first ensure the name of the backend service and healthcheck (i.e. the key for each backend in the backends variable) are different than they were before the migration. For this example, I'm changing the name from "0" to "default".

First run terraform apply. It will error out but still create the backend, not affecting your existing URL map.

In the plan output you should see a change statement that looks something like this:

~ resource "google_compute_url_map" "default" {
        creation_timestamp = "2019-11-20T16:02:04.597-08:00"
      ~ default_service    = "[PROJECT]/global/backendServices/multi-mig-lb-http-backend-0" -> "[PROJECT]/global/backendServices/multi-mig-lb-http-backend-default"

Due to the way URL maps and Backends are interdependent in GCP, Terraform ends up ordering the API call to update url_map after the backend deleted, which triggers the above error. You can solve this by manually updating the default service for the url map using gcloud. Copy the value in the default_service attribute from your plan after the ~> symbol. This is the value Terraform is planning to update it to. In this example:

gcloud compute url-maps set-default-service multi-mig-lb-http-url-map \

This will cut over your URL map to the new service. After that you'll only need to run terraform apply twice more to destroy the old backend and healthcheck resources. You'll do it twice because the backend takes a second to go away and the healthcheck can't be destroyed until the resources using it are also destroyed.