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Mlib - Default library for Murmel

mlib adds commonly used Lisp functions and macros to the core Murmel language (see

Most of mlib's functions and macros are modeled after Common Lisp, (often with reduced functionality) plus some additional macros and functions.


Copy mlib.lisp into the directory containing jmurmel.jar or into the directory specified with --libdir and begin your source file with

(require "mlib")

mlib functions and macros

mlib provides the following Common Lisp-like functions and macros:

functions and macros inspired by Alexandria:

functions inspired by SRFI-1

functions and macros inspired by serapeum

as well as the following additional functions and macros:

Description of functions and macros

Macro: when

(when condition forms*) -> result

Since: 1.1

Execute forms if condition evaluates to true and return the result of the last form if any. Otherwise if condition evaluates to false, the forms are not evaluated and the return value of the when-form is nil.

Macro: unless

(unless condition forms*) -> result

Since: 1.1

Execute forms if condition evaluates to false and return the result of the last form if any. Otherwise if condition evaluates to true, the forms are not evaluated and the return value of the unless-form is nil.

Function: not

(not form) -> boolean

Since: 1.1

Logical not.

Macro: and

(and forms*) -> result

Since: 1.1

Short-circuiting logical and. Return t if no forms were given, otherwise return the values resulting from the evaluation of the last form unless any of the forms evaluate to nil, nil otherwise.

Macro: or

(or forms*) -> result

Since: 1.1

Short-circuiting logical or. Return nil unless any of the forms evaluate to non-nil, the result of the first form returning non-nil otherwise.

Macro: prog1, prog2

(prog1 first-form more-forms*) -> result-1
(prog2 first-form second-form more-forms*) -> result-2

Since: 1.1

Macro: case

 (case keyform (keys forms*)* [(t forms*)]) -> result

Since: 1.1

keys can be a single key or a list of keys, keys will not be evaluated. keyform will be matched against keys using eql, the forms of the matching clause will be eval'd and the last form determines the result. Subsequent clauses will be ignored.

A clause with a key that is a single t is used as the default clause if no key matches.

Macro: typecase

 (typecase keyform (type forms*)* [(t forms*)]) -> result

Since: 1.3

typecase allows the conditional execution of a body of forms in a clause that is selected by matching the test-key on the basis of its type.

The keyform is evaluated to produce the test-key.

Each of the normal-clauses is then considered in turn. If the test-key is of the type given by the clauses's type, the forms in that clause are evaluated as an implicit progn, and the values it returns are returned as the value of the typecase form.

If no normal-clause matches, and there is an otherwise-clause, then that otherwise-clause automatically matches; the forms in that clause are evaluated as an implicit progn, and the values it returns are returned as the value of the typecase.

If there is no otherwise-clause, typecase returns nil.

Function: caar..cdddr

(c..r lst) -> result

Since: 1.1

c..r repeatedly apply car and/ or cdr as the name suggests.

Function: endp

(endp list) -> boolean

Since: 1.4.6

This is the recommended way to test for the end of a proper list. It returns true if obj is nil, false if obj is a cons, and a type-error for any other type of object.

Function: nthcdr, dotted-nthcdr, nth

(nthcdr n lst) -> nth-tail
(dotted-nthcdr n lst) -> nth-tail
(nth n lst) -> nth-element

Since: 1.1

nthcdr applies cdr n times and returns the result. dotted-nthcdr works similar to nthcdr except: going past the end of a dotted list returns nil (and not an error as nthcdr would). nth works as if (car (nthcdr n lst)) was invoked.

Function: copy-list

(copy-list lst) -> copy

Since: 1.3

Returns a copy of lst. If lst is a dotted list, the resulting list will also be a dotted list.

Only the list structure of lst is copied; the elements of the resulting list are the same as the corresponding elements of the given list.

Function: unzip

(unzip lists) -> result-list

Since: 1.2

unzip takes a list of lists, and returns a list containing the initial element of each such list, e.g.:

(unzip '((1 2) (11 22) (111 222))) ; ==> (1 11 111)
(unzip '(nil nil nil)) ; ==> (nil nil nil)
(unzip nil) ; ==> nil

Similar to SRFI-1 unzip1, see

See also: unzip-tails.

Function: unzip-tails

(unzip-tails lists) -> result-list

Since: 1.2

unzip-tails takes a list of lists, and returns a list containing the cdrs of each such list.

See also: unzip.

Function: list-length

(list-length list) -> length

Since: 1.1

Returns the length of list if it is a string or proper list. Returns nil if list-or-string is a circular list.

Function: last

(last lst [n]) -> tail

Since: 1.2

last returns the last n conses (not the last n elements) of a proper or dotted list or nil for the empty list.

If n is zero, the atom that terminates list is returned. If n is greater than or equal to the number of cons cells in list, the result is lst.

Function: nconc

(nconc lists*) -> concatenated-list

Since: 1.2

nconc concatenates lists, each list but the last is modified. If no lists are supplied, nconc returns nil. Each argument but the last must be a proper or dotted list.

Function: revappend, nreconc

(revappend list tail) -> result-list
(nreconc list tail) -> result-list

Since: 1.3

revappend constructs a copy of list, but with the elements in reverse order. It then appends (as if by nconc) the tail to that reversed list and returns the result.

nreconc reverses the order of elements in list (as if by nreverse). It then appends (as if by nconc) the tail to that reversed list and returns the result.

The resulting list shares list structure with tail.

(revappend x y)  ::=  (append (reverse x) y)
(nreconc x y)    ::=  (nconc (nreverse x) y)

Function: member

(member item list [test]) -> tail

Since: 1.1

member searches list for item or for a top-level element that satisfies the test.

test if given must be a function that takes two arguments. If test was omitted or nil then eql will be used.

Example usage:

(member 2 '(1 2 3))
    ; => (2 3)
(member 'e '(a b c d))
    ; => NIL
(member '(1 . 1) '((a . a) (b . b) (c . c) (1 . 1) (2 . 2) (3 . 3))
    ; => ((1 . 1) (2 . 2) (3 . 3))
(member 'c '(a b c 1 2 3) eq)
    ; => (c 1 2 3)
(member 'b '(a b c 1 2 3) (lambda (a b) (eq a b)))
    ; => (b c 1 2 3)

Function: adjoin

(adjoin item list [test]) -> result-list

Since: 1.4.5

Tests whether item is the same as an existing element of lst. If the item is not an existing element, adjoin adds it to lst (as if by cons) and returns the resulting list; otherwise, nothing is added and the original list is returned.

Function: acons

(acons key datum alist) -> new-alist

Since: 1.1

Prepends alist with a new (key . datum) tuple and returns the modified list.

Function: mapcar

(mapcar function list+) -> list

Since: 1.1

function must accept as many arguments as lists are given, and will applied to subsequent items of the given lists. All function application results will be combined into a list which is the return value of mapcar.

Function: maplist

(maplist function list+) -> list

Since: 1.1

function must accept as many arguments as lists are given, and will applied to subsequent tails of the given lists.

All function application results will be combined into a list which is the return value of maplist.

Function: mapc

(mapc function list+) -> first-arg

Since: 1.1

function must accept as many arguments as lists are given, and will applied to subsequent cars items of the given lists.

Function: mapl

(mapl function list+) -> first-arg

Since: 1.1

function must accept as many arguments as lists are given, and will applied to subsequent tails of the given lists.

Function: mapcan

(mapcan function list+) -> concatenated-results

Since: 1.1

function must accept as many arguments as lists are given, and will applied to subsequent items of the given lists.

All function application results will be concatenated (as if by nconc) to a list which is the return value of mapcan.

Function: mapcon

(mapcon function list+) -> concatenated-results

Since: 1.1

function must accept as many arguments as lists are given, and will applied to subsequent tails of the given lists.

All function application results will be concatenated (as if by nconc) to a list which is the return value of mapcon.

Function: mappend

(mappend function list+) -> appended-results

Since: 1.4.7

function must accept as many arguments as lists are given, and will applied to subsequent items of the given lists.

All function application results will be concatenated to a list which is the return value of mappend. function must return a list which will not be mutated by mappend.

mappend works similar to Alexandria's mappend and can be thought of as a non-destructive version of mapcan, i.e. mappend combines the results of applying function by the use of append rather than nconc.

Function: mappend-tails

(mappend-tails function list+) -> appended-results

Since: 1.4.7

function must accept as many arguments as lists are given, and will applied to subsequent tails of the given lists.

All function application results will be concatenated to a list which is the return value of mappend-tails. function must return a list which will not be mutated by mappend-tails.

mappend-tails can be thought of as a non-destructive version of mapcon, i.e. mappend-tails combines the results of applying function by the use of append rather than nconc.

Macro: multiple-value-list

Since: 1.4

Macro: nth-value

Since: 1.4

Macro: do, do*

(do ({var | (var [init-form [step-form]])}*)
    (end-test-form result-form*)
    statement*) -> result

(do* ({var | (var [init-form [step-form]])}*)
     (end-test-form result-form*)
     statement*) -> result

Since: 1.1

do and do* iterate over a group of statements while end-test-form returns nil.

Macro: dotimes

(dotimes (var count-form result-form*) statement*) -> result

Since: 1.1

Similar to CL dotimes. Murmel however supports multiple result-forms which will be eval'd in an implicit progn, similar to do and do*;

Sample usage:

(let (l)
  (dotimes (i 10 l)
    (push i l))) ; ==> (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)

Macro: dolist

(dolist (var list-form result-form*) statement*) -> result

Since: 1.1

Similar to CL dolist. Murmel however supports multiple result-forms which will be eval'd in an implicit progn, similar to do and do*;

Macro: dovector

(dovector (var vector-form result-form*) statement*) -> result

Since: 1.3

Just like dolist, but with vectors.

Macro: doplist

(doplist (key-var value-var plist-form result-form*)
  statement*) -> result

Since: 1.2

Iterates over key-value pairs of plist-form. Similar to Alexandria doplist, see

Function: copy-alist

(copy-alist alist) -> new-alist

Since: 1.4.6

copy-alist returns a copy of alist.

The list structure of alist is copied, and the elements of alist which are conses are also copied (as conses only). Any other objects which are referred to, whether directly or indirectly, by the alist continue to be shared.

Function: copy-tree

(copy-tree tree) -> new-tree

Since: 1.4.6

Creates a copy of a tree of conses.

If tree is not a cons, it is returned; otherwise, the result is a new cons of the results of calling copy-tree on the car and cdr of tree. In other words, all conses in the tree represented by tree are copied recursively, stopping only when non-conses are encountered. copy-tree does not preserve circularities and the sharing of substructure.

Function: butlast

(butlast lst [n]) -> result-list

Since: 1.4.5

butlast returns a copy of lst from which the last n conses have been omitted. If n is not supplied, its value is 1. If there are fewer than n conses in lst, nil is returned.

Function: nbutlast

(nbutlast lst [n]) -> result-list

Since: 1.4.5

nbutlast is like butlast, but nbutlast may modify lst. It changes the cdr of the cons n+1 from the end of lst to nil except if there are fewer than n conses in lst, nil is returned and lst is not modified.

Function: ldiff

(ldiff lst obj) -> result-list

Since: 1.4.5

Return a new list, whose elements are those of lst that appear before obj. If obj is not a tail of lst, a copy of lst is returned. lst must be a proper list or a dotted list.

Function: tailp

(tailp obj lst) -> boolean

Since: 1.4.5

Return true if obj is the same as some tail of lst, otherwise returns false. lst must be a proper list or a dotted list.

Function: subst

(subst new old tree [test-fn [key-fn]]) -> new-tree

Since: 1.4.6

Substitutes new for subtrees of tree matching old.

Function: subst-if

(subst-if new test-pred tree [key-fn]) -> new-tree

Since: 1.4.6

Substitutes new for subtrees of tree for which test-pred is true.

Function: nsubst

(nsubst new old tree [test-fn [key-fn]]) -> new-tree

Since: 1.4.6

Substitutes new for subtrees of tree matching old.

Function: nsubst-if

(nsubst-if new test-pred tree [key-fn]) -> new-tree

Since: 1.4.6

Substitutes new for subtrees of tree for which test-pred is true.

Macro: destructuring-bind

(destructuring-bind (vars*) expression forms*)

Since: 1.1

Murmel's destructuring-bind is a subset of CL's destructuring-bind, trees are not supported, only lists are.

destructuring-bind binds the variables specified in vars to the corresponding values in the list resulting from the evaluation of expression; then destructuring-bind evaluates forms.

Function: get-setf-expansion

(get-setf-expansion place) -> vars, vals, store-vars, writer-form, reader-form

Since: 1.1

Macro: setf

(setf pair*) -> result

Since: 1.1

Takes pairs of arguments like setq. The first is a place and the second is the value that is supposed to go into that place. Returns the last value. The place argument may be any of the access forms for which setf knows a corresponding setting form, which currently are:

  • symbols
  • car..cdddr
  • nth
  • elt, seqref
  • hashref, gethash
  • svref, bvref, bit, sref, char
  • values

Macro: psetf

(psetf pair*) -> nil

Since: 1.4.6

Takes pairs of arguments like setf. The first is a place and the second is the value that is supposed to go into that place.

If more than one pair is supplied then the assignments of new values to places are done in parallel.

Similar to CL's psetf.

Macro: shiftf

(shiftf place+ newvalues) -> old-values-1

Since: 1.4.8

shiftf modifies the values of each place by storing newvalue into the last place, and shifting the values of the second through the last place into the remaining places.

Similar to CL's shiftf.

Macro: rotatef

(rotatef place*) -> nil

Since: 1.4.8

rotatef modifies the values of each place by rotating values from one place into another.

If a place produces more values than there are store variables, the extra values are ignored. If a place produces fewer values than there are store variables, the missing values are set to nil.

Similar to CL's rotatef.

Macro: incf, decf

(incf place [delta-form]) -> new-value
(decf place [delta-form]) -> new-value

Since: 1.1

incf and decf are used for incrementing and decrementing the value of place, respectively.

The delta is added to (in the case of incf) or subtracted from (in the case of decf) the number in place and the result is stored in place.

Without delta-form the return type of incf and decf will be the type of the number in place, otherwise the return type will be float.

Macro: *f, /f

(*f place [delta-form]) -> new-value
(/f place [delta-form]) -> new-value

Since: 1.1

*f and /f are used for multiplying and dividing the value of place, respectively.

The number in place is multiplied (in the case of *f) by delta or divided (in the case of /f) by delta and the result is stored in place.

Without delta-form /f will return the reciprocal of the number in place, *f will return the number in place.

Without delta-form the return type of *f will be the type of the number in place, otherwise the return type will be float.

Macro: +f, -f

(+f place [delta-form]) -> new-value
(-f place [delta-form]) -> new-value

Since: 1.1

+f and +f are used for adding and subtracting to/ from the value of place, respectively.

The delta is added (in the case of +f) to or subtracted (in the case of -f) from the number in place and the result is stored in place.

Without delta-form -f will return the negation of the number in place, +f will return the number in place.

Without delta-form the return type of +f will be the type of the number in place, otherwise the return type will be float.

Macro: push

(push item place) -> new-place-value

Since: 1.1

push prepends item to the list that is stored in place, stores the resulting list in place, and returns the list.

Macro: pushnew

(pushnew item place [test]) -> new-place-value

Since: 1.4.5

pushnew tests whether item is the same as any existing element of the list stored in place. If item is not, it is prepended to the list, and the new list is stored in place.

pushnew returns the new list that is stored in place.

Macro: pop

(pop place) -> element

Since: 1.1

pop reads the value of place, remembers the car of the list which was retrieved, writes the cdr of the list back into the place, and finally yields the car of the originally retrieved list.

Function: abs

(abs number) -> result

Since: 1.1

Return the absoute value of a number.

Function: min

(min number+) -> result

Since: 1.4

Return the smallest number of the given arguments.

Function: max

(max number+) -> result

Since: 1.4

Return the largest number of the given arguments.

Function: zerop

(zerop number) -> boolean

Since: 1.1

Is this number zero?

Function: evenp

(evenp number) -> boolean

Since: 1.1

Is this number even?

Function: oddp

(oddp number) -> boolean

Since: 1.1

Is this number odd?

Function: char=

(char= characters+) -> boolean

Since: 1.1

Return t if all of the arguments are the same character.

Function: char

(char str n) -> nth-character

Since: 1.1

Return the n-th character of the string str, n is 0-based.

Function: bit

(bit bv n) -> nth bit

Since: 1.3

Return the n-th bit of the bitvector bv, n is 0-based.

Function: parse

(parse result-type str [eof-obj [start [end]]]) -> result

Since: 1.4

Reads the token in str starting at start (which defaults to 0), parse-error if the token is not of type result-type.

Function: parse-integer

(parse-integer str [start [end]]) -> result

Since: 1.4

Reads the token in str starting at start (which defaults to 0), parse-error if the token is not of type integer.

Function: scan

(scan start [step [endincl]])                 -> generator-function that returns subsequent numbers starting from `start` incrementing by `step` (default: 1)
(scan seq-or-gen [start-idx [stop-idx-excl]]) -> generator-function that returns subsequent elements of the given sequence (list or vector) or generator
(scan hash-table)                             -> generator-function that returns subsequent (key . value) pairs of the given hash-table

Since: 1.3

scan creates a generator function that on subsequent calls produces subsequent values.

start-idx and stop-idx-excl if given must be integer numbers >= 0, both are 0-based.

A generator function takes no arguments and on subsequent applications returns (values <next-value> t) or (values <undefined-value> nil) to indicate "all values are exhausted".

Function: scan-multiple

(scan-multiple generator+) -> generator

Since: 1.3

scan-multiple combines several generators into a single generator function that returns a list with subsequent values of all generators, and whose secondary value is nil if any generator returns nil as their secondary value. Once the first generator indicates "at end" for the first time no more generators will be called.

Function: scan-concat

(scan-concat generator+) -> generator

Since: 1.3

scan-concat combines several generators into a single generator function that acts as if the given generators were concatenated.

A single generator would be returned unchanged.

Macro: dogenerator

(dogenerator (var generator-form result-form*) statement*) -> result

Since: 1.3

dogenerator creates a generator by eval'ing generator-form and iterates over the values yielded by subsequent generator applications.

Function: elt

(elt sequence n) -> nth-element

Since: 1.3

Similar to CL elt, Murmel's elt handles dotted lists, though.

Function: copy-seq

(copy-seq sequence) -> copied-sequence

Since: 1.3

Creates a copy of sequence. The elements of the new sequence are the same as the corresponding elements of the given sequence.

If sequence is a vector, the result is a fresh simple vector that has the same actual array element type as sequence. If sequence is a list, the result is a fresh list.

Function: length

(length sequence) -> length

Since: 1.1

Returns the length of sequence.

Function: reverse

(reverse sequence) -> reversed-sequence

Since: 1.1

If sequence is a list then return a fresh list with elements in reversed order, if sequence is a vector then return a fresh reversed vector.

Function: nreverse

(nreverse sequence) -> reversed-sequence

Since: 1.3

Similar to reverse nreverse returns a sequence with elements in reversed order. nreverse however may or may not reuse/ destroy the input sequence.

Function: remove-if

(remove-if pred sequence) -> sequence

Since: 1.1

Return a fresh sequence without the elements for which pred evaluates to non-nil.

Function: remove

(remove elem sequence) -> sequence

Since: 1.1

Return a fresh sequence without occurrences of elem. An occurrence is determined by eql.

Function: concatenate

(concatenate result-type sequences*) -> result-sequence

Since 1.4.7

concatenate returns a sequence that contains all the individual elements of all the sequences in the order that they are supplied. The sequence is of type result-type, which must be a subtype of type sequence.

All of the sequences are copied from; the result does not share any structure with any of the sequences.

Function: map

(map result-type function sequences+) -> result

Since 1.3

Applies function to successive sets of arguments in which one argument is obtained from each sequence. The function is called first on all the elements with index 0, then on all those with index 1, and so on. The result-type specifies the type of the resulting sequence.

map returns nil if result-type is nil. Otherwise, map returns a sequence such that element j is the result of applying function to element j of each of the sequences. The result sequence is as long as the shortest of the sequences.

Similar to CL map.

Function: map-into

(map-into result-sequence function sequence*) -> result-sequence

Since: 1.2

Destructively modifies result-sequence to contain the results of applying function to each element in the argument sequences in turn. The iteration terminates when the shortest sequence (of any of the sequences or the result-sequence) is exhausted.

If result-sequence is nil, map-into returns nil.

Similar to CL map-into.

Function: reduce

(reduce func sequence [from-end-p]) -> result

Since: 1.1

If sequence is empty then reduce will return (func).

Otherwise if sequence contains one element then reduce will return this element.

Otherwise if from-end-p is omitted or nil then func will be called with the first two elements of the sequence and subsequently with the previous result and the next element, and reduce will return the last result from func.

Otherwise if from-end-p is given and non-nil then func will be called with the last two elements of the sequence and subsequently with the previous result and the previous element, and reduce will return the last result from func.

Function: gethash

(gethash key hash [default]) -> object, was-present-p

Since: 1.4

Function: remhash

(remhash key hash) -> was-present-p

Since: 1.4

Function: maphash

(maphash function hash) -> nil

Since: 1.4

Similar to CL's maphash but modifying the hash-table from within function is not supported.

Function: identity

(identity object) -> object

Since: 1.1

identity returns its argument object.

Function: constantly

(constantly value) -> function

Since: 1.1

constantly returns a function that accepts any number of arguments, that has no side-effects, and that always returns value.

Function: complement

(complement function) -> complement-function

Since: 1.1

complement returns a function that takes the same arguments as function, and has the same side-effect behavior as function, but returns only a single value: a boolean with the opposite truth value of that which would be returned as the value of function.

Function: every

(every function sequence+) -> boolean

Since: 1.1

function must accept as many arguments as sequences are given, and will be applied to subsequent items of the given sequences.

Immediately return nil if an application of function returns nil, t otherwise.

Function: some

(some function sequence+) -> result

Since: 1.1

function must accept as many arguments as sequences are given, and will be applied to subsequent items of the given sequences.

Immediately return the first non-nil-value of an application of function, or nil if no applications yield non-nil.

Function: notevery

(notevery function sequence+) -> boolean

Since: 1.1

function must accept as many arguments as sequences are given, and will be applied to subsequent items of the given sequences.

(notevery predicate sequence+) == (not (every predicate sequence+))

Function: notany

(notany function sequence+) -> boolean

Since: 1.1

function must accept as many arguments as sequences are given, and will be applied to subsequent items of the given sequences.

(notany predicate sequence+) == (not (some predicate sequence+))

Function: write-char

(write-char c [dest]) -> c

Since: 1.1

write-char outputs c to stdout.

Function: terpri, prin1, princ, print

(terpri [dest]) -> nil
(prin1 obj [dest]) -> obj
(princ obj [dest]) -> obj
(print obj [dest]) -> obj

Since: 1.1

Macro: with-output-to-string

(with-output-to-string (var) forms*) -> string

Since: 1.4.2

Similar to CL's with-output-to-string except: CL's optional string-form and element-type are not supported, therefore the return value of with-output-to-string always is the string.

Function: pprint

(pprint object [dest]) -> t

Since: 1.1

Simple pretty printer, based on .

Macro: time

(time form) -> result

Since: 1.1

time evaluates form and prints various timing data.

Function: circular-list

(circular-list elems*) -> circular-list

Since: 1.2

Creates a circular list of elements.

Function: compose

(compose func1 funcs*) -> function

Since: 1.2

Returns a function that composes the given functions, applying the last function first and the first function last. The compose function allows the last function to consume any number of values, internal value passing is a single value.

The input arity of the last function is unrestricted, and it becomes the corresponding arity of the resulting composition.

When exactly one function is given, it is returned.

Function: multiple-value-compose

(multiple-value-compose func1 funcs*) -> function

Since: 1.2

Returns a function that composes the given functions, applying the last function first and the first function last. The compose function allows the last function to consume any number of values, internal value passing is all return values of the previous function.

The input arity of the last function is unrestricted, and it becomes the corresponding arity of the resulting composition.

When exactly one function is given, it is returned.

Function: conjoin

(conjoin predicate more-predicates*) -> function

Since: 1.2

Returns a function that applies each of predicate and more-predicates functions in turn to its arguments, returning nil if any of the predicates returns false, without calling the remaining predicates. If none of the predicates returns false, returns the value of the last predicate.

Function: disjoin

(disjoin predicate more-predicates*) -> function

Since: 1.2

Returns a function that applies each of predicate and more-predicates functions in turn to its arguments, returning the value of the first predicate that returns true, without calling the remaining predicates. If none of the predicates returns true, nil is returned.

Function: curry

(curry func args*) -> function

Since: 1.2

Returns a function that applies args and the arguments it is called with to func.

Function: rcurry

(rcurry func args*) -> function

Since: 1.2

Returns a function that applies the arguments it is called with and args to func.

Macro: with-gensyms

(with-gensyms (names*) forms*) -> result

Since: 1.1

with-gensyms is a macro commonly used by Common Lispers to help with avoiding name capture when writing macros. See "Practical Common Lisp, Peter Seibel" (

Macro: ->

(-> forms*) -> result

Since: 1.1

thread-first, inspired by

Inserts first form as the first argument of the second form, and so forth.

Usage is illustrated by:

(macroexpand-1 '(-> 1 f g h))
  ; ==> (h (g (f 1)))
(macroexpand-1 '(-> 1 (f farg) (g garg) (h harg)))
  ; ==> (h (g (f 1 farg) garg) harg)

Macro: ->>

(->> forms*) -> result

Since: 1.1


Same as -> but inserts first form as last argument of the second form, and so forth.

Usage is illustrated by:

(macroexpand-1 '(->> 1 f g h))
  ; ==> (h (g (f 1)))
(macroexpand-1 '(->> 1 (f farg) (g garg) (h harg)))
  ; ==> (h harg (g garg (f farg 1)))

Macro: and->

(and-> forms*) -> result

Since: 1.1

Short-circuiting thread-first

Same as -> but if one function returns nil then the remaining functions are not called and the overall result is nil.

Macro: and->>

(and->> forms*) -> result

Since: 1.1

Short circuiting thread-last

Same as ->> but if one function returns nil then the remaining functions are not called and the overall result is nil.

Function: string-trim

(string-trim str) -> result

Since: 1.4

Return a fresh immutable simple-string with leading and/ or trailing whitespace removed.

Example usage:

(string-trim "  asdf   ") ; ==> "asdf"

Function: string-subseq

(string-subseq str start [end-excl]) -> result

Since: 1.4.2

Return a fresh immutable simple-string whose value is the substring [start end-excl[.

Function: string-replace

(string-replace str srch replacement) -> result

Since: 1.4

Within str replace each occurrence of srch by replacement. Special character sequences such as \t and \n are NOT recognized and don't get special treatment.

Example usage:

(string-replace "aaa aaa aaa" "aa" "b") ; ==> "ba ba ba"

Function: string-split

(string-split str regex) -> vector

Since: 1.4

Split str into a vector of simple strings. Within regex special character sequences such as \t and \n are recognized.

Example usage:

(string-split "a b     c
d" "[ \\t\\n]")
; ==> #("a" "b" "c" "d")

Function: string-join

(string-join delim first-str . more-strings) -> string

Since: 1.4

Macro: with-accumulator

(with-accumulator accumulator-name accumulator start-value-form
  forms*) -> result

Since: 1.2

Within forms, bind the symbol given by accumulator-name to an accumulator-function of one argument that "accumulates" the arguments of all invocations. This accumulator-function will be constructed from the two-argument-function accumulator which will be invoked with two arguments: "accumulated value so far" and "argument to accumulator-name". "accumulated-value so far" will be initialized from start-value-form.

Sample usage:

(defun factorial (n)
  (with-accumulator mult * 1
    (dotimes (i n)
      (mult (1+ i)))))

(factorial 50) ; ==> 3.0414093201713376E64

Macro: summing

(summing forms*) -> result-sum

Since: 1.2

Within forms, bind sum to a function of one argument that sums the arguments of all invocations.

Sample usage:

(summing (dotimes (i 10) (sum i))) ; ==> 45.0

Macro: reverse-collecting

(reverse-collecting forms*) -> result-list

Since: 1.2

Within forms, bind collect to a function of one argument that accumulates all the arguments it has been called with in reverse order.

Sample usage:

(reverse-collecting (dotimes (i 10) (collect i)))
; ==> (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)

Macro: collecting

(collecting forms*) -> result-list

Since: 1.2

Within forms, bind collect to a function of one argument that accumulates all the arguments it has been called with in order.

Sample usage:

(collecting (dotimes (i 10) (collect i)))
; ==> (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

Function: plist-keys

(plist-keys plist) -> result-list

Since: 1.2

Return the keys of a plist.

Sample usage:

(plist-keys '(a 1 b 2 c 3)) ; ==> (a b c)

Function: plist-values

(plist-values plist) -> result-list

Since: 1.2

Return the values of a plist.

Sample usage:

(plist-values '(a 1 b 2 c 3)) ; ==> (1 2 3)

Function: format

(format destination control-string args*) -> result

Since: 1.5

A simplified subset of Common Lisp's function format.

Note that this simplified format does not use or set CL's printer variables such as *print-base*, *print-circle*, ... .

Only the format characters C, %, &, |, ~, *, B ,D, O, R, X, E, F, G, A, S, W and Tilde-Newline are supported.

C supports the modifier @ for printing #-style escaping.

B, D, O, R, X support mincol, padchar, commachar and comma-interval, the modifier @ for always printing the sign and the modifier : for grouping digits.

R does not support printing english numbers (giving the base, @ or :@ is required).

E, F, G: CL's full format is ~w,d,k,overflowchar,padcharF, this subset only supports ~w,dF and the modifier @ for always printing the sign.

A and S support ~mincol,colinc,minpad,padcharA for padding, :, and the modifier @ for left-padding.

Macro: formatter

(formatter control-string) -> function

Since: 1.5

Returns a function with the argument list (destination . args) that writes to destination and returns unused args as a list.

Sample usage:

(let ((dest (make-array 0 'character t)))
  (values ((formatter "~&~A~A") dest 'a 'b 'c)

-> (c)
-> "

Function: error

(error [condition-type] control-string args*) -> |

Since: 1.5

A simplified subset of Common Lisp's function error.