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205 lines (163 loc) · 6.57 KB

File metadata and controls

205 lines (163 loc) · 6.57 KB

Operations manual



docker exec -i lipas_postgres_1 pg_dump -U lipas -Fc lipas > $(date --iso-8601).$(hostname).db.backup


docker exec -i lipas_postgres_1 pg_restore -U lipas -d lipas < 2024-06-17.lipas-prod2.db.backup > restore.log

Updating OSM data

OSM data is used by OSRM to calculate distances and travel times by walking, car or bicycle. This is used in analysis tools (diversity, reachability).

The data is updated yearly.

Operation takes ~30 minutes to execute in production.

See osrm/

MML Population Grid Processing / Data Update

Population grids are updated once every 1-2 years. This affects analysis tools (reachability, diversity).

Common Initial Steps

  • Data from MML
    • 1km grid is open data available via Tilastokeskus Geoserver
    • 250m grid is paid data, purchased from MML
      • They'll provide an ESRI shapefile via a download link
  • Load data in QGIS
  • Calculate centroids (polygon -> point)
  • Export as CSV, geometry in WKT, properties as plain strings, CRS WGS84 (important) !!!

1km Population Grid

  • Run lipas.backend.analysis.common/seed-population-1km-grid-from-csv!
  • Copy using elasticdump to a new index in production
    • Open tunnel lipas-prod-tunnel-elastic
export TMP_INDEX_NAME=population-1km-xxxx-xx-xxtxx-xx-xx-xxxxxx
elasticdump --input=http://elasticsearch:9200/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --output=http://localhost:9209/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --type=mapping
elasticdump --input=http://elasticsearch:9200/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --output=http://localhost:9209/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --type=data --limit 1000

# Remove existing indices from the alias
curl -X POST "localhost:9209/_aliases?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "actions": [
        "remove": {
          "index": "*",
          "alias": "vaestoruutu_1km"

# Create alias to point to the new index
curl -X POST "localhost:9209/_aliases?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "actions": [
        "add": {
          "index": "'$TMP_INDEX_NAME'",
          "alias": "vaestoruutu_1km"

250m Population Grid

  • Run lipas.backend.analysis.common/seed-population-250m-grid-from-csv!
  • Copy using elasticdump to a new index in production
  • Open tunnel lipas-prod-tunnel-elastic
export TMP_INDEX_NAME=population-1km-xxxx-xx-xxtxx-xx-xx-xxxxxx
elasticdump --input=http://elasticsearch:9200/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --output=http://localhost:9209/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --type=mapping
elasticdump --input=http://elasticsearch:9200/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --output=http://localhost:9209/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --type=data --limit 1000

# Remove existing indices from the alias
curl -X POST "localhost:9209/_aliases?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "actions": [
      "remove": {
        "index": "*",
        "alias": "vaestoruutu_250m"

# Create alias to point to the new index
curl -X POST "localhost:9209/_aliases?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "actions": [
      "add": {
        "index": "'$TMP_INDEX_NAME'",
        "alias": "vaestoruutu_250m"

Diversity (pre-calculated diversity grid)

Diversity grid is calculated from the 250m population grid by amending each grid item with distances and travel times to each sports facility within 2km radius. OSRM is used for calculating the distances and travel times.

NOTE: Calculation takes about 8 hours

  • Run lipas.backend.analysis.diversity/seed-new-grid-from-csv!
    • use 250m population grid as the input
      • sports facilities are queried from Elasticsearch, so make sure it contains up-to-date data from production
    • Takes about 8 HOURS
  • Copy the reuslts using elasticdump to a new index in production
    • Open tunnel lipas-prod-tunnel-elastic
export TMP_INDEX_NAME=diversity-xxxx-xx-xxtxx-xx-xx-xxxxxx
elasticdump --input=http://elasticsearch:9200/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --output=http://localhost:9209/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --type=mapping
elasticdump --input=http://elasticsearch:9200/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --output=http://localhost:9209/$TMP_INDEX_NAME --type=data --limit 1000

Transfer takes a few minutes, depending mostly on VPN bandwidth

  • Point 'diversity' alias to the new index
# Remove existing indices from the alias
curl -X POST "localhost:9209/_aliases?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "actions": [
        "remove": {
          "index": "*",
          "alias": "diversity"

# Create alias to point to the new index
curl -X POST "localhost:9209/_aliases?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "actions": [
        "add": {
          "index": "'$TMP_INDEX_NAME'",
          "alias": "diversity"


OKM and AVI are the two main sports facility related subsidy issuers in Finland. The data from both sources is combined manually to an Excel-file by the Lipas-team.

The data is updated yearly to Lipas. The updated data contains subsidies considering the current year.

The data is stored to the db and indexed from db to elasticsearch.

  • Acquire the Excel file from the team
  • Save Excel as CSV
    • The CSV should contain only "new data" (no historical data)
  • Upload the csv to prod server
  • Run lipas.maintenance/add-subsidies-from-csv! from the REPL
  • Enable current year in the stats -> subsidies UI
    • lipas.ui.stats.subsidies.views (year selector valid range)
    • lipas.ui.stats.subsidies.db (selected year default value)

City finance data

We have traditionally collected and distributed information on the finances of municipalities' sports and youth activities. The data source changed in 2021, and the format also changed slightly. Therefore, the information before and after 2021 is not entirely comparable.

The Lipas team receives data in Excel format from the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities. The data is updated annually. Typically, information for the previous year is obtained only in the following year; for example, data for the year 2022 is usually received by the end of 2023.

The data is stored to the db and indexed from db to elasticsearch.

  • Acquire the Excel file from the team
  • Save Excel as CSV
    • The CSV should contain only "new data" (no historical data)
  • Upload the csv to prod server
  • Run lipas.maintenance/add-city-finance-stats-from-csv! from the REPL
  • Enable current year in the stats -> city finance UI
    • (year selector valid range)
    • (selected year default value)