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See Documentation for examples and API


// js
const [value, setValue, unsetValue] = useSomeStore(keyInStorage, defaultValue);
// ts
const [value, setValue, unsetValue]: [Type, (value: Type) => any, () => any] = useSomeStore<Type>(keyInStorage: string, defaultValue: Type);
  • value works equal with useStore
  • setValue(newValue) works equal with useStore, set newValue in selected store in keyInStorage
  • unsetValue() delete keyInStorage from store
  • keyInStorage key used in storage
  • defaultValue used as default value data when store keyInStorage is empty


To use any hook, be sure to use the appropriate provider higher in the react tree.

import { QueryStoreProvider, useQueryStore } from '@deep-foundation/store/query';
import { CookiesStoreProvider, useCookiesStore } from '@deep-foundation/store/cookies';
import { LocalStoreProvider, useLocalStore } from '@deep-foundation/store/local';
import { CapacitorStoreProvider, useCapacitorStore } from '@deep-foundation/store/capacitor';
        fetchInterval={5000} {/* optional, disabled by default, need to support catching not @deep-foundation/store based capacitor store changes. */}
const [query, setQuery] = useQueryStore('demo', 5);
// ?demo=5
const [cookie, setCookie] = useCookiesStore('demo', 5);
// cookies demo=5
const [local, setLocal] = useLocalStore('demo', 5);
// localStorage.getItem('demo') // 5
const [capacitor, setCapacitor] = useCapacitorStore('demo', 5);
// await Preferences.get('demo') // { value: 5 }


  • useStore
    • web
    • android
    • ios
    • electron
  • useCookiesStore
    • web
    • android
    • ios
    • electron
  • useQueryStore
    • web
    • android
    • ios
    • electron
  • useLocalStore
    • web
    • android
    • ios
    • electron
  • useCapacitorStore
    • web
    • android
    • ios
    • electron


prepare stores

// stores.tsx
export function useToken() {
  return useCookiesStore('my-token-key', null);
// component.tsx
const [token, setToken] = useToken();

provide contextual stores

// stores.tsx
import { IUseStore } from '@deep-foundation/store/store';
export const OptionsContext = React.createContext<IUseStore | void>();
export function OptionsProvider({ key, children }: { key: string; children: any }) {
  const useStore = React.useMemo(() => {
    return function useOptions(defualtValue) {
      return useQueryStore(key, defualtValue);
  }, []);
  return <OptionsContext.Provider value={useStore}>{children}</OptionsContext.Provider>
export function useOptions(defualtValue) {
  return React.useContext(OptionsContext)(defualtValue);
// component1.tsx
<OptionsProvider key={'abc'}><Component2/></OptionsProvider>
// component2.tsx
const [options, setOptions] = useOptions({ x: 'y' });