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Releases: lihaoyun6/QuickRecorder


02 May 14:00
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QuickRecorder v1.1.4 更新日志:

  • 在视频设置中添加了 像素格式色彩空间 选项
  • 将默认的色彩空间设为 sRGB 以修复录像褪色的问题
  • 添加了 Sparkle 框架以提供程序自我更新能力

QuickRecorder v1.1.4 Update:

  • Added Pixel Format and Color Space options in video settings
  • Set the default color space to sRGB to fix the video fading problem
  • Added Sparkle framework to handle App updates

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01 May 17:06
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QuickRecorder v1.1.3 更新日志:

  • 增加了录制 iPhone / iPad 屏幕的能力

QuickRecorder v1.1.3 Update:

  • Added ability to record iPhone/iPad screen

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30 Apr 13:40
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QuickRecorder v1.1.2 更新日志:

  • 修复了在多窗口录制模式下, 相机叠层无法被录制到的bug

QuickRecorder v1.1.2 Update:

  • Fixed an issue where camera overlays could not be recorded in multi-window recording mode


QuickRecorder v1.1.1 更新日志:

  • 添加了 演讲者前置延迟 设置项, 如遇到启用 大型视图 导致录屏失败的情况, 可尝试增大此值
  • 添加了通用摄像头叠加功能, 可在不支持 演讲者前置 的系统上使用
  • 添加了视频修剪器, 可以在结束录制后对录屏文件进行修剪
  • 改进了摄像头选择器, 现在可以在录屏过程中随时通过菜单栏图标来开启/关闭或切换摄像头
  • 修复了首次启动时录制全屏画面时壁纸丢失的问题

QuickRecorder v1.1.1 Update:

  • Added the Speaker Predelay setting item. If using Large view causes file corruption, try increasing this value.
  • Added camera overlay function, which can be used on systems that do not support Presenter Overlay
  • Added Video Trimmer, which can trim the screen recording file after ending the recording
  • Improved camera selector, you can now turn on/off or switch cameras through the menu bar icon at any time during the recording
  • Fixed an issue where wallpapers were lost when recording full-screen on first startup

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30 Apr 07:34
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QuickRecorder v1.1.1 更新日志:

  • 添加了 演讲者前置延迟 设置项, 如遇到启用 大型视图 导致录屏失败的情况, 可尝试增大此值
  • 添加了通用摄像头叠加功能, 可在不支持 演讲者前置 的系统上使用
  • 添加了视频修剪器, 可以在结束录制后对录屏文件进行修剪
  • 改进了摄像头选择器, 现在可以在录屏过程中随时通过菜单栏图标来开启/关闭或切换摄像头
  • 修复了首次启动时录制全屏画面时壁纸丢失的问题

QuickRecorder v1.1.1 Update:

  • Added the Speaker Predelay setting item. If using Large view causes file corruption, try increasing this value.
  • Added camera overlay function, which can be used on systems that do not support Presenter Overlay
  • Added Video Trimmer, which can trim the screen recording file after ending the recording
  • Improved camera selector, you can now turn on/off or switch cameras through the menu bar icon at any time during the recording
  • Fixed an issue where wallpapers were lost when recording full-screen on first startup

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28 Apr 07:57
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QuickRecorder v1.1.0 更新日志:

  • 改进了 App 排除列表 的设置方式, 允许用户手动选择需要屏蔽的 App
  • 添加了对 macOS 14.2 及更新版本中 演讲者前置 特性的支持, 允许用户在录制屏幕画面的同时叠加摄像头画面
    在视频会议期间使用演讲者前置 - Apple

QuickRecorder v1.1.0 Update:

  • Improved the setting method of App Exclusion List, allowing users to manually select apps that need to be blocked
  • Added support for the Presenter Overlay feature in macOS 14.2 and above, allowing users to overlay the camera image while recording the screen image
    Use Presenter Overlay during video conferencing - Apple

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27 Apr 04:38
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QuickRecorder v1.0.8 更新日志:

  • 允许 macOS 12 用户自定义录制帧率
  • 修改了"帧截图"的文件名格式

QuickRecorder v1.0.8 Update:

  • Allow macOS 12 users to customize the recording frame rate
  • Modified the file name format of "Frameshot"

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26 Apr 12:25
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QuickRecorder v1.0.7 更新日志:

  • 系统要求降低至 macOS 12.3
  • 添加了快捷键支持
  • 添加了"屏幕放大器"功能
  • 添加了"保存当前帧截图"功能
  • 修复了某些界面中的布局错位问题
  • 开机自启动时默认不会弹出主面板

QuickRecorder v1.0.7 Update:

  • System requirements are now as low as macOS 12.3
  • Added shortcut key support
  • Added "Screen Magnifier" function
  • Added "Save current frame" function
  • Fixed layout misalignment issues in some window
  • Main panel will not pop up after launching at login

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24 Apr 10:09
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QuickRecorder v1.0.6 更新日志:

  • 修复了录制屏幕区域的时候"录制菜单栏画面"选项不生效的bug

QuickRecorder v1.0.6 Update:

  • Fixed the bug where the "Include Menubar" option does not take effect when recording a screen area

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24 Apr 05:49
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QuickRecorder v1.0.5 更新日志:

  • 添加了 "App 排除列表" 功能, 可以在全屏录制或区域录制的时候忽略某些 App
  • 改进了偏好设置面板的布局

QuickRecorder v1.0.5 Update:

  • Added "Excluded Apps" option, which can ignore some apps during full-screen recording or area recording
  • Improved layout of preference panel

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24 Apr 03:16
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QuickRecorder v1.0.4 更新日志:

  • 修复了在 macOS 13 系统中闪退的问题
  • 修复了在暂停录制时视频时长依然在不断增加的问题
  • 改进过滤器逻辑, 允许同时启用"隐藏自身"和"鼠标高亮"
  • 在 macOS 14.2 或更高版本的系统中可以选择是否录制菜单栏
  • 其他代码优化和兼容性改进

QuickRecorder v1.0.4 Update:

  • Fixed: app crash in macOS 13.x
  • Fixed: Video duration keeps increasing even when recording is paused
  • Improved the content filter, allowing "hide self" and "mouse highlight" to be enabled at the same time
  • In macOS 14.2 or higher, you can choose whether to record the "Menu Bar"
  • Other code optimizations and compatibility improvements

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