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325 lines (219 loc) · 8.54 KB

File metadata and controls

325 lines (219 loc) · 8.54 KB


  • add argument -ROVP --remove_old_voice_packs (default '0')
  • add argument -CBA --call_bot_actions (default '1')
  • extend argument -E (The former E = 2 is now E = 3. The "new E = 2" calls a single dart by its field-name / category "SINGLE-DART-NAME")
  • rename sound-file-keys of category "SINGLE-DART-EFFECT": add prefix "effects_" to every sound-file-key. Examples: 't20' is now 'effect_t20', 'single' is now 'effect_single' (You need to rename your files accordingly)
  • rename sound-file-key 'sbull' to 'effect_bull' (You need to rename your file accordingly)
  • rename sound-file-key 'bull' to 'effect_bullseye' (You need to rename your file accordingly)
  • add sound-file-key 'ambient_matchcancel'
  • fix bug where checkout-counter wasn't reset properly
  • update all existing amazon/aws voice-packs (containing sounds for "E = 2")
  • rearrange preference-buttons on web-caller
  • adjust README to changes


  • rename application to darts-caller
  • fix gender selection when selected language is not 'every language'


  • simplify README (argument section)
  • remove argument -DLL (it is now covered by -DL)
  • remove argument -PCCSF (from now it will automatically fallback to "single-files" when sound-file-key 'you_require' is not available)
  • add sound-file-keys for particular checkout-numbers: 'c_2-c_170'
  • add sound-file-keys for particular bogey-numbers: 'ambient_bogey_number_{bogey_number}'


  • change sound-file-key 'lobby_ambient_in' to 'ambient_lobby_in'
  • change sound-file-key 'lobby_ambient_out' to 'ambient_lobby_out'
  • remove argument -BLP
  • add caller fav mechanismn
  • fix bug for option -C
  • reposition inputs on web-caller (for better practical use)


  • improve change-caller speed
  • fix bug for change-caller
  • improve "magic-next-button" for bulling


  • fix sound-file-keys sbull, bull


  • fix bug on caller-setup
  • add argument -ETS (call_every_dart_total_score)


  • add direct voice-pack selection to web-caller
  • add "magic next button" to web-caller
  • add option -E to web-caller
  • add option -CCP to web-caller
  • add option -PCC to web-caller
  • add option -PCCYO to web-caller
  • add voice-pack 'en-GB-Amy-Female'
  • add voice-pack 'en-GB-Arthur-Male'
  • add voice-pack 'es-ES-Lucia-Female'
  • add voice-pack 'es-ES-Sergio-Male'
  • add voice-pack 'fr-FR-Remi-Male'
  • add voice-pack 'fr-FR-Lea-Female'
  • update all existing amazon/aws voice-packs
  • remove all google-cloud-tts voice-packs (-wavenet-)
  • remove web-scoreboard
  • remove arguments -WEB, -WEBSB, -WEBP, -L, -CCPA, -ESF
  • rework argument -E (call_every_dart)
  • rework argument -R (random_caller)
  • rework argument -CCP (call_current_player)
  • add argument -LPB (local_playback) => playbacks audio locally / default: yes
  • support argument -C (caller) without specification of voice-pack-version
  • add sound-file-key 'ambient_playerchange_{playername}
  • support blacklisting without specific voice-pack-version
  • rework websockets (fix browser incompatibilities and improve ios device support)
  • process token-refresh response correctly
  • rework README


  • improve RTW
  • treat connection loss for kc
  • add board-functions to web-caller


  • add voice-/video-calls to match-chat
  • add support RTW (Round the world)
  • rework lobby sounds


  • improve chat UX
  • add chat settings (DC-id/username)
  • add chat link functionality
  • update all amazon/aws voice-packs


  • add image-transfer to match-chat
  • fix bugs match-chat


  • fix connection-bug on match-chat


  • add realtime p2p-match-chat to web-caller


  • add language and gender selection to web-caller
  • add voice-pack 'en-US-Justin-Male'


  • add voice-pack 'nl-NL-Laura-Female'
  • add voice-pack 'de-AT-Hannah-Female'


  • update voice-pack 'de-DE-Daniel-Male'
  • update voice-pack 'en-US-Joey-Male'
  • update voice-pack 'en-US-Joanna-Female'
  • update voice-pack 'en-US-Matthew-Male'
  • update voice-pack 'en-US-Danielle-Female'


  • fix call-repetitions


  • add bull-off-calling


  • add lobby-event broadcasts
  • improve custom-event`s data structure
  • update voice-pack 'de-DE-Vicki-Female'
  • update voice-pack 'en-US-Gregory-Male'


  • fix blacklist-file-creation
  • update voice-pack 'en-US-Kendra-Female'


  • fix web-host


  • fix web-caller queue


  • rework path-validation
  • add voice-pack 'en-US-Kevin-Male'
  • add voice-pack 'en-US-Salli-Female'
  • fix reconnect-loop for chrome android
  • fix left lobby-sounds


  • add "say-something" to web-caller
  • add volume-mod to web-caller
  • add randomizer-mod to web-caller
  • add voice-pack 'en-US-Ruth-Female'


  • improved web-callers`s sync-performance by factor 3 to 5
  • fix coords for field 14


  • improve sound-mods: prevent extreme differences in associated sounds
  • correct every sound-event for mod-ability
  • add sound-file-key for bogey numbers (ambient_bogey_number)


  • prevent app from start twice
  • add sound-mods to web-caller: choose ranges for random playback-rate and detune
  • fix error that crashes web-calling
  • remove ban/change for web-caller if not available
  • add voice-packs 'en-US-Danielle-Female' and 'en-US-Kimberly-Female'


  • hotfix: disables: prevent app from start twice


  • improve web-caller (load all files on start + "change/ban-caller"-function)
  • add voice-pack 'en-US-Matthew-Male'
  • preview banned voice-packs
  • add fallback for unreachable audio device
  • prevent app from start twice


  • hotfix: fix typo


  • hotfix: fix occasional call-stops after one match
  • change file-hoster for more stable downloads
  • add option for downloads: only download specific voice-pack by its name
  • add ambient_gameshot_{playername}, ambient_matchshot_{playername} and more
  • add voice-pack 'en-US-Gregory-Male'


  • hotfix: receive_local_board_address


  • extend lobby-calling (lobbychanged -> lobby_ambient_in)
  • improve web-caller (using indexeddb for caching to continously prevent delays)
  • change file-hoster for more stable downloads (dropbox)
  • update voice-packs (new lobby-sounds, 2000+ new playernames)
  • add path argument for blacklist-file
  • fix token-requests
  • fix empty-SHARED_MEDIA_PATH error


  • add BACKLOG
  • fix possible invalid path configuration for linux/macos
  • reintroduce "lobbychanged" sound-file-key
  • introduce support for game-variant "ATC" (Around-the-clock); thanks to @takki2602
  • improve -M / -DL description
  • CALL_CURRENT_PLAYER_ALWAYS only with more than one player


  • prevent from double calling
  • only one webhook with all information (to prevent race condition on receiving app): leg_end, turn, throw_number, throw_value, points_left, variant, user
  • let the user configure caller-volume
  • sounds for every throw (single, double, tripple, missed)
  • add start argument for surpressing checkout calls
  • add sites for free sound-file downloads
  • cricket: Change call behaviour to default
  • improved possible checkout call for bogey numbers
  • yr_2-yr_170.{wav | mp3} different sounds-files for possible checkout calls
  • fix sound-play repetition
  • improved error logging
  • dont care about last slash in webhook
  • fix webhook for apps that need info of every throw
  • offer multiple WTT`s
  • add [playername] to gameshot like in [playername] you require
  • add configurable pygame.mixer
  • add possibility to have more sound-files for one event (random if multiple found)
  • add ambient-sounds for gameon, gamewon, noscore etc.
  • call every field possible
  • added matchshot
  • use WS
  • -E 25 will be called as 25 (that is wrong)
  • improve console logs
  • add debug by argument
  • add caller-profile-downloader
  • add media_path_shared
  • fix sending to websocket take too long / waiting for sound-playing (rework process_*)
  • optional activation of third dart (-E)
  • add "ambient1More"
  • add Readme-section for updating
  • background-audio-muting for windows-os
  • keys for dart-number-combinations ie ambient_t1d1s1 -> sound
  • add linux start-script
  • start board on app-start if board-address is available!
  • dl limit remove 1000 cap
  • consider x.leg/set -> Gameshot / !x_leg! / player
  • add ambient_group_level
  • prohibit -M and -MS in main-directory; prohibit -MS in -M
  • add web-caller
  • configure custom web-caller-port
  • added caller language and gender filter
  • fixed random-caller and random-caller-each-leg
  • adds PCCYO
  • rework PCC
  • add support for game control
  • add support for gc: dart-correction (multiple)
  • add ban/change caller