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Validate Permissions and Roles

Kodeine edited this page Mar 7, 2015 · 9 revisions

Validate Permissions and Roles.

Validate Roles

Roles can be validated by calling is method.

Validate based on User.

Method is() supports comma for AND and pipe as OR operator. Or you can pass operator as a second param.

$user = User::first();
$user->isAdministrator();	// using method

// using pipe as OR operator
// any one role allowed will result to true.

// using comma as AND operator
// all roles defined must be allowed to result true.

// or pass second param as operator
$user->is(array('administrator', 'moderator'), 'or');

Validate Permissions

Permissions can be validated by calling can method.

Validate based on Role.

Method can() supports comma for AND and pipe as OR operator. Or you can pass operator as a second param.

$admin = Role::first();	// administrator
$admin->canViewUser();	// using method.

// by an array
$admin->can(array('view.user', 'edit.user'));

// by an array with or operator
$admin->can(array('view.user', 'edit.user'), 'or');

// using pipe as OR operator
// any allowed permission will result to true.

// using comma as AND operator
// all permissions defined must be allowed to result true.

Validate based on User

$user = User::first();
$user->canDeleteUser();	// using method