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- "source": "pragma solidity ^0.4.24;\n\n/**\n * @title PolicyRegistry\n * @author Enrique Piqueras - \n * @dev A contract to maintain a policy for each subcourt.\n */\ncontract PolicyRegistry {\n /* Structs */\n\n struct Policy {\n string fileURI;\n bytes32 fileHash;\n }\n\n /* Events */\n\n /** @dev Emitted when a policy is updated.\n * @param _subcourtID The ID of the policy's subcourt.\n * @param _fileURI The URI to the file containing the policy text.\n * @param _fileHash The hash of the file's contents.\n */\n event PolicyUpdate(uint indexed _subcourtID, string _fileURI, bytes32 _fileHash);\n\n /* Storage */\n\n address public governor;\n mapping(uint => Policy) public policies;\n\n /* Modifiers */\n\n /** @dev Requires that the sender is the governor. */\n modifier onlyByGovernor() {require(governor == msg.sender, \"Can only be called by the governor.\"); _;}\n\n /* Constructor */\n\n /** @dev Constructs the `PolicyRegistry` contract.\n * @param _governor The governor's address.\n */\n constructor(address _governor) public {governor = _governor;}\n\n /* External */\n\n /** @dev Changes the `governor` storage variable.\n * @param _governor The new value for the `governor` storage variable.\n */\n function changeGovernor(address _governor) external onlyByGovernor {governor = _governor;}\n\n /** @dev Sets the policy for the specified subcourt.\n * @param _subcourtID The ID of the specified subcourt.\n * @param _fileURI The URI to the file containing the policy text.\n * @param _fileHash The hash of the file's contents.\n */\n function setPolicy(uint _subcourtID, string _fileURI, bytes32 _fileHash) external onlyByGovernor {\n Policy storage policy = policies[_subcourtID];\n emit PolicyUpdate(_subcourtID, policy.fileURI, policy.fileHash);\n policies[_subcourtID] = Policy({\n fileURI: _fileURI,\n fileHash: _fileHash\n });\n }\n}\n", + "bytecode": 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+ "source": "pragma solidity ^0.4.24;\n\n/**\n * @title PolicyRegistry\n * @author Enrique Piqueras - \n * @dev A contract to maintain a policy for each subcourt.\n */\ncontract PolicyRegistry {\n /* Events */\n\n /** @dev Emitted when a policy is updated.\n * @param _subcourtID The ID of the policy's subcourt.\n * @param _policy The URI of the policy JSON.\n */\n event PolicyUpdate(uint indexed _subcourtID, string _policy);\n\n /* Storage */\n\n address public governor;\n mapping(uint => string) public policies;\n\n /* Modifiers */\n\n /** @dev Requires that the sender is the governor. */\n modifier onlyByGovernor() {require(governor == msg.sender, \"Can only be called by the governor.\"); _;}\n\n /* Constructor */\n\n /** @dev Constructs the `PolicyRegistry` contract.\n * @param _governor The governor's address.\n */\n constructor(address _governor) public {governor = _governor;}\n\n /* External */\n\n /** @dev Changes the `governor` storage variable.\n * @param _governor The new value for the `governor` storage variable.\n */\n function changeGovernor(address _governor) external onlyByGovernor {governor = _governor;}\n\n /** @dev Sets the policy for the specified subcourt.\n * @param _subcourtID The ID of the specified subcourt.\n * @param _policy The URI of the policy JSON.\n */\n function setPolicy(uint _subcourtID, string _policy) external onlyByGovernor {\n emit PolicyUpdate(_subcourtID, policies[_subcourtID]);\n policies[_subcourtID] = _policy;\n }\n}\n", "sourcePath": "/Users/epiqueras/Work/kleros/kleros/contracts/kleros/PolicyRegistry.sol", "ast": { "absolutePath": "/Users/epiqueras/Work/kleros/kleros/contracts/kleros/PolicyRegistry.sol", "exportedSymbols": { - "PolicyRegistry": [90] + "PolicyRegistry": [8209] }, - "id": 91, + "id": 8210, "nodeType": "SourceUnit", "nodes": [ { - "id": 1, + "id": 8139, "literals": ["solidity", "^", "0.4", ".24"], "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", - "src": "0:24:0" + "src": "0:24:10" }, { "baseContracts": [], @@ -134,92 +121,29 @@ "contractKind": "contract", "documentation": " @title PolicyRegistry\n @author Enrique Piqueras - \n @dev A contract to maintain a policy for each subcourt.", "fullyImplemented": true, - "id": 90, - "linearizedBaseContracts": [90], + "id": 8209, + "linearizedBaseContracts": [8209], "name": "PolicyRegistry", "nodeType": "ContractDefinition", "nodes": [ - { - "canonicalName": "PolicyRegistry.Policy", - "id": 6, - "members": [ - { - "constant": false, - "id": 3, - "name": "fileURI", - "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 6, - "src": "247:14:0", - "stateVariable": false, - "storageLocation": "default", - "typeDescriptions": { - "typeIdentifier": "t_string_storage_ptr", - "typeString": "string" - }, - "typeName": { - "id": 2, - "name": "string", - "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", - "src": "247:6:0", - "typeDescriptions": { - "typeIdentifier": "t_string_storage_ptr", - "typeString": "string" - } - }, - "value": null, - "visibility": "internal" - }, - { - "constant": 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subcourt.\n @param _policy The URI of the policy JSON.", + "id": 8145, "name": "PolicyUpdate", "nodeType": "EventDefinition", "parameters": { - "id": 13, + "id": 8144, "nodeType": "ParameterList", "parameters": [ { "constant": false, - "id": 8, + "id": 8141, "indexed": true, "name": "_subcourtID", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 14, - "src": "582:24:0", + "scope": 8145, + "src": "407:24:10", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -227,10 +151,10 @@ "typeString": "uint256" }, "typeName": { - "id": 7, + "id": 8140, "name": "uint", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", - "src": "582:4:0", + "src": "407:4:10", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_uint256", "typeString": "uint256" @@ -241,12 +165,12 @@ }, { "constant": false, - "id": 10, + "id": 8143, "indexed": false, - "name": "_fileURI", + "name": "_policy", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 14, - "src": "608:15:0", + "scope": 8145, + "src": "433:14:10", "stateVariable": 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"updatedAt": "2018-12-11T19:55:48.511Z" + "updatedAt": "2019-01-11T16:08:46.015Z" } diff --git a/src/assets/policies/0.json b/src/assets/policies/9ffaRetGoVpJqrJi3wrqvEhADpPT1yZaKS7azcxEq1X7MJWGbCMBzjGNbcKeCnkneHvyBwmsfwF7QZAuuQLrh3dqc4.json similarity index 100% rename from src/assets/policies/0.json rename to src/assets/policies/9ffaRetGoVpJqrJi3wrqvEhADpPT1yZaKS7azcxEq1X7MJWGbCMBzjGNbcKeCnkneHvyBwmsfwF7QZAuuQLrh3dqc4.json diff --git a/src/assets/policies/1.json b/src/assets/policies/9ffdfp3Hm9CsVpYA9FAxAEVV9iitYy9GRs7XfrMuBPNqF9dKsXPxUYNebDnQ6Z32Ycw7ZyjQ3Tp8KYSMzjg2Uskxgm.json similarity index 100% rename from src/assets/policies/1.json rename to src/assets/policies/9ffdfp3Hm9CsVpYA9FAxAEVV9iitYy9GRs7XfrMuBPNqF9dKsXPxUYNebDnQ6Z32Ycw7ZyjQ3Tp8KYSMzjg2Uskxgm.json diff --git a/src/assets/policies/2.json b/src/assets/policies/9fferP2QNWuLxkaR79eUS7cFPbcmS3gGsog3ibWLAAyGTgfUrEYeDZSwkcGZvkTMFRpqvW2bxKDfNL2jHCnknrjGdW.json similarity index 100% rename from src/assets/policies/2.json rename to src/assets/policies/9fferP2QNWuLxkaR79eUS7cFPbcmS3gGsog3ibWLAAyGTgfUrEYeDZSwkcGZvkTMFRpqvW2bxKDfNL2jHCnknrjGdW.json diff --git a/src/assets/policies/3.json b/src/assets/policies/9ffjVwGsqEWJ5uFbkuU7PgVARrRDhGoJAJp6FCeTkBD1juQChg9BvB6CbfQrrNsJKZJXsbvDGvmiN7Nb2piafdBMPW.json similarity index 100% rename from src/assets/policies/3.json rename to src/assets/policies/9ffjVwGsqEWJ5uFbkuU7PgVARrRDhGoJAJp6FCeTkBD1juQChg9BvB6CbfQrrNsJKZJXsbvDGvmiN7Nb2piafdBMPW.json diff --git a/src/bootstrap/dataloader.js b/src/bootstrap/dataloader.js index 95566a3..3585eb5 100644 --- a/src/bootstrap/dataloader.js +++ b/src/bootstrap/dataloader.js @@ -23,7 +23,14 @@ const funcs = { }) ) .catch(() => null), - load: URI => fetch(URI).then(res => res.json()) + load: (URI, options) => + archon.utils + .validateFileFromURI(URI, { + strictHashes: true, + ...options + }) + .then(res => res.file) + .catch(() => null) } export const dataloaders = Object.keys(funcs).reduce((acc, f) => { acc[f] = new Dataloader( diff --git a/src/components/court-card.js b/src/components/court-card.js index d7675f5..00a349b 100644 --- a/src/components/court-card.js +++ b/src/components/court-card.js @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ const CourtCard = ({ ID, onClick, onStakeClick: _onStakeClick }) => { const load = useDataloader.load() let name const policy = useCacheCall('PolicyRegistry', 'policies', ID) - if (policy) { - const policyJSON = load(policy.fileURI) + if (policy !== undefined) { + const policyJSON = load(policy) if (policyJSON) name = policyJSON.name } const stake = useCacheCall( diff --git a/src/components/court-cascader-modal.js b/src/components/court-cascader-modal.js index 22bcebd..25f78af 100644 --- a/src/components/court-cascader-modal.js +++ b/src/components/court-cascader-modal.js @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ const CourtCascaderModal = ({ onClick }) => { let option = options[0] for (let i = 0; i < subcourtIDs.length; i++) { const policy = call('PolicyRegistry', 'policies', subcourtIDs[i]) - if (policy) { - const policyJSON = load(policy.fileURI) + if (policy !== undefined) { + const policyJSON = load(policy) if (policyJSON) { option.description = policyJSON.description option.label = policyJSON.name @@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ const CourtCascaderModal = ({ onClick }) => { value: c } const policy = call('PolicyRegistry', 'policies', c) - if (policy) { - const policyJSON = load(policy.fileURI) + if (policy !== undefined) { + const policyJSON = load(policy) if (policyJSON) { child.description = policyJSON.description child.label = policyJSON.name diff --git a/src/components/court-drawer.js b/src/components/court-drawer.js index c523ffd..dfde227 100644 --- a/src/components/court-drawer.js +++ b/src/components/court-drawer.js @@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ const CourtDrawer = ({ ID, onClose }) => { summary: undefined } const policy = call('PolicyRegistry', 'policies', subcourt.ID) - if (policy) { - const policyJSON = load(policy.fileURI) + if (policy !== undefined) { + const policyJSON = load(policy) if (policyJSON) { subcourt.description = policyJSON.description subcourt.name = policyJSON.name diff --git a/src/components/courts-list-card.js b/src/components/courts-list-card.js index c367047..6c18653 100644 --- a/src/components/courts-list-card.js +++ b/src/components/courts-list-card.js @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ const CourtsListCard = () => { subcourtIDs && subcourtIDs.map(ID => { const policy = call('PolicyRegistry', 'policies', ID) - if (policy) { - const policyJSON = load(policy.fileURI) + if (policy !== undefined) { + const policyJSON = load(policy) if (policyJSON) return policyJSON.name } return undefined diff --git a/src/components/pnk-stats-list-card.js b/src/components/pnk-stats-list-card.js index fbdd51a..4b3020a 100644 --- a/src/components/pnk-stats-list-card.js +++ b/src/components/pnk-stats-list-card.js @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ const PNKStatsListCard = () => { ID ) const policy = call('PolicyRegistry', 'policies', ID) - if (policy) { - const policyJSON = load(policy.fileURI) + if (policy !== undefined) { + const policyJSON = load(policy) if (policyJSON) subcourt.name = policyJSON.name } return subcourt