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Mon Mar 21 23:27:21 2022

Tinnitus means you are too switched on. This is a whole body thing and not just an ear thing. Your whole central nervous system is in red-alert and tinnitus is just one of the many side effects of this whole body reaction. Many people are told tinnitus comes from damage to the hair-cells in the cochlea – the part of the hearing apparatus that detects sound. This is not true. Damage to the hair cells causes deafness, not tinnitus. When you become deaf, you strain to hear more. It is the straining to hear more that can temporarily increase your sensitivity. An increase in sensitivity can temporarily make you more prone to tinnitus, not damage to the hair cells.


Mon Mar 21 23:37:40 2022

clear personality patterns emerge as well. Do any of these characteristics resonate with you? Give you a day off and you'll fill it with activity Quite critical of yourself and others Take on too much - can't say no. Have a point to prove Highly achievement orientated Need success and results Perfectionist that frets about the tiniest things


Mon Mar 21 23:38:27 2022

Im like that. Should take it easier. Enjoy the present.


Mon Mar 21 23:38:50 2022

Tinnitus people can be obsessed with the apparent thing that caused this condition to arise at the beginning, only to realise later that they were in a state anyway and something else would have come along and triggered it off.


Mon Mar 21 23:39:39 2022

Most people develop tinnitus if they are left in silence for too long.


Mon Mar 21 23:40:49 2022

Hearing something agreeable in the background is a good idea while you still have this condition. In an ideal world you would live near a stream or fountain, or by the sea so that there is always something for your ears to relax onto.


Mon Mar 21 23:42:08 2022

To let go of tinnitus you need to take your focus off it, rather than reinforce it. I recommend focussing on brining well-being into your life rather than getting tinnitus out of it. Aim for things that make you feel good, comfortable and calm, with or without your tinnitus. The more you can bring in a sense of well-being with your tinnitus still there, the more it will feel manageable. I always recommend putting tinnitus on the back shelf while you focus on developing a sense of well-being. Keep a clear intention to put all your energy into things that are nourishing, supportive, comforting, calming, and relaxing for your body. Make your main focus getting your own needs met, finding things that make you feel happy and in touch with positive feelings. This approach works because it is much more


Mon Mar 21 23:42:29 2022

Look for tinnitus and you will find it, look for comfort and relaxation and you will find that instead.


Mon Mar 21 23:44:02 2022

The words “too much” and “not enough” are really important issues with tinnitus. What do you have too much of that burdens you and feels overwhelming, and what do you long for that you do not allow yourself? You probably know what I’m talking about. More time off, less responsibilities, more holidays, etc. Admit it to yourself. What is stopping you from saying No to the things you don’t need and inviting in with open arms all the things that you know are nourishing and make you feel good? Patterns such as these can be central to tinnitus because they set up a life-time of stress. Recognising and letting go of them can change things dramatically for the better.


Mon Mar 21 23:45:18 2022

Most people with tinnitus have good intentions but are dominated with sabotaging thoughts like: how on earth will relaxing for half an hour every day help a problem like this?


Mon Mar 21 23:46:04 2022

I know this sounds extraordinary but we ALL have a saboteur inside.


Mon Mar 21 23:46:43 2022

If you don’t have tinnitus one year and then have it the next, why is it such a big deal to change again and be without it once more? You can change one way, so why is it so hard to change again? This is food for thought.


Tue Mar 22 17:37:15 2022

No more waking up to the radio full of stories about war, famine and death. You need light, comic, gentle, relaxing, digestible and uplifting input. Leave saving the world until you are really feeling strong again.


Tue Mar 22 17:38:59 2022

We all know people who are energy drains. You meet up for a chat and after ten minutes you feel exhausted. Next time they get in touch, take a rain check and agree to meet them next year.


Tue Mar 22 17:40:36 2022

If you are overtired, sleeping often helps you to sleep more. Most people try and keep going without sleep till bed-time and because they are exhausted, cannot sleep properly. A short siesta after lunch works wonders and seems to be ultra refreshing and regenerating. For exhausted nervous systems it seems the more you sleep, the more you can sleep.


Tue Mar 22 17:42:13 2022

The ideal would be to find a body-based therapy like craniosacral therapy, massage, reflexology or acupuncture, and balance this with a mental-emotional support like psychotherapy, or counselling.


Tue Mar 22 17:42:46 2022

craniosacral therapy with a gentle and sensitive approach that works at the physical, mental, emotional and energetic level.


Tue Mar 22 17:44:01 2022

Process Psychotherapy developed by the Karuna Institute in Devon.


Tue Mar 22 17:44:04 2022

Process Psychotherapy developed by the Karuna Institute in Devon.


Tue Mar 22 17:44:22 2022



Tue Mar 22 17:44:41 2022

Get support so that you can start letting go is the simplest and most powerful piece of advice in this book.


Tue Mar 22 18:10:58 2022

Try Red Bush tea instead of normal tea.


Tue Mar 22 18:15:13 2022

Rather than going at it hammer and tongs, I recommend little and often is a less stressful way for your system.


Tue Mar 22 18:15:25 2022

went swimming most days for just 10 minutes.


Tue Mar 22 18:15:33 2022

I feel that a long-gentle walk is better than a hard game of squash or an exhausting weight-lifting session. Low-impact, frequent and enjoyable exercise is the best.


Tue Mar 22 18:16:03 2022

Find some exercise that you enjoy and leaves you feeling calm, comfortable, in touch with your body, but not exhausted.


Tue Mar 22 18:17:25 2022

Focussing on the body directly helps you get in touch with reality,


Tue Mar 22 18:17:37 2022

Brining my awareness into the body is the one thing that helped me let go of my tinnitus more than anything else.


Tue Mar 22 18:18:39 2022

My senses were totally taken over by my mind. A walk across the woods was spent planning the next week, or having an imaginary argument with a difficult person. These days I notice what is going on in the present moment, smell the smells, see what is there, and feel my body expanding with pleasure when I experience something I like, and shrink and judder when I am exposed to something unpleasant.


Tue Mar 22 18:20:53 2022

some activity? Can you feel your body as you are reading this text just now? A lot of tinnitus people spend a lot of time with their awareness not in their body.


Tue Mar 22 18:21:01 2022

Where are you focused? How often are you aware of your body when you are engaged in


Tue Mar 22 23:10:01 2022

When you are deeply locked into a state of red-alert, it is normal to feel hunted,


Tue Mar 22 23:10:11 2022

anxious, fearful and as if there is no hope. This is normal behaviour for red-alert mode.


Tue Mar 22 23:13:29 2022

Please do yourself a huge favour, find a good therapist and have regular body-work. Once a week for a few months should really help you get in touch.


Tue Mar 22 23:14:25 2022

I’ve had three massages and my tinnitus hasn’t got any better. This is useless. Nobody can help me. This will never go.”


Tue Mar 22 23:14:47 2022

Get support and start experiencing the changes. Just staying in your head and reading this from a mental point of view is barely going to scratch the surface.


Tue Mar 22 23:16:51 2022

Know that as soon as you start creating a neutral space where you can process how you feel inside, you will start unburdening your issues and setting out on the road to letting go. Find someone you feel comfortable with and allow yourself to really unburden yourself and offload onto them. That’s what they are paid for.


Tue Mar 22 23:17:08 2022

Tinnitus people are champions of trying things out just once, and then saying it was useless and moving on to something else.


Tue Mar 22 23:18:52 2022

Put your tinnitus on the back shelf, even if it is howling. Make your focus and main aim anything that makes you feel well. It doesn’t matter if it is lying in a jacuzzi for an hour every day, or hanging upside down from the rafters, turn yourself into a student of wellbeing who experiences increasingly long periods of calm, relaxing, manageable, and happy activities. This helps tinnitus. Pushing yourself to the limit doesn't.


Tue Mar 22 23:20:19 2022

Tinnitus people often drive themselves into overwhelm where the need for money, power, and achievement seems to outweigh well-being.


Tue Mar 22 23:21:04 2022

What really helped me through the difficult days were: lying in a jacuzzi, swimming, taking the dog for a walk, laughing, having a long shower working the jet all along my spine, having a good cry, spending time with happy, positive people, not talking about my tinnitus


Tue Mar 22 23:22:18 2022

and dwelling on it all the time with everyone I met, avoiding depressing and draining people, letting go of all the stressful things in my life, turning the news over to a comedy show, having long baths with lavender and candlelight, the smell of roses and putting rose oil on my pillow, listening to gentle, beautiful music, spending long periods of time just doing nothing, talking to someone who cared about my well-being, lying in the sun, swinging in a hammock at the bottom of the garden, lying in the middle of the floor in the middle of the living room in the middle of the day doing nothing, daydreaming about happy memories, beautiful places, laughing a bit more, getting into delicious, healthy cooking, taking up photography, learning how to use the computer, going on holiday, learning salsa, Scottish dancing, going to the cinema and watching uplifting, happy, slow-paced films, reading endless inspiring books, pottery, winetasting, learning languages, all these things really helped me.


Tue Mar 22 23:25:47 2022

I thoroughly recommend joining a regular tai chi, yoga, relaxation, Pilates, or Alexander Technique class.


Tue Mar 22 23:25:39 2022

When you get into a state, try immersing your feet into a bowl of comfortably hot water for fifteen seconds, and then plunge them into a bowl of cold water. Move them backwards and forwards from hot to cold, back and forth for a good ten minutes. Notice how your focus settles more into your body.


Thu Mar 24 23:10:52 2022

Being listened to carefully is particularly important for people at this stage. You may find yourself blaming the diving accident, the syringe, the loud drill, the medication, the cold and a whole host of people, events and situations. It may seem like they all caused your tinnitus and it had nothing to do with you! Therapy may help you realise otherwise.


Thu Mar 24 23:15:06 2022

can’t help but feel how common this is with tinnitus people, the need to be heard and acknowledged. So much of this condition is about needing other people to know how bad it is, and for them to really listen to this and hear you. How often do we get really frustrated that nobody seems to be taking us seriously or that they don’t understand what it is like?


Thu Mar 24 23:21:29 2022

In the meantime, be good to yourself. Don't push yourself to the limit. Bullying yourself, driving yourself to exhaustion, or taking on too much are definitely things that you need to seriously consider stopping. Bring in enough down-time, and allow as much fun and humour flood into your life as possible. Stop taking yourself so seriously and let yourself just be as you are.


Thu Mar 24 23:21:46 2022

Who is really the sergeant major here – the tinnitus or you? Is the tinnitus really to blame or is it just your body reacting to the way you treat yourself?


Thu Mar 24 23:22:13 2022

What do you do on a regular basis that makes you feel happy, calm and focussed?


Sun Mar 27 22:55:59 2022

Take positive action when tinnitus gets to you


Sun Mar 27 22:55:42 2022

I used to just take my focus to whatever felt good in my body. I asked the question: can I find something that feels OK just now? I would take a moment and find something warm, comfortable, strong, clear, free, loose, calm, smooth, centred and then focus on it.


Sun Mar 27 22:57:05 2022

If you are reading this and you haven’t yet started the process of bringing in support and looking after yourself better, then at some stage you may need to look at why this isn’t happening.


Sun Mar 27 23:02:03 2022

Technique 3: Better and worst list Get a piece of paper and put a plus sign and a minus sign at the top. List all the things that you notice make you feel better under the plus. Whenever you find you are having a good day, take a look at what is going on add it to the list. Do the same with the negative side and know what things activate your tinnitus and make it worse.