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SilverBullet AI Plug

This plug integrates various LLMs (Large Language Models) into SilverBullet, the markdown-based note taking tool, allowing users to perform various AI-related tasks directly within their notes. It requires SilverBullet to work, and also access to either a self-hosted or SaaS LLM such as Ollama, OpenAI (ChatGPT), Google Gemini, etc.

silverbullet-ai is very new and is still in early development. It may not work as expected. Please report any issues you encounter, or feature ideas.

If you are new here, start with either the AI: Chat on current page command or the custom templated prompts!

Warning: Please backup your notes before using this plug. It inserts and replaces text at certain points and isn't well-tested yet, so back up your data!


  • Summarize Note: Summarizes the content of a note or selected text.
  • Replace with Summary: Replaces the selected text with its summary.
  • Insert Summary: Inserts a summary of the selected text or note at the cursor position.
  • Call OpenAI with Note Context: Sends the note or selected text to OpenAI based on a user-defined prompt.
  • Interactive Chat: Have an interactive chat, utilizing the current note as the chat interface.
    • RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation): Search local vector embeddings of all your notes for relevant context to your current chat query and provide it to the LLM.
  • Templated Prompts: Define custom notes as a templated prompt that can be rendered, sent to llm, and then inserted into the page.
  • Generate Tags for Note: Generates tags for the current note using AI. Custom rules can also be specified to steer towards better tags.
  • Generate and Insert Image using Dall-E: Generates an image based on a prompt and inserts it into the note.
  • Rename a note based on Note Context: Sends the note, including enriched data, to the LLM and asks for a new note title. Custom rules or examples can also be provided to generate better titles.
  • Generate vector embeddings: Chunks each page, generates vector embeddings of the text, and indexes those embeddings. No external database required.
  • Similarity search: Allows doing a similarity search based on indexed embeddings.
  • Note Summary generation and search: Experimental generates a summary of each note, then generates embeddings and indexes that summary to be searched using a similarity/semantic search.
  • FrontMatter generation: Experimental extracts useful information from a note’s context and generates frontmatter attributes for it.

Available commands

The list below are the commands available in this plugin.

  • AI: Summarize Note and open summary: Uses a built-in prompt to ask the LLM for a summary of either the entire note, or the selected text. Opens the resulting summary in a temporary right pane.
  • AI: Insert Summary: Uses a built-in prompt to ask the LLM for a summary of either the entire note, or the selected text. Inserts the summary at the cursor's position.
  • AI: Call OpenAI with Note as context: Prompts the user for a custom prompt to send to the LLM. If the user has text selected, the selected text is used as the note content. If the user has no text selected, the entire note is used as the note content. The response is streamed to the cursor position.
  • AI: Generate tags for note: Asks the LLM to generate tags for the current note. Generated tags are added to the note's frontmatter.
  • AI: Generate and insert image using DallE: Prompts the user for a custom prompt to send to DALL·E, then sends the prompt to DALL·E to generate an image. The resulting image is then uploaded to the space and inserted into the note with a caption.
  • AI: Stream response with selection or note as prompt: Streams a conversation with the LLM, inserting the responses at the cursor position as it is received.
  • AI: Chat on current page: Streams a conversation with the LLM, but uses the current page as a sort of chat history. New responses are always appended to the end of the page.
  • AI: Execute AI Prompt from Custom Template: Prompts the user to select a template, renders that template, sends it to the LLM, and then inserts the result into the page. Valid templates must have a value for aiprompt.description in the frontmatter.
  • AI: Suggest Page Name: Ask the LLM to provide a name for the current note, allow the user to choose from the suggestions, and then rename the page.
  • AI: Generate Note FrontMatter: Extracts important information from the current note and converts it to frontmatter attributes.
  • AI: Enhance Note: Enhances the current note by running the commands to generate tags for a note, generate new frontmatter attributes, and a new note name.
  • AI: Select Text Model from Config: Prompts the user to select a text/llm model from the configured models.
  • AI: Select Image Model from Config: Prompts the user to select an image model from the configured models.
  • AI: Select Embedding Model from Config: Prompts the user to select an embedding model from the configured models.
  • AI: Test Embedding Generation: Function to test generating embeddings. Just puts the result in the current note, but isn't too helpful for most cases.
  • AI: Search: Ask the user for a search query, and then navigate to the search results page. Search results are provided by calculating the cosine similarity between the query embedding and each indexed embedding.


After installing the plug, you can access its features through the command palette. To ensure the plug functions correctly, you must set the OPENAI_API_KEY on the SECRETS page.

If you do not have a SECRETS page, create one and name it SECRETS. Then, insert a YAML block as shown below, replacing "openai key here" with your actual OpenAI API key:

OPENAI_API_KEY: "openai key here"

OPENAI_API_KEY is required for any openai api compatible model currently, but may not get used for local models that don't use keys.

The secret does not necessary have to be OPENAI_API_KEY, it can be any name you want as long as you also change the secretName for the model to match. This allows you to have multiple api keys for the same provider as an example.


To change the text generation model used by all commands, or other configurable options, open your SETTINGS page and change the setting below:

  # configure one or more image models.  Only OpenAI's api is currently supported
  - name: dall-e-3
    modelName: dall-e-3
    provider: dalle
  - name: dall-e-2
    modelName: dall-e-2
    provider: dalle

  # Configure one or more text models
  # Provider may be openai or gemini.  Most local or self-hosted LLMs offer an openai compatible api, so choose openai as the provider for those and change the baseUrl accordingly.
  - name: ollama-phi-2
    modelName: phi-2
    provider: openai
    baseUrl: http://localhost:11434/v1
    requireAuth: false
  - name: gpt-4-turbo
    provider: openai
    modelName: gpt-4-0125-preview
  - name: gpt-4-vision-preview
    provider: openai
    modelName: gpt-4-vision-preview
  - name: gpt-3-turbo
    provider: openai
    modelName: gpt-3.5-turbo-0125
  # Chat section is optional, but may help provide better results when using the Chat On Page command
    userInformation: >
      I'm a software developer who likes taking notes.
    userInstructions: >
      Please give short and concise responses.  When providing code, do so in python unless requested otherwise.


To use Ollama locally, make sure you have it running first and the desired models downloaded. Then, set the openAIBaseUrl to the url of your ollama instance:

  - name: ollama-phi-2
    # Run `ollama list` to see a list of models downloaded
    modelName: phi
    provider: openai
    baseUrl: http://localhost:11434/v1
    requireAuth: false

requireAuth: When using Ollama and chrome, requireAuth needs to be set to false so that the Authorization header isn't set. Otherwise you will get a CORS error. is a hosted service that offers an openai-compatible api. You can use it with settings like this:

    - name: mistral-medium
      modelName: mistral-medium
      provider: openai
      secretName: MISTRAL_API_KEY

MISTRAL_API_KEY also needs to be set in SECRETS using an api key generated from their web console. is another hosted service that offers an openai-compatible api and various models. You can use it with settings like this:

    - name: sonar-medium-online
      modelName: sonar-medium-online
      provider: openai

OPENAI_API_KEY also needs to be set in SECRETS to an API key generated from their web console.

Google Gemini (Experimental)

Google does not offer an openai-compatible api, so consider the support for Gemini to be very experimental for now.

To configure it, you can use these settings:

    - name: gemini-pro
      modelName: gemini-pro
      provider: gemini
      secretName: GOOGLE_AI_STUDIO_KEY

Note: The secretName defined means you need to put the api key from google ai studio in your SECRETS file as GOOGLE_AI_STUDIO_KEY.

Note 2: AI Studio is not the same as the Gemini App (previously Bard). You may have access to but it does not offer an api key needed for integrating 3rd party tools. Instead, you need access to specifically.


Dall-E can be configured to use for generating images with these settings:

  - name: dall-e-3
    modelName: dall-e-3
    provider: dalle
  - name: dall-e-2
    modelName: dall-e-2
    provider: dalle

OPENAI_API_KEY also needs to be set in SECRETS to an API key generated in the OpenAI web console. baseUrl can also be set to another api compatible with openai/dall-e.

Chat Custom Instructions

OpenAI introduced custom instructions for ChatGPT a while back to help improve the responses from ChatGPT. We are emulating that feature by allowing a system prompt to be injected into each new chat session.

The system prompt is rendered similar to the one below, see the example config above for where to configure these settings:

Always added:

This is an interactive chat session with a user in a note-taking tool called SilverBullet.

If userInformation is set, this is added:

The user has provided the following information about their self: ${}

If userInstructions is set, this is added:

The user has provided the following instructions for the chat, follow them as closely as possible: ${}

Templated Prompts

NOTE: All built-in prompts will be replaced with templated prompts eventually.

As of 0.0.6, you can use template notes to create your own custom prompts to send to the LLM.

Template notes make use of all of the template language available to SilverBullet.

To be a templated prompt, the note must have the following frontmatter:

  • tags must include template and aiPrompt
  • aiprompt object must exist and have a description key
  • Optionally, aiprompt.systemPrompt can be specified to override the system prompt

For example, here is a templated prompt to summarize the current note and insert the summary at the cursor:

- template
- aiPrompt

  description: "Generate a summary of the current page."

Generate a short and concise summary of the note below. 

title: {{}}
Everything below is the content of the note: 

With the above note saved as AI: Generate note summary, you can run the AI: Execute AI Prompt from Custom Template command from the command palette, select the AI: Generate note summary template, and the summary will be streamed to the current cursor position.

Another example prompt is to pull in remote pages via federation and ask the llm to generate a space script for you:

- template
- aiPrompt

  description: "Describe the space script functionality you want and generate it"
  systemPrompt: "You are an expert javascript developer.  Help the user develop new functionality for their personal note taking tool."
  slashCommand: aiSpaceScript

SilverBullet space script documentation:


Using the above documentation, please create a space-script following the users description in the note below.  Output only valid markdown with a code block using space-script.  No explanations, code in a markdown space-script block only.  Must contain silverbullet.registerFunction or silverbullet.registerCommand.

title: {{}}
Everything below is the content of the note: 

Cost (OpenAI)

While this plugin is free to use, OpenAI does charge for their API usage. Please see their pricing page for cost of the various apis.

As of 2024-02, here's a rough idea of what to expect:

  • Dall-E image generation, HD 1024x1024; $0.080 per image
  • GPT-4-turbo; $0.01 per 1k input tokens, $0.03 per 1k output tokens
  • GPT-3.5-turbo; $0.0005 per 1k input tokens, $0.0015 per 1k output tokens
  • Per the above pricing page, a rough estimate is that 1000 tokens is about 750 words


To build this plug, make sure you have SilverBullet installed. Then, build the plug with:

deno task build

Or to watch for changes and rebuild automatically

deno task watch

Then, copy the resulting .plug.js file into your space's _plug folder. Or build and copy in one command:

deno task build && cp *.plug.js /my/space/_plug/

SilverBullet will automatically sync and load the new version of the plug (or speed up this process by running the {[Sync: Now]} command).


Add the following to to your PLUGS file, run Plugs: Update command and off you go!

For in-development code from the main branch:

- github:justyns/silverbullet-ai/silverbullet-ai.plug.js

For the latest "release" code, mostly also still in development for now:

- ghr:justyns/silverbullet-ai/0.4.0

You can also use the Plugs: Add command and enter the above url to install.

After installing, be sure to make the necessary config changes in SETTINGS and SECRETS.