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91 lines (77 loc) · 3.83 KB

File metadata and controls

91 lines (77 loc) · 3.83 KB

Version 1.0: 12.22.17

This suite of modules is meant to ease the babysitting load for routinely processing genotype files to ADMIXTURE or imputation.

  • Requires Python 3.6.3, but will identify Python version and update if needed.
  • Starts from plink bed/bim/fam files. I'll eventually add other file formats.

To run

Always start using python then you will see a screen asking you what you'd like to do next.



Sees what version of Python you're running.
Downloads Python 3.6.3 if you're on linux and exits telling you to download it if on Mac or Windows.

Asks the user if they would like to do the following:

genoprocess task Short description System requirements Notes
1 Download reference files and programs Most any, some Mac or Linux Some programs will not download if you aren't on Linux because they are Linux based
2 Update sex Any
3 Produce new dataset of people and SNPs with missince all rate < 10% Any
4 Run IBD matrix through Plink Any
5 Update family (FID) and individual IDs (IID) Any
6 Update maternal and paternal IDs Any
7 Harmonize with 1000G Phase 3 Any
8 Filter for extreme (+-3SD) heterozygosity values Any
9 Merge with 1000G Phase 3 Any
10 Prepare for ADMIXTURE with k = 3...9 Mac or Linux I will submit the job for you if you're on the Penn State ACI-B cluster
11 Run a phasing check and prepare files for phasing using SHAPEIT 2 Mac or Linux I will submit the job for you if you're on the Penn State ACI-B cluster
12 Prepares files for imputation using the Sanger Imputation Server Mac or Linux
13 Nothing


Downloads the following:

  1. Python 3.6.3
  2. Plink 1.9
  3. 1000G Phase 3 VCF
  4. 1000G Phase 3 Hap/Legend/Sample
  5. GRCh37/hg19 1000G FASTA file
  6. Genotype Harmonizer
  7. pip
  8. snpflip
  9. shapeit
  10. vcftools
  11. bcftools
  12. htslib
  13. samtools


Update sex
Missing call rate
Heterozygosity check


Run IBD to identify relatives
Update FID & IID information
Update parental IDs


Harmonize with 1000G


Merge with 1000G


Prepare for admixture, submit job if on Penn Sate ACI-B cluster

Should be done before admixture genoprocess number Module used
Keep only SNPs and people with missing call rate < 10% #3 genoqc.missing_call_rate()
Run IBD to identify relatives #4 genorelatives.ibd()
Update FID and/or IID information #5 genorelatives.update_id()
Update parental IDs #6 genorelatives.update_parental()
Harmonize with 1000G Phase3 #7 genoharmonize.harmonize_with_1oooG()
Filter out individuals with extreme heterozygosity values #8 genoqc.het()
Merge with 1000G #9 genomerge.merge1000g()


Checks data and prepares for phasing using shapeit.
Checks phased data for imputation

Should be done before phasing genoprocess number Module used
Genotypes must be on GRCh37/hg19 User should check this None
Keep only SNPs and people with missing call rate < 10% #3 genoqc.missing_call_rate()
Filter out individuals with extreme heterozygosity values #8 genoqc.het()
Filter out SNPs with MAF < 5% #7 genoharmonize.harmonize_with_1000G()
Filter out SNPs with HWE p-value < 0.05 #7 genoharmonize.harmonize_with_1000G()
Set haploid genotypes (male ChrX) as missing User should check this if any warnings of het haploid genotypes appear None
Check for gender mismatches #2 genoqc.update_sex()
Harmonize with 1000G Phase3 #7 genoharmonize.harmonize_with_1000G()