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File metadata and controls

242 lines (205 loc) · 7.52 KB


Momentum is a web server that enjoys an API resembling the servlet APIs from Java, but Momentum also enjoys a registering API similar to Ruby's Sinatra.

A very simple server can be started with just a couple of lines of code:

try Momentum.listen(8777) { req, res in
  res.write("<p>Hello Reddit!</p>\(req)")

And upon a request, it would print the following on the browser:

Hello Reddit!

Request(method: "GET", uri: "/", httpVersion: "HTTP/1.1", fields: ["Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, sdch", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Host": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/47.0.2526.73 Chrome/47.0.2526.73 Safari/537.36", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.8,pt-BR;q=0.6,pt;q=0.4", "Cookie": "session_id=f71f590fe6b8cf6080041aabf0b92ddfcfafc914; GUID=ACa1rS28CrGveCvBAKXx; sessions=%7B%7D"], body: nil)

To make Momentum possible I also worked on several supporting classes. Some of this work originated in my experiments in another project for the Dart runtime called Fletch, such as the Momentum basic APIs and the HeaderParser class.

In the past few days I also worked on classes like the BodyParser, Template.supplant method, and even on a CSVTable that is a table for comma-separated values that helps with prototyping, which I used for the traditional TodoList example that follows here:

import Glibc
import CSua
import Sua

func loadTable() throws -> CSVTable {
  let tablePath = "/tmp/todo_sample_table.csvt"
  if File.exists(tablePath) {
    return try CSVTable(path: tablePath)
  } else {
    var table = try CSVTable.create(tablePath, header: ["Done", "Description"])
    try table.append(["n", "New year resolution."])
    return table

var webDirectoryPath = ""

Momentum.get("/hey") { req, res in
  res.write("Hey there!")

Momentum.get("/list") { req, res in
  let template = try"\(webDirectoryPath)list.html") ?? ""
  let data = try loadTable()
  var s = ""
  for row in data.rows {
    let y = row[1] == "y"
    s += "<p class=\""
    s += y ? "donePanel" : "notDonePanel"
    s += "\"><button class=\""
    s += y ? "doneButton" : "notDoneButton"
    s += "\" onclick=\"toggleDone(\(row[0]))\">"
    s += y ? "Done!" : "Not Done!"
    s += "</button> &nbsp; <button class=\"deleteButton\" "
    s += "onclick=\"deleteTodo(\(row[0]))\">X"
    s += "</button> &nbsp; <span class=\""
    s += y ? "doneDescription" : "notDoneDescription"
    s += "\">\(row[2])</span></p>"
  res.write(Template.supplant(template, data: ["list": s]))
}"/add") { req, res in
  var data = try loadTable()
  if let b = req.body,
      let desc = b.fields["description"] {
    try data.append(["n", desc])
}"/update") { req, res in
  var data = try loadTable()
  if let b = req.body,
      let tgIndex = b.fields["toggleDone"],
      let row = {
    data.updateColumn(row[0], columnIndex: 1, value: row[1] == "y" ? "n" : "y")
}"/delete") { req, res in
  var data = try loadTable()
  if let b = req.body,
      let index = b.fields["index"] {

// Serve the image dynamically.
Momentum.get("/bg.png") { req, res in
  let imgPath = "\(webDirectoryPath)bg.png"
  if File.exists(imgPath) {
    res.contentType = "image/png"
    try res.sendFile(imgPath)
  } else {
    res.statusCode = 404
    res.write("<p>Error 404: Could not find the image.</p>")
}"/setbg") { req, res in
  if let b = req.body,
      let bf = b.files["picture"] {
    try bf.rename("\(webDirectoryPath)bg.png")

func printUsage() {
  print("TodoList: TodoList pathToWebDirectory\n" +
      "Usage: Start the TodoList server by passing it the path to the web " +
      "directory.\n" +
      "E.g. > TodoList web\n")

if Process.arguments.count == 1 {
} else {
  let d = Process.arguments[1]
  if let st = File.stat(d) {
    if st.isDirectory {
      let cd = Dir.cwd ?? ""
      if d.utf16.codeUnitAt(d.utf16.count - 1) != 47 { // /
        webDirectoryPath = "\(cd)/\(d)/"
      } else {
        webDirectoryPath = "\(cd)/\(d)"
      let port: UInt16 = 8777
      print("Starting the server on\(8777)")
      print("Serving from the \(webDirectoryPath) directory.")
      try Momentum.listen(port) { req, res in
        res.statusCode = 404
        res.write("<p>Error 404: Could not find the page.</p>\(req)")
  } else {
    print("Error: Invalid directory path.\n")

In the end, creating the TodoList example really pushed me to come up with all the tools that would allow it to be possible.

The BodyParser class can parse form content and files, and will return them via the Request#body method. Fields can be accessed via Request#body#fields[fieldName] and files can be accessed via Request#body#files[fieldName]. The BodyParser is fully streamed so it could potentially handle very big files, but the algorithm is a custom one that I created myself and it may be a little inefficient at times. Considering though that transfering files via the network is kind of slow, it should not be too CPU bound at all. :-)

The TodoList example actually includes a form field that accepts a file upload for setting its background image. As a way to exercise the APIs.

Another gain for us was the Template.supplant method. It can insert some data strings into a template with code like this:

let template = "ab cd [S%= list S] ef [S%=goodiesS]gh"
    data: ["list": "more gain!", "goodies": "fruits"]))
// Which prints the following:
//> ab cd more gain! ef fruitsgh

I figure that this templating mechanism is pretty OK since Momentum is a forking process server by default which means that caching templates is not a good idea. Then again, I ran a quick benchmark round with Apache's "ab" and we are still quick:

$ ab -n 1000 -c 10
Document Path:          /list
Document Length:        3422 bytes

Concurrency Level:      10
Time taken for tests:   0.258 seconds
Complete requests:      1000
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      3500000 bytes
HTML transferred:       3422000 bytes
Requests per second:    3881.82 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       2.576 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.258 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          13267.95 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        0    0   0.1      0       2
Processing:     0    2   2.0      2      11
Waiting:        0    2   2.0      2      11
Total:          0    3   2.0      2      11

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%      2
  66%      3
  75%      3
  80%      4
  90%      6
  95%      7
  98%      8
  99%      9
 100%     11 (longest request)

Some of the APIs could be used on their own separate from the Sua project. Be sure to borrow them for your own needs! :-)

And a screenshot of the TodoList:

Todo List screenshot

Have fun!