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My dotfiles

All the dotfiles and config steps to go from a clean linux void installation to a fully functioning workspace. Using void linux and suckless utilities

The Stack

Noob install guide (for me)

I'm moving my dotfiles across to a suckless and linux void setup, below is documentation that I'm finding along the way.

Dependancys for picom (FT labs fork)

sudo xbps-install -S meson ninja cmake libev-devel xcb-util-renderutil-devel xcb-util-image-devel pixman-devel pkgconf-devel uthash pcre-devel dbus-devel glu-devel libconfig-devel

Install from scratch

Install using void-installer Confirm network is working (WPA supplicant for wifi and dhcpcd for ethernet)

  • Update your system to mirror
sudo xbps-install -Su
  • Install basic packages
sudo xbps-install -S helix xorg xinit git make base-devel libX11-devel libXft-devel libXinerama-devel freetype-devel fontconfig-devel firefox neofetch zellij stow zsh starship yazi xwallpaper cargo xsel libXrandr-devel imlib2-devel xdg-utils
  • Make directories for suckless
mkdir .config
cd .config
mkdir suckless
cd suckless
  • Clone my/your DWM repo
git clone
  • The same for ST, dmenu, and slstatus
git clone
git clone
  • ST carries a dependancy of harfbuzz-devel
sudo xbps-install -S harfbuzz-devel
git clone
  • Now compile them all
cd dwm 
sudo make clean install
  • Repeat for all other suckless software
  • Now start dwm
startx /usr/local/bin/dwm

Launch firefox with mod+p

Head to Nerd Fonts Download a nerdfont of your choice (I use jetbrainsmono)

  • Inside of your downloads folder run the following
sudo mv /usr/share/fonts/TTF

Use tab to complete the name of your zip.

  • Then cd into the TTF folder
cd /usr/share/fonts/TTF
sudo unzip

Now reload DWM to see it apply, (make sure the font is correctly enabled inside of your dwm config) I have reload bound to Mod+crtl+shift+q if you are using my dwm config.

  • Create xinitrc file
hx .xinitrc
  • Now inside of that file add these lines
slstatus &
xwallpaper --zoom ~/Wallpaper/gruvboxLady.png &
exec dbus-run-session dwm

Note: Run the last command that ads the origin, which sudo otherwise it gives a system bus error

For every installed flatpak application, run this command to allow dmenu to open it through a symlink

sudo ln -s /var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin/chat.rocket.RocketChat /usr/bin/rocket-chat

List of all my flatpaks

chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh

restart your system to enable the new shell

  • Now clone this dotfiles repo
git clone
stow .

If you have any existing config files that are conflicting, just go through and remove them and run "stow ." again.

  • Firefox MP4 I needed the ffmpeg-devel package to enable mp4 in firefox videos.

  • Install pulseaudio

sudo xbps-install -S pulseaudio
sudo xbps-install -S pasystray
  • Install npm and node
sudo xbps-install -S nodejs
  • Helix Language Servers These are for my config, adjust as needed based on your config.
cargo install --git
npm i -g typescript-language-server typescript @tailwindcss/language-server prettier vscode-langservers-extracted

Inside of your downloads folder run the following

sudo mv /usr/share/fonts/TTF

Use tab to complete the name of your zip.

  • Then cd into the TTF folder
cd /usr/share/fonts/TTF
sudo unzip
sudo hx /etc/fonts/local.conf

Then add this inside of it:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>
  • Creat bootable media for another PC on void.
sudo xbps-install -S void-release-keys minisign outils

Then follow the steps here:



Adding your own Dot files to the repo

Fork the repo on github

Fork the Repo by clicking the fork button on github

Now follow the Installation but change the git URL to that of your own repo

Add your own dotfiles

Keep the directory structure the same and move your dotfiles into the ~/dotfiles directory

Now push it to your git repo

In your ~/dotfiles directory run:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Added X dotfiles"
$ git push origin main

Now add the sym links to your dotfiles (CAREFUL)

stow --override .

NOTE: This command overwrites the existing dotfiles on your system, use with caution.

How to setup your own dotfiles repo

Setup GNU Stow and your very own dotfiles Repo