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To start a training of VUNet you need two things:

  1. A config with all relevant parameters. Take a look at the supplied configs.
  2. The code that defines, how a parameter update takes place given the model and input data. This code is defined in the step_op method of the Iterator found in

ℹ️ A training is started with the command edflow -n <experiment name> -b <config1> <config2> -t [--potential_additional_parameter value]. The -t flag tells edflow, that we want to train our model. Should it not be passed, edflow is in evaluation mode, which will produce only evaluation outputs.


All parameters we potentially want to vary between experiments or that we want to explicitly log for documentation purposes, are stored in a central config object. This config object, basically a nested dict, is instantiated when invoking the edflow command. It will be passed to all relevant objects, like the datasets, the iterator (see below) and the model, upon their construction.

The config is defined by all base configs in the yaml format passed to edflow via the -b flag, as well as any number of additional arguments passed to edflow in the form of --parameter value. You can also change parameters defined in the base configs, by passing their name and new value in that way. Nestedness can also be reflected in the parameter name by writing it out in a path like fashion, e.g. --losses/color_L1/weight 2.

Before starting the actual training and after instantiation of model, iterator and datasets, the actually used config will be displayed, so that you can make sure, everything is as expected.

The Iterator

The Iterator is the central training and evaluation object. It defines, how our model is loaded, stored and updated, as well as how logs and evaluations are created. As its name implicates the Iterator iterates over all given data. While doing so it applies the method step_op on the data. The step_op returns a set of dynamically created functions, which are called at various stages of the training.

Also depending on the state of the training, step_op is called on the train split of the data, which is defined in the config under datasets/train updating the model parameters as defined in the train_op function and logging from time to time. When logging the model is also applied on the validation split of the data (found in the config at datasets/validation) without updating the model. Logging is done as requested in the dynamically created log_op function.

At the end of each epoch the model is applied to the whole sorted validation split and all outputs of the eval_op function are written out in such a manner, that they can be easily loaded again later for further evaluation.

The train_op is called at every step, if edflow was invoked with the -t parameter. The log_op is only called every few steps. Finally the eval_op is only called at the end of each epoch. Take a look at the documentation of edflow.eval.pipeline for more information.

A closer look at the step_op

Additionally to defining the three functions train_op, log_op and eval_op, the step_op also takes care of various other things. Let's go through it step by step:

    def step_op(self, model, stickman, appearance, target, **kwargs):

The arguments expected by the step_op method are defined by what the dataset returns per example, except for the very first argument, which is the model, we want to train. In our case the model is VUNet.VUNet and the dataset returns a dict with at least the three entries stickman for the pose, appearance and target as a training reference.

        # Test if the model should be pushed to the gpu
        if not hasattr(self, '_model_is_cuda'):
            if torch.cuda.is_available():
                self._model_is_cuda = True
                self._model_is_cuda = False

As a first step, we check if the model is already pushed to a GPU and if not, do so right away.

        # prepare inputs for preprocessing
        inputs = {'pt': {'pose': stickman, 'appearance': appearance, 'target': target}}

        # set model to train / eval mode
        is_train = self.get_split() == "train"

        # prepare inputs
        # remember numpy versions
        inputs['np'] = {'pose': stickman, 'appearance': appearance, 'target': target}

After that we prepare the inputs to be pytorch tensors and set the model to train mode, depending on the state of the training. Remember: E.g. during logging the state will change to eval model, when iterating over the validation set.

        # compute model
        predictions = model(inputs['pt'])
        predictions = {'image': predictions}

        # compute loss
        losses = self.criterion(inputs['pt'], predictions)

        loss = losses['batch']['total']

Now it is time to actually apply the model to the data and compute the losses of the generated outputs w.r.t. to the targets. How we calculate the losses will be discussed in further detail below.

Up to now we defined operations that are executed at each step during training. Now we have a look at those steps, that can be turned on and of as needed during training and evaluation to optimize the execution performance.

        def train_op():
            before = time.time()
            if retrieve(self.config, "debug_timing", default=False):
      "train step needed {} s".format(time.time() - before))

The train op simply defines how the loss is used to calculate the parameter updates. This is completely according to pytorch way of things.

        def log_op():
            with torch.no_grad():
                logs = self.prepare_logs(inputs, predictions, losses, model, 'batch')

            # log to tensorboard
            if self.config["integrations"]["tensorboardX"]["active"]:
                if self.get_global_step() == 0 and is_train:
                    # save model
                    self.tensorboardX_writer.add_graph(model, inputs["pt"])
          "Added model graph to tensorboard")

            return logs

The log_op, as explained above will only be called every now and then. Here we make sure that all log values are numpy arrays or python scalars. We also ensure, that the returned logs dictionary adheres to the required format, which is logs = {'images: {'name': image_batch, 'name2': image_batch2, ...}, 'scalars': {'name': value, 'name2: value2, ...}}.

        def eval_op():
            with torch.no_grad():
                logs = self.prepare_logs(
                    inputs, predictions, losses, model, 'instances'

            return {

Finally we define the eval_op. It will turn a batch of model outputs and losses into entries of a dataset, which is written into the projects eval/ folder. Note that we need to make sure, that the outputs of this function do all need to keep the batch dimensions!

        return {"train_op": train_op, "log_op": log_op, "eval_op": eval_op}

The three dynamically created functions are then passed on to edflow, which handles the execution.

Playing with the losses

To add or change losses, we need to take a look at the method criterion:

    def criterion(self, inputs, predictions):

It expects all inputs in the form of pytorch tensors, as well as the model predictions, containing the generated images and the latent representations for pose and appearance.

        # update kl weights
        update_loss_weights_inplace(self.config["losses"], self.get_global_step())

As we want to vary some loss weights, namely ramp up the KL-loss during training, we first update those weights depending on the current training step.

        # calculate losses
        instance_losses = {}

        if "color_L1" in self.config["losses"].keys():
            instance_losses["color_L1"] = self.L1LossInstances(
                predictions["image"], inputs["target"]

        if "color_L2" in self.config["losses"].keys():
            instance_losses["color_L2"] = self.MSELossInstances(
                predictions["image"], inputs["target"]

        if "color_gradient" in self.config["losses"].keys():
            instance_losses["color_gradient"] = self.L1LossInstances(
                    predictions["image"][..., 1:] - predictions["image"][..., :-1]
                torch.abs(inputs["target"][..., 1:] - inputs["target"][..., :-1]),
            ) + self.L1LossInstances(
                    predictions["image"][..., 1:, :] - predictions["image"][..., :-1, :]
                torch.abs(inputs["target"][..., 1:, :] - inputs["target"][..., :-1, :]),

        if "KL" in self.config["losses"].keys() and "q_means" in predictions:
            instance_losses["KL"] = aggregate_kl_loss(
                predictions["q_means"], predictions["p_means"]

        if "perceptual" in self.config["losses"]:
            instance_losses["perceptual"] = self.PerceptualLossInstances(
                predictions["image"], inputs["target"]

Next, all relevant losses are calculated as given in the config under the key losses. :information_source: To add a custom loss, simply calculate it here and store it in the instance_losses dictionary. Note, that your calculated loss should still have a correct batch dimension.

        instance_losses["total"] = sum(
                self.config["losses"][key]["weight"] * instance_losses[key]
                for key in instance_losses.keys()

Knowing the absolute amounts of the losses, we then weigh and sum them according to the weights, we define in the config under losses/<loss_name>/weight. This total loss is the one, we optimize for during training.

        # reduce to batch granularity
        batch_losses = {k: v.mean() for k, v in instance_losses.items()}
        losses = dict(instances=instance_losses, batch=batch_losses)

        return losses

During training, we only want to log losses for the whole batch, i.e. scalar values, but during evaluation it can be interesting to know losses for each seen example independently. Thus we return the losses at both granularities.


You now know the core elements for training VUNet and making changes to the training process:

  • The config defines all relevant parameters, which can be accessed during training via self.config inside the iterator.
  • The Iterator defines how we want to train and evaluate the model. Inside step_op we define, how a batch of data is handled.
  • To change the weight of a loss, simply change the corresponding parameter in the losses entry in the config, to add a loss, modify the criterion method of the iterator.