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Jens Maus edited this page Feb 11, 2017 · 4 revisions

The Yet Another Mailer (YAM) User Guide

This page is meant to serve as a starting point for all documentation regarding YAM usage. The guide is a free document, a collaborative effort, and a part of the YAM Project itself.


YAM (Yet Another Mailer) is a MIME-compliant open-source Internet email client written for AmigaOS-based computer systems that lets you send and receive electronic mail over the Internet and maintain archives of messages in your computer.

Back in 1995 the original author Marcel Beck started the development of YAM and released the first version. While this first version (v1) was still very limited in its features the successor version (v2) introduced much more advanced features so that the 2.2 version was rated as the best Email client for Amiga computers back in 1998. This was probably also because YAM has been a freeware product right from the start, allowing Amiga users to travel into the great world of emails with a product they not have to spent money on.

Then in late 2000 Marcel left the Amiga development but luckily decided to release the source code of YAM under the wiki:Documentation/User license. This allowed to find a group of developers working on the further development of YAM. Already one year later the open-source developer crew released the 2.3 version showing the Amiga community that the development of YAM hasn't stopped at all.

And now, after even more years the development of YAM has advanced some more and is now aiming to bring up YAM to a level where it is compareable to other mail clients like Thunderbird. Of course we still have a long way to go, but with the help of you and the Amiga community we can make this vision reality.

User Guide

  1. General * wiki:Documentation/What is e-mail – Introduction to electronic mail * wiki:Documentation/User license — License information under which YAM is distributed. * wiki:Documentation/Features – Feature list * wiki:Documentation/Requirements — System requirements and software needed. * wiki:Documentation/Installation — Installing YAM on your system. * wiki:Documentation/Quickstart — Getting started with YAM in 5 minutes. * wiki:Documentation/Credits — Who participated on the development of YAM.
  2. Using YAM * wiki:Documentation/Configuration — Configuring YAM to suit your own needs. * wiki:Documentation/Windows
  3. Tuning YAM * wiki:Documentation/Tooltypes — Tooltypes and command line arguments. * wiki:Documentation/Pattern matching — Searching and filtering e-mails. * wiki:Documentation/Tips & tricks — Some useful hints.

Developer Guide

Support and Other Sources of Information

  • wiki:FAQ — A collection of Frequently Asked Questions.
  • /discussion – Discussion forum to ask questions.
  • /newticket – For reporting problems and requesting new features.

If you are looking for a good place to ask a question about YAM, look no further than the [wiki:MailingLists MailingLists]. It provides a friendly environment to discuss openly among YAM users and developers. Furthermore, this website is also hosting an in which you can discuss your problems after having registered a user name.


Getting Started


Advanced use of YAM



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