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Project 2 Requirements

Motohiko Makino edited this page Feb 2, 2019 · 2 revisions


  • Must use a Node and Express Web Server
  • Must be backed by a MySQL Database with a Sequelize ORM
  • Must have both GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data
  • Must be deployed using Heroku (with Data)
  • Must utilize at least one new library, package, or technology that we haven’t discussed
  • Must have a polished frontend / UI
  • Must have folder structure that meets MVC Paradigm
  • Must meet good quality coding standards (indentation, scoping, naming)
  • Must protect API keys in node with environment variables

Nice To Haves

  • Utilize Handlebars for Server-Side Templating
  • Incorporate Authentication (JSON Web Tokens, Sessions, Etc.)
  • Use an existing public dataset to power the database
  • Create a migration strategy for sharing data across team members e.g. a seed/schema.sql file.

Presentation Requirements

  • You will also be responsible for preparing a 10 minute presentation.
  • This will be a formal presentation.
  • One in which you explain in detail:
    • Your overall application’s concept
    • The motivation for its development
    • Your design process
    • The technologies you used (and briefly how they work)
    • A demonstration of its functionality
    • Directions for future development
  • Treat the presentation seriously!
  • Talking intelligently about tech > doing tech sometimes.
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