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MatchMiner V1.0 demo installation

This is a step by step guide to install and run a dockerized demo installation of MatchMiner using simulated data.

Download the demo data

  1. Start the Docker Engine

    Check if the matchminer-demo-api:1.0.0 and matchminer-demo-ui:1.0.0 docker images are available. If not do step 2 - 5

    > docker images

    If they are present you should see:

    REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    matchminer-demo-ui                1.0.0               5c520c30478c        10 hours ago        1.04 GB
    matchminer-demo-api               1.0.0               938ea08d802c        10 hours ago        1.06 GB

    The UI image

    Navigate to matchminer-ui repository

  2. > cd /matchminer-ui

  3. > docker build -t matchminer-demo-ui:1.0.0 .

    The API image

    Navigate to matchminer-api repository

  4. > cd /matchminer-api/

  5. > docker build -t matchminer-demo-api:1.0.0 .

    NOTE: All mentioned paths are relative to the matchminer-api repository root.

    Building the remaining images (mongo, mongo-setup, kibana, mongo-connector, elasticsearch)

  6. > cd ./demo/matchminer

  7. > docker-compose up -d

    Check if the stack is running

  8. > docker ps

    You should see something like the following:

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                               NAMES
    ca04363b2487        matchminer-demo-ui:1.0.0                "/"         9 hours ago         Up 9 hours>8001/tcp                              matchminer_ui_1
    cf7f2fb67265        matchminer-demo-kibana-sense:1.0.0      "/docker-entrypoin..."   9 hours ago         Up 9 hours>5601/tcp                              matchminer_kibana_1
    326aa84fbf9b        matchminer-demo-mongo-connector:1.0.0   "/tmp/"        9 hours ago         Up 9 hours                                                              matchminer_connector_1
    8a75218f7fca        matchminer-demo-api:1.0.0               "/ dev"     9 hours ago         Up 9 hours          80/tcp, 443/tcp, 8443/tcp,>5000/tcp   matchminer_api_1
    5b66b3b1c2c7        elasticsearch:2.4.0                     "/docker-entrypoin..."   9 hours ago         Up 9 hours>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp                    matchminer_elastic_1
    896379773ce9        mongo:latest                            "docker-entrypoint..."   9 hours ago         Up 9 hours          27017/tcp                                           matchminer_mongo_1

    Check if the mongo replicateset (rs) has been initialized.

  9. > docker exec -it matchminer_mongo_1 sh

  10. # mongo

You should see the following prompt presented:


If this is the case then the replicateset has been initialized. If this has not been done correctly you would see rs0:OTHER> as a prompt. To initialize the replicateset run the following command:

 `> rs.initiate();`

Loading the data

  1. Exit the mongo shell (> exit or ctrl-c)
  2. > cd /storage

Loading the genomic data

  1. > mongorestore --db matchminer genomic.bson

Loading the clinical data

  1. > mongorestore --db matchminer clinical.bson

    The clinical trials will be added later. We will have to correctly add the mapping to Elasticsearch first.

Insert a demo user

  1. > cat /storage/user.txt

    Copy the first json object into the clipboard and insert it into the mongo database

  2. > mongo

  3. # use matchminer;

  4. db.user.insert(PASTE JSON OBJECT HERE)

    Find the _id of the user just inserted

  5. db.user.find()

    Copy the _id of the user to the clipboard

  6. Exit the mongo shell and exit the container (> exit (2x))

    Add the demo user _id to the config.json of the UI

  7. > docker exec -it matchminer_ui_1 sh

    NOTE: You might have to install a text editor if its not present in the container

    Installing a text editor

  8. > apt-get update

  9. > apt-get install vim

  10. > cd properties

  11. > vim config.json

    Replace the user_id under the following path: dev.ENV.devUser.user_id

  12. Exit the UI container

    Restart the ui container

  13. > cd ./demo/matchminer

  14. > docker-compose restart ui

    Getting the Elasticsearch mapping right

    Bring down the mongo-connector

  15. > docker-compose stop connector

    In browser navigate to: localhost:5601

  16. Set Elasticsearch URL in kibana to: http://elasticsearch:9200

    Drop the matchminer Elasticsearch index

  17. In the large text field on the left enter: DELETE matchminer

  18. Click the green play icon on the top right of the text box

    Copy the mapping JSON structure that came with this installation guide (./demo/data/mongo/elasticsearch_settings.txt)

  19. In the same text box add POST matchminer { PASTE JSON MAPPING HERE }

  20. Click the green play button to execute the command

    Launch the mongo container shell again

  21. > docker exec -it matchminer_mongo_1 sh

  22. # cd /storage

  23. # mongorestore --db matchminer trial.json

  24. Exit the mongo container (# exit)

    Start the mongo-connector

  25. > docker-compose start connector

    All should be well! Check if the UI is running correctly in your browser:
