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Jennifer Chang edited this page Aug 20, 2021 · 31 revisions


2012 FreeBayes

2013 FALCON, FALCON-unzip, FALCON-Phase

2016 minimap2

2018 purge_haplotigs, purge_dups

  • Roach, M.J., Schmidt, S.A. and Borneman, A.R., 2018. Purge Haplotigs: allelic contig reassignment for third-gen diploid genome assemblies. BMC bioinformatics, 19(1), pp.1-10.
    • purge_haplotigs
  • Guan, D., McCarthy, S.A., Wood, J., Howe, K., Wang, Y. and Durbin, R., 2020. Identifying and removing haplotypic duplication in primary genome assemblies. Bioinformatics, 36(9), pp.2896-2898.
    • C source code at
    • Pipeline outline: (1) minimap2 (li, 2016), (2) create windows by contigs and self align, (3) remove haplotigs, (4) chain overlaps.. something about the shorter contig. (more detail in Supplementary Material).
    • "Following this [Scaff10x] with a round of polishing with Arrow closed a number of gaps, reducing contig number further and increasing contig N50" Wait... arrow merges contigs? or maybe it's Scaff10x.
    • "To our knowledge, scaffolders that use long-range information, such as Scaff10X with linked reads or SALSA with Hi-C data, do not handle heterozygous overlaps. We therefore recommend applying purge_dups directly after initial assembly, prior to scaffolding."
    • "In conclusion, purge_dups can significantly improve genome assemblies by removing overlaps and haplotigs caused by sequence divergence in heterozygous regions." ... removes false dups, while retaining assembly completeness, improves scaffolding

2020 Merqury

2021 merfin, mitoVGP

2021 ag100pest update

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