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  • Linux (We tested our codes on Ubuntu 18.04)
  • Anaconda
  • Python 3.10.11
  • Pytorch 2.0.0 (Pytorch 2+ is necessary)

To get started, first please clone the repo

git clone
cd SAMed_h

Then, please run the following commands:

conda create -n SAMed_h python=3.10.11
conda activate SAMed_h
pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick start

All the steps are the same as SAMed. But you need to prepare the vit_h version of SAM and our pretrained checkpoint.


We adopt one A100 (80G) for training.

  1. Please download the processed training set, whose resolution is 224x224, and put it in <Your folder>. Then, unzip and delete this file. We also prepare the training set with resolution 512x512 for reference, the 224x224 version of training set is downsampled from the 512x512 version.
  2. Run this command to train SAMed.
python --root_path <Your folder> --output <Your output path> --warmup --AdamW --tf32 --compile --use_amp --lr_exp 7 --max_epochs 400 --stop_epoch 300

Check the results in <Your output path>, and the training process will consume about 70G GPU memory.

Difference between SAMed_h and SAMed

  • SAMed_h adopts the vit_h version of SAM as the base model.
  • SAMed_h needs more training iterations. Therefore, we set the max epoch to 400 and early stop to 300 for better performance.
  • Too large learning rate will cause the training instability of SAMed_h. Therefore, we increase the exponent of exponential decay from 0.9 to 7, which can greatly reduce the training instability.
  • For faster training speed and less memory consumption, SAMed_h adopts auto mixed-precision, tensor-float 32 and compile technology in pytorch 2.0. Therefore, pytorch2+ is necessary for training this model.