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Road Runner Download Trello

A simple Kotlin library for planning 2D mobile robot paths and trajectories designed for FTC. Note: this project is in alpha and many of the APIs are incubating.

(Courtesy of FTC Team 8393, Detroit 2019 Ochoa F2)


Check out the online documentation.


Core (FTC)

  1. Open your Android Studio project.

  2. Open TeamCode/build.release.gradle and add implementation 'com.acmerobotics.roadrunner:core:0.5.1' to the end of the dependencies block.

  3. Sync the project (Android Studio should prompt you to do this).

  4. Adding Road Runner and its dependencies may put your install package over the method reference limit imposed by some versions of Android. This restriction can be circumvented by one of the following methods:

    1. If you do not need to target API level 19 (i.e., you don't need to use ZTE Speeds), add multiDexEnabled true to the defaultConfig closure in build.common.gradle.

    2. Otherwise, the next best solution is to enable Proguard which culls unnecessary methods. Begin by downloading the file from the quickstart and save it to the TeamCode directory. Then add following lines to the debug and release closures inside buildTypes in build.common.gradle:

      minifyEnabled true
      proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),

    For more information, see this article.


Road Runner includes a simple GUI for generating trajectories from pose waypoints and constraints. You can download the latest version from the Releases tab (or build it with ./gradlew shadowJar).


Road Runner also includes a simple IDEA/Android Studio plugin based upon the GUI. Here are some instructions for building and loading the plugin:

  1. Download the latest plugin zip from the Release assets or build it with ./gradlew buildPlugin.
  2. In Android Studio, navigate to Settings > Plugins.
  3. Click the gear icon and select Install Plugin from Disk....
  4. Select the zip archive from your downloads or plugin/build/distributions.
  5. Restart Android Studio to activate plugin changes.
  6. Click on "Road Runner" on the right side of the editor and the tool window should appear.