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An introduction to using JupyterLab for data science

Jupyter-lab is the standard tool for modern reproducible data science in Python. In this short class you will learn how to setup JupyterLab, execute code; control the Jupyter Kernel; write Markdown, and structure Jupyter notebooks.

This is a general introduction to Jupyter and is useful for any data science course using Linux, Mac or Windows.


  • It is recommended that at - a minimum - down and install a Anaconda 3 distribution
  • The default base conda environment is sufficient to run the notebooks in this class.
  • For those wishing to use the same version of Jupyter and Python, the class is also provided with a conda virtual environment: hds_code. To install the dependences run the following in a terminal:
conda env create -f binder/environment.yml

conda activate hds_code


1. Setup

  • Jupyter lab theme
  • Directory and file navigation
  • Creating a new Jupyter notebook (.ipynb)
  • Presentation mode and single document mode
  • Adding line numbers and a ruler to code cells
  • Using the built in bash terminal

2. Working with notebooks

  • Code cells versus markdown cells
  • Advice about using keyboard shortcuts
  • Running individual cells versus running multiple cells
  • Execution order matters
  • Resetting a kernel
  • Interrupting a kernel

3: Markdown

  • Setting a cell to markdown mode
  • Titles and subtitles
  • Horizontal lines
  • Formatting text as code in markdown
  • Bold text and italic text
  • Bullet points and numbers lists
  • Including LaTeX mathematical expressions.
  • Including images
  • Including hypertext links.