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Containerized Workload

The ContainerizedWorkload is a Serverless Container style workload definition that could be referenced as the schema for long-running containerized workload types for runtime platforms like Azure ACI, AWS Fargate or simple stateless workload of Kubernetes.

Note: it's by design that ContainerizedWorkload schema is NOT equivalent to Kubernetes Pod specification. As a schema for serverless style workload, ContainerizedWorkload intends to focus on developer facing primitives only and be self-contained so developers don't need to define objects like ConfigMap or Secret. Also, it exposes container ports by default. Thus, if you are looking for a generic workload schema for Kubernetes based PaaS, we'd recommend to check PodSpecWorkload specification instead.

Below is the schematic specification for ContainerizedWorkload.

Top-Level Attributes of a containerized workload

These attributes provide top-level information about the containerized workload.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
apiVersion string Y
kind string Y ContainerizedWorkload
metadata Metadata Y containerized workload metadata.
spec Spec Y A container for the containerized workload spec.


Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
osType string N The OS required to host (all of) the component's containers (since containers share a kernel with the underlying host). Possible values include:
  • linux
  • windows
For extended runtimes, this is passed in unaltered. Default can be none and let the runtime decide where to place the component.
arch string N The CPU architecture required to host (all of) the component's containers (since containers share physical hardware with the underlying host). Possible values include:
  • i386
  • amd64
  • arm
  • arm64
Default can be none and let the runtime chose architecture.
containers []Container Y The OCI container(s) that implement the component.


This section describes the runtime configuration necessary to run a containerized workload for this component.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
name string Y The container's name. Must be unique per component.
image string Y A path-like or URI-like representation of the location of an OCI image. Where applicable, this MAY be prefixed with a registry address, SHOULD be suffixed with a tag.
resources Resources Y Resources required by the container.
cmd []string N Entrypoint array.
args []string N Arguments to the entrypoint. The container image's CMD is used if this is not provided.
env []Env N Environment variables for the container.
config []ConfigFile N Locations to write configuration as files accessible within the container
ports []Port N Ports exposed by the container.
livenessProbe HealthProbe N Instructions for assessing whether the container is alive.
readinessProbe HealthProbe N Instructions for assessing whether the container is in a suitable state to serve traffic.
imagePullSecret string N Key that can be used to retrieve the credentials for pulling this secret.

The details of the way that a runtime takes imagePullSecret and loads credentials is left to the OAM runtime implementation. For example, a Kubernetes implementation may treat this as a key that can be loaded from a secret. While it is not required, it is RECOMMENDED that image names be suffixed with a digest in OCI format. The digest may be used to compute the integrity of the image. example/foobar@sha256:72e996751fe42b2a0c1e6355730dc2751ccda50564fec929f76804a6365ef5ef.

The name field is required and must be 63 characters or less, beginning and ending with an alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between.


Resources describe compute resources attached to a runtime.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
cpu CPU Y Specifies the attributes of the cpu resource required for the container.
memory Memory Y Specifies the attributes of the memory resource required for the container.
gpu GPU N Specifies the attributes of the gpu resources required for the container.
volumes []Volume N Specifies the attributes of the volumes that the container uses.
extended []ExtendedResource N Implementation-specific extended resource requirements

For any resource that cannot be satisfied by the underlying platform, the platform MUST return an error and cease deployment. A resource is considered a requirement, and failure to meet that requirement means the runtime MUST NOT deploy the application. For example, if an application requests 1P of memory, and that amount of memory is not available, the application deployment must fail. Likewise, if an application requires 1 gpu, and the runtime does not provide gpus, the application deployment MUST fail.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
required double Y The minimum number of logical cpus required for running this container.

See the Units section above for valid values.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
required string Y The minimum amount of memory required for running this container. The value should be a positive integer with/without unit suffix: P, T, G, M, K. If no unit is given, it defaults to 'bytes'.

See the Units section above for valid values.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
required double Y The minimum number of gpus required for running this container.

See the Units section above for valid values.


Volume describes name, a location to mount the volume, along with access mode (such as read/write or read-only) and sharing policy for the mount. It also describes the underneath disk attributes needed by the volume. The format of the path is specific to the operating system of the consuming component, though implementations SHOULD provide support for UNIX-like path representations.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
name string Y Specifies the name used to reference the path.
mountPath string Y Specifies the actual mount path in the filesystem.
accessMode string N RW Specifies the access mode. Allowed values are RW (read/write) and RO (read-only).
sharingPolicy string N Exclusive The sharing policy for the mount, indicating if it is expected to be shared or not. Allowed values are Exclusive and Shared.
disk Disk N Specifies the attributes of the underneath disk resources required by the volume.

See the Units section above for valid values.


name: "configuration"
mountPath: /etc/config
accessMode: RO
sharingPolicy: Shared
  required: "2G"
  ephemeral: n

The above requires that a read-only volume be mounted at the path /etc/config, backed by a volume that provides at least 2G of non-ephemeral storage.


The disk specifies the attributes of the disk used by the volume. It describes information such as minimum disk size and the disk is ephemeral or not. Ephemeral disk indicates the component requires minimum disk size on the node to run it. For example, image processing component may require a larger cache on the node to run could use ephemeral disk. When ephemeral disk is set to false, it indicates external disk will be used.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
required string Y The minimum disk size required for running this container. The value should be a positive value, greater than zero.
ephemeral boolean N Specifies whether external disk needs to be mounted or not.

See the Units section above for valid values.


An extended resource is a declaration of a resource requirement for an implementation-specific resource. For example, OAM-compliant platforms may expose special hardware. This field allows containers to indicate that such special offerings are required in order for the containers to operate.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
name string Y The name of the resource, as a Group/Version/Kind
required string Y The required condition.

The name field MUST be a group/version/kind identifying the specific resource.


- name:
  required: "1"
- name:
  required: z141155-t100

If the named extended resource is not available for any reason, implementations MUST return an error when a component instance is created.


Env describes an environment variable as a name/value pair of strings.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
name string Y The environment variable name. Must be unique per container.
value string N The environment variable value.

The name field must be composed of valid Unicode letter and number characters, as well as _ and -.


  - name: "ADMIN_USER"
    value: "admin"  # This is a literal value


ConfigFile describes a path to a file available within the container, as well as the data that will be written into that file. This provides a way to inject configuration files into a container.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
path string Y An absolute path within the container.
value string N The data to be written into the file at the specified path. If this is not supplied, fromParam must be supplied
fromParam string N The parameter whose value should be written into this file as a value

The path field must contain a path that abides by the pathing rules of the underlying operating system. If a relative path is given, implementations MUST assume the path is relative to the root directory of the container. Implementations MAY produce an error if using such a path would violate security measures or path layout requirements.


  - path: "/etc/access/default_user.txt"
    value: "admin"  # This is a literal value
  - path: "/var/run/db-data"
    fromParam: "sourceData" # This will cause the value to be read from the parameter whose name is `sourceData`

If both fromParam and value are specified, fromParam MUST take precedence, even if the parameter value is an empty value. If neither is specified, the runtime MUST produce an error.


Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
name string Y A descriptive name for the port. Must be unique per container.
containerPort integer Y The port number. Must be unique per container.
protocol string N TCP Indicates the transport layer protocol used by the server listening on the port. Valid values are TCP and UDP.

The name field must be lowercase alphabetical characters as present in the ASCII character set (0061-007A).


Health Probe describes how a probing operation is to be executed as a way of determining the health of a component.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
exec Exec N Instructions for assessing container health by executing a command. Either this attribute or the httpGet attribute or the tcpSocket attribute MUST be specified. This attribute is mutually exclusive with both the httpGet attribute and the tcpSocket attribute.
httpGet HTTPGet N Instructions for assessing container health by executing an HTTP GET request. Either this attribute or the exec attribute or the tcpSocket attribute MUST be specified. This attribute is mutually exclusive with both the exec attribute and the tcpSocket attribute.
tcpSocket TCPSocket N Instructions for assessing container health by probing a TCP socket. Either this attribute or the exec attribute or the httpGet attribute MUST be specified. This attribute is mutually exclusive with both the exec attribute and the httpGet attribute.
initialDelaySeconds integer N 0 Number of seconds after the container is started before the first probe is initiated.
periodSeconds integer N 10 How often, in seconds, to execute the probe.
timeoutSeconds integer N 1 Number of seconds after which the probe times out.
successThreshold integer N 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed.
failureThreshold integer N 3 Number of consecutive failures required to determine the container is not alive (liveness probe) or not ready (readiness probe).

See the Units section above for valid time values.

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
command []string Y A command to be executed inside the container to assess its health. Each space delimited token of the command is a separate array element. Commands exiting 0 are considered to be successful probes, whilst all other exit codes are considered failures.
Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
path string Y The endpoint, relative to the port, to which the HTTP GET request should be directed.
port integer Y The TCP socket within the container to which the HTTP GET request should be directed.
httpHeaders []HTTPHeader N Optional HTTP headers.
Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
name string Y An HTTP header name. This must be unique per HTTP GET-based probe.
value string Y An HTTP header value.

Both name and value must abide by the HTTP/1.1 specification for valid header values

Attribute Type Required Default Value Description
port integer Y The TCP socket within the container that should be probed to assess container health.

Port must be an integer value greater than 0.

Units for Time, CPU, Memory, and Disk

In places in this specification, certain units of measure are applied. This section describes those units of measure.

Timing (Intervals)

For timing, the default unit of time is seconds, represented as an integer.

CPU count

CPU count is represented as a floating point number, where 1 means one CPU, 2 means 2 CPUs, and 0.5 means half of a CPU.

The exact meaning of this unit varies from platform to platform. Implementors should consider that logical cpu is equivalent to one AWS vCPU or one Azure vCore or one GCP Core or one IBM vCPU. Fractional values are allowed. If a runtime does not support fractional units, it MUST round up (ceiling function) to the next integer value.

Memory and Disk

Memory and disk space use the notation for bytes/kilo/mega/giga/tera/peta by just using the major unit:

  • 1024 is 1024 bytes
  • 88K is 88 kilobytes
  • 5M is 5 megabytes
  • 7G is 7 gigabytes
  • 100T is 100 terabytes
  • 9999P is 9999 petabytes

If a B is appended after the unit letter, it MUST be ignored. Thus, 5M and 5MB are treated as identical. Case is unimportant. 15k and 15K MUST be treated as the same value.

Containerized Workload JSON schema

For non-Kubernetes runtime implementations, one could use JSON schema as valid containerized workload schema.