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Hadoop Pig Laboratory

This lab is dedicated to Hadoop Pig and consists of a series of exercises: some of them mimic those in the MapReduce lab, others are inspired by "real-world" problems. There are two main goals for this laboratory:

  • The first is to gain familiarity with the Pig Latin language to analyze data in many different ways. In other words, to focus on "what to do" with your data: to perform some simple statistics, to mine useful information, or to implement some simple algorithms.
  • The second is to understand the details of Hadoop Pig internals by inspecting the process of turning a Pig Latin script into a runnable, optimized, underlying implementation in MapReduce. This means that you should examine what the Pig compiler generates from a Pig Latin script, and reason about Hadoop Job performance by analyzing Hadoop logs and statistics.

Additional useful resources for Pig

Useful tools for "debugging":

  • DESCRIBE relation: this is very useful to understand the schema applied to each relation. Note that understanding schema propagation in Pig requires some time.
  • DUMP relation: this command is similar to the STORE command, except that it outputs on stdout the selected relation.
  • ILLUSTRATE relation: this command is useful to get a sample of the data in a relation.
  • EXPLAIN generates (text and .dot) files that illustrate the DAG (directed acyclic graph) of the MapReduce jobs produced by Pig, and can be visualized by some graph-chart tools, such as GraphViz. This is very useful to grab an idea of what is going on under the hood.

Additional documentation for the laboratory

The underlying assumption is that students taking part to this laboratory are familiar with MapReduce and Pig/Pig Latin. Additional documentation that is useful for the exercises is available here: Note that we will use Hadoop Pig 0.12.0, included in the Cloudera distribution of Hadoop, CDH 5.3.2.

Exercises and Rules

The general rule when using a real cluster is the following:

  • First work locally: pig -x local: you can use both the interactive shell or directly work on pig scripts, to operate on data residing in the local file-system. For EURECOM students: note that you need to log to the "gateway" machine to run pig, even in what we call the "local execution mode". This means that you need to copy sample datasets in your group/home directory on the gateway machine to run your scripts "locally". This means you have to copy the sample input files that are available here in a local directory of your group account in the gateway machine. Also, note that for an interactive use of the pig shell, you need to connect to the gateway machine.
  • Then, submit job to the cluster: pig -x mapreduce. NOTE: remember that a script that works locally may require some minor modifications when submitted to the Hadoop cluster. For example, you may want to explicitly set the degree of parallelism for the "reduce" phase, using the PARALLEL clause.

Exercise 1:: Word Count

Problem statement: Count the occurrences of each word in a text file.

The problem is exactly the same as the one in the MapReduce laboratory. In this exercise we will write a Pig Latin script to handle the problem, and let Pig do its work.

Writing your first Pig Latin script

It is important to run this Pig Latin script in local execution mode: pig -x local. The following lines of code can also be submitted to the interactive pig shell (grunt) with some minor modification. Use your favorite editor/IDE and copy the code for this exercise, which is reported below:

-- Load input data from local input directory
A = LOAD './sample-input/WORD_COUNT/sample.txt';

-- Parse and clean input data
C = FILTER B BY word MATCHES '\\w+';

-- Explicit the GROUP-BY
D = GROUP C BY word;

-- Generate output data in the form: <word, counts>

-- Store output data in local output directory
STORE E INTO './local-output/WORD_COUNT/';

As you can notice, this exercise is solved (to be precise, this is one possible solution). You have the freedom to develop your own solution. In this exercise, what we are going to do is have you get familiar with Pig and Pig Latin through inspecting the above script. Using all the information we have provided so far, you will have to play with Pig and answer several questions at the end of this exercise.

How-to inspect your results and check your job in the cluster

  • Local execution: there is no mystery here, you can inspect output files in your local output directory

  • Cluster execution: you can use hdfs dfs from the command line

  • Inspecting your job status on the cluster: you can identify your job by name (try to use a original/unique name for the pig script you submit, and also check for your unix login) and check its status using the Web UI of the Resource Manager. Make sure to obtain useful information, for example, what optimization Pig brings in, to help reducing I/O costs and ultimately achieve better performance.


  • Q1: Compare execution times between your Pig and Hadoop MapReduce jobs: which is faster? What are the overheads in Pig?
  • Q2: What does a GROUP BY command do? In which phase of MapReduce is GROUP BY performed in this exercise and in general?
  • Q3: What does a FOREACH command do? In which phase of MapReduce is FOREACH performed in this exercise and in general?

Exercise 2:: Working with Online Social Networks data

In this exercise we use a small dataset from Twitter that was obtained from this project: Link. For convenience, an example of the twitter dataset is available in the sample-input directory. Larger datasets are available in the private HDFS deployment of the laboratory: look up the following two files /laboratory/twitter-small.txt and /laboratory/twitter-big.txt

The format of the dataset (both local and cluster) is the following:


where USER_ID and FOLLOWER_ID are represented by numeric ID (integer)


12   	13
12   	14
12   	15
16   	17
  • Users 13, 14 and 15 are followers of user 12.
  • User 17 is a follower of user 16.

Counting the number of "followers" per Twitter user

Problem statement: for each user, calculate the total number of followers of that user.

Open the pig script ./pig-lab/sample-solutions/OSN/tw-count.pig in your favorite editor. Your goal is to fill-in the TODOs and produce the desired output: in the example above, we would like to have that user 12 has 3 followers and user 16 has 1 follower. The output format should be like:

USER_ID \t No. of FOLLOWERs \n


12  3
16  1

IMPORTANT NOTE 1: This applies for EURECOM students. Despite the twitter graph stored in the laboratory HDFS deployment is not huge, it is strongly advised to be 'gentle' and try to avoid running your Pig Latin program using the large file. The main problem is disk space: we cannot guarantee that all the output generated by your script will fit the space we granted to HDFS.

IMPORTANT NOTE 2: You surely noticed that there is a directory with solved exercises (for this and all other exercises of the lab). It is important that you come up with your own solution to the exercises, and use the solved pig latin script as a reference once you're done.


  • E2.1: Follower distribution: For each user ID, count the number of users she follows. [Optional] Use your favourite plotting tool
  • E2.2: Outliers Detection: find outliers (users that have a number of followers above an arbitrary threshold -- which you have to manually set)


  • Q1: Is the output sorted? Why?
  • Q2: Can we impose an output order, ascending or descending? How?
  • Q3: Related to job performance, what kinds of optimization does Pig provide in this exercise? Are they useful? Can we disable them? Should we?
  • Q4: What should we do when the input has some noise? For example: some lines in the dataset only contain USER_ID but the FOLLOWER_ID is unavailable or null.

Exercise 3:: Find the number of two-hop paths in the Twitter network

This exercise is related to the JOIN example discussed during the class on relational algebra and Hadoop Pig. You goal is to find all two-hop social relations in the Twitter dataset: for example, if user 12 is followed by user 13 and user 13 is followed by user 19, then there is a two-hop relation between user 12 and user 19. Open the pig script ./pig-lab/sample-solutions/OSN/tw-join.pig and fill-in the TODOs to produce the desired output.

The output format should be like:


Warning: Remember to set PARALLEL appropriately, or you will have to wait for a very long time... If you forgot to do this, or in any case you have been waiting for more than half an hour, please kill your job and go back to your script to check it through, and remember that CTRL+c is not going to work.


  • Q1: What is the size of the input data? How long does it take for the job to complete in your case? What are the cause of a poor performance of a job?
  • Q2: Try to set the parallelism with different number of reducers. What can you say about the load balancing between reducers?
  • Q3: Have you verified your results? Does your result contain duplicate tuples? Do you have loops (tuples that points from one user to the same user)? What operations do you use to remove duplicates?
  • Q4: How many MapReduce jobs does your Pig script generate? Explain why

Use-case:: Working with Network Traffic Data

Please, follow this link TSTAT Trace Analysis with Pig for this exercise.

IMPORTANT: For EURECOM students, although you can work on all exercises, for evaluation purposes you only need to complete exercises 1-4.

Use-case: Working with an Airline dataset

Please, go to AIRLINE Traffic Analysis with Pig for this exercise.

IMPORTANT: For EURECOM students, although you can work on all exercises, for evaluation purposes you only need to complete exercises queries 1-5. As you may notice, there are no explicit exercise questions here. You will need to briefly discuss the design of your Pig Latin script with the teaching assistant, and discuss the results you obtain.

Pig tricks


Put variable stuff into parameters, to allow for easy substitution! Typically this might be input and output files (or grouping parameters!), with sensible defaults, so that you can default to a small local file for rapid testing, and then override this with the big files on the cluster:

-- Set sensible defaults for local execution
%default input 'airline-sample.txt'

-- Load the data
dataset = LOAD '$input' using PigStorage(',') AS (...);

You can specify parameters when executing the script by using the -p flag, and -f to point to your script:

pig -f airline_q1.pig -p input=/laboratory/airline/2008.csv

For local testing with the default values, you'd just run it without any -p or -f flags:

pig -x local airline_q1.pig

Multiple input files

To execute your script on several input files, use Hadoop path expansion to shorten stuff down:

dataset = LOAD '/laboratory/airlines/{2005,2006,2007,2008}.csv' using PigStorage(',') AS (...);

Wildcards also work:

dataset = LOAD '/laboratory/airlines/*.csv' using PigStorage(',') AS (...);

You can also specify this as a parameter, but remember to put it in quotes to prevent your shell from doing the expansion:

pig -f airline_q1.pig -p 'input=/laboratory/airlines/{2005,2006,2007,2008}.csv

NOTE: Shell-expansion style {2005..2008} does sadly not work on Pig.