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Contract security considerations

Price considerations

This section argues about some aspects of the security of the code, as for example rounding issues. References in square brackets can be found in the code as comments of the form \\[*].

branch [14]

Claim: In the code, in branch [14], the clearing price p will be strictly between the current iterOrder price and the previous iterOrder price.

First, we prove p < p(currentOrder) via contraction: We assume: p >= p(currentOrder) (In this proof all divisions are integer divisions)

p >= p(currentOrder)
fullAuctionAmount / prevBidSum >= buyAmountOfIter /sellAmountOfIter (as fractions)
<=> fullAuctionAmount * sellAmountOfIter >= prevBidSum * buyAmountOfIter
<=> fullAuctionAmount * sellAmountOfIter / buyAmountOfIter >= prevBidSum (as integer)
<=> 0 >= prevBidSum - fullAuctionAmount * sellAmountOfIter / buyAmountOfIter
<=> sellAmountOfIter >= prevBidSum + sellAmountOfIter - fullAuctionAmount * sellAmountOfIter / buyAmountOfIter
<=> sellAmountOfIter >= currentBidSum - fullAuctionAmount * sellAmountOfIter / buyAmountOfIter
<=> sellAmountOfIter >= uncoveredBids

Hence, we will not end up in the branch. Contradiction.

Next, we prove p > p(previousOrder): From the while loop condition, we have:

prevBidSum * (buyAmountOfPrevIter) < fullAuctionedAmount * (sellAmountOfPrevIter)
<=> (buyAmountOfPrevIter) / (sellAmountOfPrevIter) < fullAuctionedAmount / prevBidSum (as Fractions)
<=> p(previousOrder) < p

branch [15]

Claim: In the code, in branch [15], the clearing price p will be strictly between the current iterOrder price and initial auction price.

First, we prove p > p(currentOrder): Due to if condition, we have:

currentBidSum * buyAmountOfIter < fullAuctionedAmount * sellAmountOfIter
<=> buyAmountOfIter / sellAmountOfIter < fullAuctionedAmount / currentBidSum  (as fractions)
<=> p(currentOrder) < p

Next, we prove p < p(initialAuctionPrice). Since,

currentBidSum > minAuctionedBuyAmount
<=> fullAuctionedAmount / currentBidSum < fullAuctionedAmount / minAuctionedBuyAmount
<=> p < p(initialAuctionPrice)

Rounding considerations

(Based on the code at commit 33b35e7e294b57ef7fcdd27672ac99f672b99336.)

Rounding issues may cause the contract to be frozen in case the total balance that is withdrawn from the contract is larger than the amount deposited into the contract. This issue would be particularly concerning in the case where one of the tokens used (e.g., if the auction sells all and only existing token units).

(References in square brackets can be found in the code as \\[*]. All operations in this document are integer divisions rounding down to the smallest integer. For example, 1/2 = 0 and (-1)/2 = -1. A recurring property is that a/c + b/c <= (a+b)/c, where c>0 and a and b are integers.)

We wish to argue that the amount transferred out is no larger than the amount transferred in. Transfers in occur on:

  • auction initiation [0], for
     _auctionedSellAmount * (FEE_DENOMINATOR + feeNumerator) / FEE_DENOMINATOR
  • order creation [1], for the full amount bid by the user.

Transfers out occur on:

  • order cancellation [2]✔, giving back the amount bid by the user in an order.
  • users claiming funds after the auction is concluded [3].
  • auction closing and sending
    • funds to the auctioneer [4]✔, [5]
    • fees to the dedicated address [5]✔, [7]

We will assume that cancelling an order is equivalent to not having created the order in the first place. In terms of amounts, this is what happens with [1] and [2]. At this point, we can consider just the case with no order cancelled.

Rounding considerations: minFundingThresholdNotReached not met

If the flag minFundingThresholdNotReached is set and the condition is not met, the user will claim the amounts they deposited [10]. We argue that the auctioneer receives back the full amount of auctioned tokens. This is done in [4] for the auctioned funds and the fees: (the variables have been renamed to make the naming consistent between the different functions, note that these values are constant during the auction)

in = [0] = sellAmount * (FEE_DENOMINATOR + feeNumerator) / FEE_DENOMINATOR
[4] out = sellAmount + sellAmount * feeNumerator / FEE_DENOMINATOR

In and out amount are the same regardless of rounding.

We now assume that minFundingThresholdNotReached is unset. We consider separately the amount of auction tokens and of bid tokens.

We argue that both bid tokens and auctioned tokens are not withdrawn beyond reserves in this case. Funds claiming by the auctioneer will be done via [11]. We will investigate the 4 different ways the price can be set in the settleAuction function separately ( The cases are given by the code branches [13], [14], [15] and [16])

Rounding considerations: clearing price is determined by [16]

Assuming the initial auction price is used [11], then it means that the auction has been settled at the price determined in case [16]. Then, the auctioneer cannot withdraw more than currentBidSum bidding token:

[16]: volumeClearingPriceOrder = currentBidSum * fullAuctionedAmount / minAuctionedBuyAmount
[11]: auctioningTokenAmount = fullAuctionedAmount - volumeClearingPriceOrder
      biddingTokenAmount = volumeClearingPriceOrder * minAuctionedBuyAmount / fullAuctionedAmount
 =>   biddingTokenAmount <= currentBidSum

and currentBidSum is the sum of all orders. No user can withdraw bid tokens: with the current restriction, case [17] of claimFromParticipantOrder is always triggered. This means that no overflows happens for bid tokens. Next, we consider auction tokens. Funds flow out when a user claims order funds [17], the fees are paid out with processFeesAndAuctioneerFunds and the unsold auction tokens are sent back to the auctioneer ([11], discussed before). Case [17] determines that the following amount of auctioned tokens is withdrawn for each order by a user:

[17]: out_auction_token_per_order = sellAmount * priceNumerator / priceDenominator

We argue that sum(out_per_order) <= currentBidSum * sellAmount / buyAmount. Since we assume to be in case [16], it must be that all orders have been summed up [18] and currentBidSum <= minAuctionedBuyAmount [16]. Then:

 -    currentBidSum = sum(orderSellAmount) <= minAuctionedBuyAmount
 =>   sum(out_per_order) =  sum(orderSellAmount * sellAmount / buyAmount)
                         <= sum(orderSellAmount) * sellAmount / buyAmount =  currentBidSum * sellAmount / buyAmount

Next, we analyze the amount transferred when paying out fees. The fee retrieval triggers case [11], causing the following amount of tokens to be sent out:

[20]: feeAmount = sellAmount * feeNumerator / FEE_DENOMINATOR
[11]: auctioningTokenAmount = sellAmount - volumeClearingPriceOrder
      out_reimbursed_fees = feeAmount * auctioningTokenAmount / sellAmount
      out_paid_fees = feeAmount * (sellAmount - auctioningTokenAmount) / sellAmount
 =>   out = out_reimbursed_fees + out_paid_fees <= feeAmount * sellAmount / sellAmount <= feeAmount

We saw all ins/outs in case the auction settles with the initial auction price. We can add up all transfers involving the auction token to see that no more auction tokens as available are withdrawn at any point:

[0]:  in = sellAmount * (FEE_DENOMINATOR + feeNumerator) / FEE_DENOMINATOR
[11]: out_settle = sellAmount - currentBidSum * sellAmount / buyAmount
[11]: out_fees <= sellAmount * feeNumerator / FEE_DENOMINATOR
[21]: out_all_order <= sum(out_per_order) <= currentBidSum * sellAmount / buyAmount
 =>   out <= sellAmount + sellAmount * feeNumerator / FEE_DENOMINATOR

Rounding considerations: clearing price is determined by [14], [15]

In case [14] and [15] the price is:

(priceNumerator, priceDenominator) = (fullAuctionedAmount, currentBidSum)

and clearingOrder is not an existing order (c.f. Price considerations..

First, we argue that no more bid tokens are withdrawn than deposited. As before, some bid tokens are deposited for every user order. They can be withdrawn in two points: auctioneer claiming [11] and unmatched orders [23]. Note that no order is partially matched since clearingOrder is not an existing order (c.f. Price considerations.

[5]: out_settle = sellAmount * priceDenominator / priceNumerator
                 = fullAuctionedAmount * currentBidSum / fullAuctionedAmount
                 = currentBidSum

We assume that the settleAuction is built so that currentBidSum is the sum of the bids of all orders smaller (as defined in the library IterableOrderedOrderSet, meaning that the equality case is excluded) than clearingOrder. This means in particular that the sum of orders matched in the condition [23] is the total sum of all sold amounts in all orders minus currentBidSum. The sum of withdrawn tokens (including those by [11]) must be exactly the sum of all bid tokens sold by the users.

We show next that, again in cases [14] and [15], no more auction tokens are withdrawn than deposited. Auction tokens are withdrawn when claiming fees [7] and by the users in claimFromParticipantOrder [17]:

[7]:  out_fees = sellAmount * feeNumerator / FEE_DENOMINATOR
[17]: out_per_order = orderSellAmount * priceNumerator / priceDenominator
                    = orderSellAmount * sellAmount / buyAmount

Note that sum(orderSellAmount) = currentBidSum (= buyAmount) over all orders in branch [17]. This follows from the fact that all summed orders are smaller than clearingOrder. We use this to show that sum(out_per_order) <= sellAmount:

     sum(out_per_order) =  sum(orderSellAmount * sellAmount / buyAmount)
                        <= sum(orderSellAmount) * sellAmount / buyAmount = buyAmount * sellAmount / buyAmount = sellAmount

We have shown that in cases [14] and [15] no withdrawing issue are possible.

Rounding considerations: clearing price is determined by [13]

It remains to consider case [13]. First, we argue that no more bid tokens are withdrawn than deposited. As before, some bid tokens are deposited for every user order. They can be withdrawn in three points: auctioneer claiming [11], partial order match claiming and unmatched orders [23]. We start by considering the amount of bid tokens. We use the same argument in the previous case to see that all orders larger than clearingPriceOrder are settled leaving a total of currentSumBid still to settle. As before, we assume that the function settleAuction is built so that currentBidSum is the sum of the bids of all orders smaller than or equal to the clearing price order.

Only auctioneer claiming [11] and clearing price order match [25] trigger a transfer of bid token:

[5]: out_settle_auctioneer = sellAmount * priceDenominator / priceNumerator
                            = sellAmount * clearingPriceOrderSellAmount / clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount

[13]: volumeClearingPriceOrder = clearingPriceOrderSellAmount - (currentSumBid - sellAmount * clearingPriceOrderSellAmount / clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount)
                               = clearingPriceOrderSellAmount - currentSumBid + sellAmount * clearingPriceOrderSellAmount / clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount
[25]: out_settle_partial_order = clearingPriceOrderSellAmount - volumeClearingPriceOrder
                               = clearingPriceOrderSellAmount - (clearingPriceOrderSellAmount - currentSumBid + sellAmount * clearingPriceOrderSellAmount / clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount)
                               = currentSumBid - sellAmount * clearingPriceOrderSellAmount / clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount
      out = out_settle_auctioneer + out_settle_partial_order = currentSumBid

Finally, we show that in case [13] no more auction tokens are withdrawn than deposited. Auction tokens are withdrawn when claiming fees [7] and by the users in claimFromParticipantOrder [17]:

[7]:  out_fees = sellAmount * feeNumerator / FEE_DENOMINATOR
[17]: out_per_fully_matched_order = orderSellAmount * priceNumerator / priceDenominator
                                  = orderSellAmount * clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount / clearingPriceOrderSellAmount
[25]: out_clearing_price_order = volumeClearingPriceOrder * clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount / clearingPriceOrderSellAmount
                               =  (clearingPriceOrderSellAmount - currentSumBid) + sellAmount * clearingPriceOrderSellAmount / clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount) * clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount / clearingPriceOrderSellAmount
                               <= (clearingPriceOrderSellAmount - currentSumBid) * clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount / clearingPriceOrderSellAmount + sellAmount

Note that currentBidSum is the sum of all orders including the full clearing price order:

currentBidSum = sum(orderSellAmount) + clearingPriceOrderSellAmount

where the sum is taken over all orders strictly smaller than the clearing price order. We use this to compute the following sum:

[17]: sum(out_per_fully_matched_order) =  sum(orderSellAmount * clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount / clearingPriceOrderSellAmount)
                                       <= sum(orderSellAmount) * clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount / clearingPriceOrderSellAmount)
                                       =  (currentBidSum - clearingPriceOrderSellAmount) * clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount / clearingPriceOrderSellAmount)

Then the amount of auction token withdrawn is:

      out =  out_fees + out_clearing_price_order + sum(out_per_fully_matched_order)
          <= sellAmount * feeNumerator / FEE_DENOMINATOR
             + (clearingPriceOrderSellAmount - currentSumBid) * clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount / clearingPriceOrderSellAmount + sellAmount
             + (currentBidSum - clearingPriceOrderSellAmount) * clearingPriceOrderBuyAmount / clearingPriceOrderSellAmount)
          =  sellAmount * feeNumerator / FEE_DENOMINATOR + sellAmount

Which is smaller than the auction token input amount from [0].