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#100DaysOfCode Log - Round 3 - Genesis Gabiola

The Round 3 log of my #100DaysOfCode challenge. Started on [January 20, Monday, 2020].

Day 100: May 26, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Diving into more advanced concepts of Ruby which includes symbols, default arguments, option hashes & splat operator.

Day 99: May 25, Monday

Today's Progress: Learning more about the uniquely readable and expressive programming language side of Ruby, like classic and other enumerables, and best practices.

Day 98: May 22, Friday

Today's Progress: Started software engineering's curriculum after getting the Ruby's fundamental concepts.

Day 97: May 21, Thursday

Today's Progress: Getting my hands dirty with the react project based article guide after reading the react-ready javaScript and the article.

Day 96: May 20, Wednesday

Today's Progress: After reading Chris Blakely's react-ready javaScript book, I continued by reading his React project based guide in freeCodeCamp.

Day 95: May 19, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Read Chris Blakely's react-ready javaScript book, a very concise, straightforward and easy to understand guide which I recommend to anyone who wants to start learning React library.

Day 94: May 18, Monday

Today's Progress: Learning more about the foundational principles of computational thinking and stages of communicating with computers.

Day 93: May 15, Friday

Today's Progress: Learning more about advanced Ruby methods like map and select, and solved advanced problems.

Day 92: May 14, Thursday

Today's Progress: Completed all the Ruby's hashes problems and exercises that includes combination of arrays data structure.

Day 91: May 13, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Solving more problems with data structure hash and arrays, combined with different data types and other fundamental concepts.

Day 90: May 12, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Learning more about hash, how it differs from array, and why use it for collection of properties of one thing.

Day 89: May 11, Monday

Today's Progress: Learned the Ruby's hash which is like objects in different Programming languages, it uses the concepts of key value pairs.

Day 88: May 09, Saturday

Today's Progress: Playing around with nesting loops, 2D arrays, and learned more about the logic behind of some problems.

Day 87: May 08, Friday

Today's Progress: Solving more problems using the fundamental concepts, and applying the newly learned built-in methods and creating a custom methods.

Day 86: May 07, Thursday

Today's Progress: Learned more about the different methods that can be used to manipulate data structures, lots of them are very useful and some are just good to know.

Day 85: May 06, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Working on array data structure that can store multiple other data types, and solved problems combined with loops and conditional statements.

Day 84: May 05, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Solving more problems with while loops in Ruby, leveraging the conditional statements inside it that evaluates to a Boolean value.

Day 83: May 04, Monday

Today's Progress: Diving more about conditional statements, using Boolean expressions, breaking problems into smaller chunks and solving it in a readable code.

Day 82: May 02, Saturday

Today's Progress: Learning more about methods in Ruby, defining and calling it w/ or w/o parameters/arguments, then returning the data that can be used by users.

Day 81: May 01, Friday

Today's Progress: Went through the fundamental concepts of the curriculum's introduction in Ruby, tackled data types, variables, and etc.

Day 80: April 30, Thursday

Today's Progress: I came back and continued the curriculum in "App Academy Open", starting from the beginning of the lessons and exercises.

Thoughts: Switch from "The Odin Project" to "App Academy Open" since both of them focused on Ruby and I already have some progress in the curriculum before.

Day 79: April 29, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Going through the webdev 101 section of "The Odin Project" because of their Full Stack Ruby on Rails track.

Thoughts: I'm switching to "The Odin Project" for the mean time because Ruby on Rails curriculum is their default focus track, which is required for my project.

Day 78: April 28, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Not very productive today because I'm not that feeling well, however I still code a little and more on reading documentations and some related articles.

Day 77: April 27, Monday

Today's Progress: Delve into events and event listener, adding and removing them including topics of targets, bubbling, propagation and capture.

Day 76: April 25, Saturday

Today's Progress: More practice for traversing and removing nodes in the DOM, and a little cardio coding in the DOM.

Day 75: April 24, Friday

Today's Progress: Tackled element properties, methods, classes, built in and custom data attributes, creating HTML and HTML from Strings.

Day 74: April 23, Thursday

Today's Progress: Reviewing and working on the DOM concepts to manipulate and interact with the elements because its one of the important aspects of React ecosystem.

Day 73: April 22, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Doing a little algorithms in FCC to improve my problem solving skills and thinking with javaScript and react codes.

Day 72: April 21, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Learned more about creating elements in react, used jsx syntax and some of its tricks.

Day 71: April 20, Monday

Today's Progress: Learning React itself without complex tools with @kentcdodds React Course.

Thoughts: They informed me stop working already on carousel slides. So I continued learning more about JavaScript and React.

Day 70: April 17, Friday

Today's Progress: I got really stuck on the same problem I'm working on which I can't solve for several days now, I will keep working on it until I solve it.

Day 69: April 16, Thursday

Today's Progress: Continued working on carousel slides infinite loop but prev, current and next slides are still buggy.

Day 68: April 15, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Worked on fixing the carousel infinite loop, but I can't make it work right now, also worked on text auto-resizer, will be back to it later.

Day 67: April 14, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Hide arrow navs when there's only one product and added functionality on the carousel to stop on the first product when no interaction from the user.

Day 66: April 13, Monday

Today's Progress: frame1 toggle and autoplay functionality for the carousel finally working. Currently working to stop the the carousel to the first product.

Day 65: April 10, Friday

Today's Progress: Worked on autoplay and infinite loop functionality for the carousel, but it's still not working though, worked on toggle also for the frame1.

Day 64: April 09, Thursday

Today's Progress: Worked on a carousel feature with feedload items, made the arrow navs functional with transition effect.

Day 63: April 08, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Rearranged elements, loaded and positioned all required feeds, add carousel and slide container, then made the clickTag dynamic.

Day 62: April 07, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Re-extracted and re-exported img from psd and updated the manifest elements. Completed the frame1 including its animation and currrently working on frame2.

Day 61: April 06, Monday

Today's Progress: Worked on another project, reviewed the rules and added the elements to manifest file and extracted and imported some images from psd.

Day 60: April 04, Saturday

Today's Progress: Delved into the latest photoshop version and properly exported psd, fixed the manifest elements so it's dynamic, then debug codes to work different browsers.

Day 59: April 03, Friday

Today's Progress: Fixed the given feedback, re-extracted img, adjusted animation transitions, fixed overlapping text and tested on firefox and IE11

Day 58: April 02, Thursday

Today's Progress: Fixed the translate to hide the element then display at certain time, I also implemented a rotateY to make a flipping animation

Day 57: April 01, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Completed animation frame 1 and 3, added different functions for each animation frame with setTimeout.

Day 56: March 31, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Worked with animation ads using vanilla html/css/js, extracted images from PSDs.

Day 55: March 30, Monday

Today's Progress: Started with the first challenge of @frontendmentor, structure is done, added variables, base styles and utility classes

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Day 54: March 27, Friday

Today's Progress: Continue w/ functional programming section in FCC, then completed the lessons and exercise in Colt's Code Camp day 4.

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Day 53: March 26, Thursday

Today's Progress: Finally got my RWD Certificate from @freeCodeCamp curriculum. 1 Down, 5 more to go! Thanks @ossia and @florinpop1705

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Day 51-52: March 24-25, Tuesday-Wednesday

Today's Progress: Completed the FCC portfolio challenge to house all the completed FCC projects.

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Day 50: March 23, Monday

Today's Progress: Learned more about styling responsive navigation with dropdown while doing FCC portfolio.

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Day 49: March 20, Friday

Today's Progress: Completed a technical documentation page challenge with a material UI dark mode design.

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Day 48: March 19, Thursday

Today's Progress: Started and completed the custom progress bar challenge of @florinpop1705, then add a start and reset button.

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Day 47: March 18, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Learned more about JS OOP concepts in FCC curriculum, supplemented it with MDN & w3school.

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Day 46: March 17, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Completed an skills assessment by building an animation banner using the previous vanilla CSS and JS

Day 45: March 16, Monday

Today's Progress: Reviewed CSS transform and transitions, JS addEventListener, addClass, and setTimeout for animation without using keyframes

Day 44: March 13, Friday

Today's Progress: Completed UPlayer a product landing page for FCC that uses a little bit of jQuery for Responsive Nav and smooth scrolling

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Day 43: March 12, Thursday

Today's Progress: Planned and looked for design inspiration then worked on a product landing page for 3rd FCC RWD projects.

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Day 42: March 11, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Completed survey form, 2 down for FCC project. Reviewed different elements to complete the form.

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Day 41: March 10, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Working on a survey form, some algorithms in FCC and practicing Ruby on Rails with React.js.

Day 40: March 09, Monday

Today's Progress: Completed a tribute page for Brad Traversy, thanks to florin-pop's guide.

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Day 38-39: March 05-06, Thursday-Friday

Today's Progress: Solved more algorithms in FCC, and learned how other programmers solve the same problem.

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Day 36-37: March 03-04, Tuesday-Wednesday

Today's Progress: I got stuck upgrading my host with insiders build & development environment using WSL 2, then organizing my dotfiles

Thoughts: I've learned a lot about the setup of my current environment, learning new stuff and modern technologies. I'll be organizing my dotfiles

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Day 35: March 02, Monday

Today's Progress: Focused on the tricky concepts of different types of scoping, function/variable hoisting and closures

Day 34: February 29, Saturday

Today's Progress: Started learning React and implement it into an inventory project using jsx syntax with Ruby on Rails

Thoughts: During the weeks of learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails in fullstack bootcamp we learned the basics of React while using Ruby on Rails. And now, I'm rying to grasp the concept of Ajax with axios.

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Day 33: February 28, Friday

Today's Progress: Delve into debugging methods and mindset on tackling errors/bugs using browser devTools

Day 32: February 27, Thursday

Today's Progress: Focused more on different ways to make a function like anonymous, expression, arrow, IIFE, methods, and callback function

Day 31: February 26, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Explored built-in functions, practiced custom function and capturing returned value then assigned to a variable

Day 30: February 25, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Completed the basics section that includes the fundamentals, then reviewed some debugging concepts in FCC

Day 29: February 24, Monday

Today's Progress: Started a wesbos JS course and update quality code tooling w/ ESLint and Prettier formatter

Day 28: February 21, Friday

Today's Progress: Completed the JS full stack course lessons and the social application project, then reviewd some JS Regex

Thoughts: I learned a lot from Learn JavaScript Full-Stack from Scratch course, from front-end to backend

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Day 27: February 20, Thursday

Today's Progress: Learned more & created API for the socialApp & integrated JWT which is popular because it allows stateless authentication

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Day 26: February 19, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Reviewed the FCC's es6 syntax challenge, more on destructuring and rest parameter/operator

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Day 25: February 18, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Add client-side live validation primarily to enhance UX, fix the app by adding a csrf security feature

Thoughts: Enhance the User Experience (UX) by adding a live validation on the registration form of the front-end side, used Regular Expression instead of validator module for checking characters then prevent default behavior of the browser to satisfy the validation first.

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Day 24: February 17, Monday

Today's Progress: Completed the chat feature by sanitizing messages using dompurify and made the title tag of the page dynamic

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Day 23: February 15, Saturday

Today's Progress: Add action, method routes & spec for products, webpack dependencies, capybara config, shared flash, and refactor form to partial

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Day 22: February 14, Friday

Today's Progress: Completed the chat feature by sanitizing messages using dompurify and made the title tag of the page dynamic

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Day 21: February 13, Thursday

Today's Progress: Finishing the chat feature with UI/UX & spent a lot using socket. Polished my js conditional/logic skills using js in FCC.

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Day 20: February 12, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Started working on a real-time/live chat feature for my socialApp using package.

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Day 18-19: February 10-11, Monday-Tuesday

Today's Progress: Refreshed the fundamental concepts of js in FCC. Planned the upcoming project in FCC starting from RWD.

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Day 17: February 08, Saturday

Today's Progress: Worked on a inventory project and focus on a making a model setting gems and their configs then making test cases using Rails.

Thoughts: During the fullstack bootcamp we focused on making models in MVC architecture, add rubocop and rspec then setup their configs. Created product, warehouse, stocks then add associations with them. Added an order and order-item model then generate the uuid.

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Day 16: February 07, Friday

Today's Progress: Respond to a keypress event, searching database, generate HTML for results, and sanitize user generated HTML on the frontend to avoid cross site scripting attack

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Day 15: February 06, Thursday

Today's Progress: Started working on a live search feature, setup webpack & babel for the frontend part, show and hide search overlay.

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Day 14: February 05, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Performs complete CRUD, set a flash for failed/success and make it available for all templates. Add markdown feature then sanitize inputs

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Day 13: February 04, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Add a static template for post and profile, performs a lookup in the MongoDB, then change the content dynamically by pulling the real data from db to display it to the user

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Day 12: February 03, Monday

Today's Progress: Update the app to let the users create posts, refactor by removing duplicate codes, then created some partials.

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Day 11: February 01, Saturday

Today's Progress: Started learning the basic fundamentals of Ruby and a little bit of its framework Rails.

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Day 10: January 31, Friday

Today's Progress: Learned doing some flash messages using connect-flash package, and applied it in my current app.

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Day 09: January 30, Thursday

Today's Progress: Setup my development environment w/ NVM Yarn, Git, Docker, RVM and Rails w/ React on my WSL for my incoming fullstack bootcamp.

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Day 08: January 29, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Cleaning and merging some of my repos, then deleted some which are usually just notes.

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Day 07: January 28, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Focus on the sessions technology to be able to trust and identify requests, then enable it into the app.

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Day 06: January 27, Monday

Today's Progress: Restarted my FCC progress, commiting to finish the frontend sections and possibly inluding backend section.

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Day 05: January 24, Friday

Today's Progress: Focus on the concepts of callback, promises and async/await, then hash user password using bcrpytjs.

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Day 04: January 23, Thursday

Today's Progress: Adding validation and cleaning up inputs, then connect the app to the mongodb database and configure its settings.

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Day 03: January 22, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Started working on a socialApp, following a MVC architecture for an app.

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Day 02: January 21, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Completed a todoApp w/ client/server and mongodDB atlas database.

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Day 01: January 20, Monday

Today's Progress: Started working w/ a todoApp with its client/browser connecting to a server.

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