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84 lines (72 loc) · 5.25 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (72 loc) · 5.25 KB

Pathfinder logo PATHFINDER

Mapping tool for EVE ONLINE


Feel free to check the code for bugs and security issues. Issues should be reported in the Issue section.

Project structure

  ├─ app/              [0755] → PHP root
  │  ├─ Controller/           → controller classes for app/ajax endpoints (see routes.ini)
  │  ├─ Cron/                 → controller classes cronjob endpoints (see cron.ini)
  │  ├─ Data/                 → classes for data handling
  │  ├─ Db/                   → classes for DB handling
  │  ├─ Exception/            → custom exceptions
  │  ├─ Lib/                  → libs
  │  ├─ Model/                → ORM
  │  ├─ config.ini            → config - F3 core config: SystemVariables
  │  ├─ cron.ini              → config - cronjobs
  │  ├─ environment.ini       → config - system environment
  │  ├─ pathfinder.ini        → config - pathfinder
  │  ├─ plugin.ini            → config - custom plugins
  │  ├─ requirements.ini      → config - system requirements
  │  └─ routes.ini            → config - routes
  ├─ export/           [0755] → static data
  │  ├─ csv/                  → *.csv used by /setup page
  │  └─ sql/                  → DB dump for import (
  ├─ favicon/          [0755] → favicons
  ├─ history/          [0777] → log files (map history logs) [optional]
  ├─ js/               [0755] → JS source files (not used for production)
  │  ├─ app/                  → "PATHFINDER" core files
  │  ├─ lib/                  → 3rd party libs
  │  └─ app.js                → require.js config
  ├─ logs/             [0777] → log files
  │  └─ …
  ├─ public/           [0755] → static resources
  │  ├─ css/                  → CSS dist/build folder (minified)
  │  ├─ fonts/                → icon-/fonts
  │  ├─ img/                  → images
  │  ├─ js/                   → JS dist/build folder and source maps (minified, uglified)
  │  └─ templates/            → templates
  ├─ sass/                    → SCSS sources (not used for production)
  ├─ tmp/              [0777] → cache folder (PHP templates)
  │  └─ cache/         [0777] → cache folder (PHP cache)
  ├─ .htaccess         [0755] → reroute/caching rules ("Apache" only!)
  └─ index.php         [0755]

  CI/CD config files:
  ├─ .jshintrc                → "JSHint" config (not used for production)
  ├─ composer.json            → "Composer" package definition
  ├─ gulpfile.js              → "Gulp" task config (not used for production)
  ├─ package.json             → "Node.js" dependency config (not used for production)
  └─                → This file :) (not used for production)
