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TDD-API Plugin

You can find a plugin example here

To develop your own plugin, the first thing to do is to create a file at the root of your new python project containing the usual python project information, then add the entrypoints needed for TDD-API to consider it as a plugin.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from setuptools import setup, find_packages

    name="TDD API plugin Example",
        'dev': [
        "tdd_api.plugins.blueprints": [
        "tdd_api.plugins.transformers": [

We have defined two entrypoints. The first one is tdd_api.plugins.blueprints which is used to define where to find the Flask blueprint for the plugin. The second one is tdd_api.plugins.transformers to specify the function to use to transform a TD to what you want, here an example.

Then you can develop the function for the routes using the blueprint and the transformer feature.


As we defined in the tdd_api_plugin_example/ we define the blueprint as follow:

blueprint = Blueprint("tdd_api_plugin_example", __name__, url_prefix="/example")

We can give any name to the variable since the links it to the tdd_api.plugins.blueprints.

The first parameter "tdd_api_plugin_example" is the name of the blueprint, the second parameter is the import module (here __name__ since this is the same module) and we define a url_prefix to not redeclare it on each route. This url_prefix make sure that if we use different plugins, the routes they declare will be unique /plugin1/route1, /plugin2/route1. This requires that all plugins have different prefix.

This blueprint can be used to define all the routes you want to add to the TDD-API server regarding to this plugin. For example to add a GET route for the Example plugin you can add the route like this:

@blueprint.route("/<id>", methods=["GET"])
def describe_example(id):
    return ...

We use the blueprint as decorator to add the route, the path is defined regarding the url_prefix and we specify a dedicated method to match. You can look at the tdd_api_plugin_example/ file to see other examples.


Transformers are functions that will be called each time a thing is created/updated on the /things routes, you can find the calls to these transformers in the tdd/ file, in the functions:

  • create_td
  • update_td
  • create_anonymous_td

We have defined a transformer to be sure, each time a TD is uploaded to transform it to our example format and store in the SparqlEndpoint. To do, we declare the function to use in the entrypoint: here tdd_api_plugin_example.example:td_to_example since we use the function td_to_example which is defined in the tdd_api_plugin_example/ file.

This method is declared like this:

def td_to_example(uri):

The parameter must be only the TD URI as a string since we want to be the most generic as possible. Then the first thing to do can be fetching the TD content, which can be done with:

content = get_id_description(uri, "application/n-triples", {"prefix": "td"})

Using this content we can do whatever is needed to manipulate the data : transform it, change its format, etc. Then we can store the result using the helper method put_json_in_sparql or put_rdf_in_sparql from the tdd.common module. You can look at the tdd_api_plugin_example/ file to see how it is defined.


This example plugin come with some tests example to present how it can be done. You can find it in the folder tdd_api_plugin_example/tests. defines some tests for the module, where the define tests for the routes.

These tests simulate the existence of a real SparqlEndpoint using a RDFLib Graph abstraction. Then you can specify a mock SparqlEndpoint prefilled with some data as it is defined with:

def mock_sparql_example_and_td(httpx_mock):
    graph = SparqlGraph("td_example.trig", format="trig", data_path=DATA_PATH)

Where DATA_PATH is where the tests data are stored and td_example.trig the data to fill the SparqlEndpoint.

There are some generic mocks defined in the TDD-API module. You have to import them to use them in your tests. You can find for example the mock_sparql_empty_endpoint from tdd.tests.conftest module. This mock can be used to simulate an empty SparqlEndpoint at the beginning of your test.