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Latent Variable NLP
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K. Nathaniel Tucker

Latent Variables and Natural Language Processing

DS | Lesson 13


After this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Define and identify latent variables
  • Explain the uses of latent variables in language processing
  • Apply the word2vec and LDA algorithms of gensim


Before this lesson, you should already be able to:

  • Install gensim with pip install gensim
  • Recall and apply unsupervised learning techniques
  • Recall probability distributions, specifically discrete multinomial distributions
  • Recall NLP essentials, including experience with spacy
  • BONUS: If you are interested in accessing the Twitter API, you'll need to setup Twitter API credentials. Here are instructions


5 min Opening Latent Variable Models
50 mins Introduction Latent Variables In Text Processing
30 mins Demo Latent Dirichlet Allocation in gensim
20 mins Introduction word2vec
20 mins Demo word2vec in gensim
45 mins Independent Practice Twitter Lab
10 mins Conclusion Lesson Review


This lesson will continue on natural language processing with an emphasis on latent variable models.

In our data science workflow, we will often be MINING datasets with a large amount of text or unstructured data. In our last class, we saw many techniques for MINING this data, including pre-processing and building linguistic rules to uncover patterns. We could also create classifiers from this unstructured data. In this class, we'll continue with methods for MINING or REFINING our understanding of text data by attempting to uncover structure or organization inherent in the text.

Many of the advances in natural language processing have been about using data to learn the rules of grammar and language and then using those tools to extract information or build classification algorithms from the text. We saw these tools in our last class, including:

  • Tokenization to break apart pieces of text
  • Stemming or lemmatization to understand bases or roots of words
  • Parsing and tagging to understand each piece of the sentences.

Each of these are based on a classical or theoretical understanding of language - essentially, attempting to re-create the rules that guide language.

Latent variable models are different in that instead of attempting to recreate rules of language, we'll try to understand language based on how the words are used. For example, we won't attempt to learn that 'bad' and 'badly' are related because they share the same root, but instead we'll determine that they are related because they are often used in the same way often or near the same words.

We'll use unsupervised learning techniques (discovering patterns or structure) to extract the information.

Rather than inferring that 'Python' and 'C++' are both programming languages because they are often a noun preceded by the verb 'program' or 'code', we'll infer a category by identifying that they are often used in the same way. We won't need to guide them with particular phrases to look for parts of speech.

Introduction: Latent Variable Models (55 mins)

Latent variable models are models in which we assume that the data we are observing has some hidden, underlying structure that we can't see, and which we'd like to learn. These hidden, underlying structure are the latent variables we want our model to understand.

Text processing is a common application of latent variable models. Again, in the classical sense we know that language is built by a set of pre-structured grammar rules and vocabulary; however, we also we know that we break those rules pretty often and create new words that get added into our vocabulary (see: selfie).

Instead of attempting to learn the rules of 'proper' grammar, we instead look to uncover the hidden structure and ignore preexisting rules (which might not even describe our syntax anyway). Sometimes, the hidden structure we uncover are the basic rules of our language, but sometimes they may also unveil something new.

These techniques are commonly used for recommending news articles or mining large troves of data data and trying to find commonalities. Topic modeling, a method we will discuss in today's class, is used in the NY times recommendation engine. They attempt to map their articles to a latent space (or underlying structure) of topics using the content of the article.

Frick Museum

Lyst, an online fashion retailer, uses latent representations of clothing descriptions to find similar clothing. If we can map phrases like 'chelsea boot' or 'felted hat' to some underlying structure, we can use that new structure to find similar products.

Dimensionality Reduction in Text Representation

Our previous 'representation' of a set of text documents (articles) for classification was a matrix with one row per document and one column per word (or n-gram).

Word Factorization Matrix

While this does sum up most of the information, it does drop a few things - mostly structure and order. Additionally, many of the columns may be dependent on each other (or correlated).

For example, an article that contains the word 'IPO' is also likely to contain the work 'stock' or 'NASDAQ'. Therefore, those columns are repetitive and both of those columns likely represent the same 'concept' or idea. For classification, we may not care if the document has the word 'IPO' or 'NASDAQ' or 'stocks', but just that it has financial-related words.

One way to do this is with regularization - L1 or lasso regularization tends to remove repetitive features by bringing their learned coefficients to 0.

Another is to perform dimensionality reduction - where we first identify the correlated columns and then replace them with a column that represents the concept they have in common. For instance, we could replace the 'IPO', 'stocks', and 'NASDAQ' column with a single - 'HasFinancialWords' column.

There are many techniques to do this automatically and most follow a very similar approach:

  1. Identify correlated columns
  2. Replace them with a new column that encapsulates the others

The techniques vary in how they define correlation and how much of the relationship between the original and new columns you need to save.

There are many dimensionality techniques built into scikit-learn. One of the most common is PCA or Principal Components Analysis. Like most of the models we've seen, dimensionality techniques can vary between linear or non-linear, meaning that they pick up linear or non-linear correlations between columns.

PCA when applied to text data is sometimes known as LSI or Latent Semantic Indexing.

Mixture Models and Language Processing

Mixture models (and specifically LDA or Latent Dirichlet Allocation) take this concept further and generate more structure around the documents. Instead of just replacing correlated columns, we create clusters of common words and generate probability distributions to explicitly state how related words are.

To understand this better, let's imagine a new way to generate text:

  1. Start writing a document
    1. First choose a topic (sports, news, science)
      1. Choose a word from that topic
    2. Repeat
  2. Repeat for the next document

What this 'model' of text is assuming is that each document is some mixture of topics. It may be mostly science, but may contain some business information. The latent structure we want to uncover are the topics (or concepts) that generated that text.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Latent Dirichlet Allocation is a model that assumes this is the way text is generated and then attempts to learn two things:

1. What is the _word distribution_ of each topic?
2. What is the _topic distribution_ of each document?

The word distribution is a multinomial distribution for each topic representing what words are most likely from that topic.

Let's say we have 3 topics: sports, business, science. For each topic, we uncover the words most likely to come from them:

sports: [football: 0.3, basketball: 0.2, baseball: 0.2, touchdown: 0.02 ... genetics: 0.0001]

science: [genetics: 0.2, drug: 0.2, ... baseball: 0.0001]

business: [stocks: 0.1, ipo: 0.08,  ... baseball: 0.0001]

For each word and topic pair, we learn some P ( word | topic)

The topic distribution is a multinomial distribution for each document representing which topics are most likely to be in that document. For all documents, we then have a distribution over {sports, science, business}

ESPN article: [sports: 0.8, business: 0.2, science: 0.0]
Bloomberg article: [business: 0.7, science: 0.2, sports: 0.1]

For each topic and document pair, we learn some P ( topic | document)

LDA Topic Allocation

Topic models are useful for organizing a collection of documents and uncovering the main underlying concepts.

There are many variants as well, that attempt to incorporate more structure into the 'model'

  • Supervised Topic Models
    • Guide the process with pre-decided topics
  • Position-dependent topic models
    • Ignore which words occur in what document but instead focus on where they occur
  • Variable number of topics
    • Test a different number of topics to find the best model

Check: Take any recent news-article and brainstorm which 3 topics this story is most likely made up of. Next, brainstorm which words are most likely derived from which of those 3 topics.

Demo: LDA in gensim (30 mins)

import gensim

gensim is another library of language processing tools focused on latent variable models of text.

We begin by first translating our set of documents (articles) into the same matrix representation, with a row per document and a column per feature (word or n-gram).

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

cv = CountVectorizer(binary=False,

docs = cv.fit_transform(data.body.dropna())

# Build a mapping of numerical ID to word
id2word = dict(enumerate(cv.get_feature_names()))

We want our model to learn:

  • Which columns are correlated (i.e. likely come from the same topic)? This is the word distribution.
  • Which topics are in each document? This is the topic distribution.
from gensim.models.ldamodel import LdaModel
from gensim.matutils import Sparse2Corpus

# First we convert our word-matrix into gensim's format
corpus = Sparse2Corpus(docs, documents_columns = False)

# Then we fit an LDA model
lda_model = LdaModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=id2word, num_topics=15)

In the model above, we need to explicitly specify the number of topics we want the model to uncover. This is a critical step but unfortunately there is not a lot of guidance on the best way to select it. Having domain knowledge about your data may help.

Once we have fit this model, like other unsupervised learning techniques, most of our validation techniques are mostly about interpretation.

  • Did we learn reasonable topics?
  • Do the words that make up a topic make sense?

We can evaluate this by viewing the top words for each topic:

gensim has a show_topics function for this.

num_topics = 25
num_words_per_topic = 5
for ti, topic in enumerate(lda.show_topics(num_topics = num_topics, num_words_per_topic = n_words_per_topic)):
    print("Topic: %d" % (ti))
    print (topic)

While some of the concepts may not make sense, some may represent clear concepts:

0.009*cup + 0.009*recipe + 0.007*make + 0.007*food + 0.006*sugar

is a topic mostly related to cooking and recipes.

As is:

0.013*butter + 0.010*baking + 0.010*dough + 0.009*cup + 0.009*sugar


0.013*fashion + 0.006*like + 0.006*dress + 0.005*style

is a topic mostly related to fashion and style.

Check: Demonstrate the code you used to generate the topics above. Hypothesize other topic interpretations.

Introduction: Word2Vec (20 mins)

Word2Vec is another unsupervised model for latent variable natural language processing. It is a model that was originally released by Google and further improved at Stanford

This model creates word vectors, which are multi-dimensional representations of words. This is similar to having a distribution of concepts or topics that the word is associated with.

If we take our usual document-word matrix (from CountVectorizer) and take its transpose (by flipping it on it's side), instead of talking about words as features of a document, we can talk about documents as features of a specific word. In other words, how do we define or characterize a single word?

We can do this by:

  1. Defining it's dictionary definition, or
  2. Enumerating all the ways we might use it.

For example, given the word 'Paris', we have many contexts or uses we may find it in:

['_ is the capital of', '_, France', 'the capital city _', 'the restaurant in _',]

and a bunch of contexts we don't expect to find it:

['can I have a _', 'there's too much _ on this' ... and millions more]

We could make a "feature" or column for each of these contexts. So we could represent the word 'Paris' as 1-hot vector of all possible contexts it appears in. This would be very sparse. Of all the millions of ways we might use a word, we will only use 'Paris' in a very, very small number of them.

Additionally, the first few represent the same concept (or multiple concepts):

  1. Paris is a city like thing, so it contains shops and restaurants
  2. Paris is a capital city

What we want to do is apply dimensionality reduction to find a few concepts per word (instead of looking for all of the possible contexts).

In LDA, we could do this by identifying the topics a word was most likely to come from.

In word2vec, we will traditionally replace the overlapping contexts by some concept that represents both of them.

Like other dimensionality reduction techniques, our goal is to identify correlated columns and replace them with a new column that represents the columns we replaced.

For example, we can replace columns ['_ is a city', '_ is a capital', 'I flew into _ today'] with a single column - 'IsACity' column.

word2vec was originally presented as a deep learning model, but is more closely related to standard dimensionality reduction techniques. A common feature of word2vec is being able to ask which words are similar to each other? If we have data on multiple languages, a system like word2vec could also be used for translation.

Word2Vec translation

Check: After reviewing the anologies, brainstorm some word vector math. For example, consider the prototypical example of 'King' - 'Man' = 'Queen'

Demo: Word2Vec in gensim (20 min)

word2vec is also available in gensim.

We will build a word2vec model using the body text of the articles available in the StumbleUpon dataset.

# Setup the body text
text = data.body.dropna().map(lambda x: x.split())

from gensim.models import Word2Vec
model = Word2Vec(text, size=100, window=5, min_count=5, workers=4)


  • size represents how many concepts or topics we should use
  • window represents how many words surrounding a sentence we should use as our original features
  • min_count is the number of times that context or word must appear
  • workers is the number of CPU cores to use to speed up model training

The model has a most_similar function that helps find the words most similar to the one you queried. This will return words that are often used in the same context.

model.most_similar(positive=['cookie', 'brownie'])

It can easily identify words related to those from this dataset (remember, most of the articles in this dataset are food or cooking related).

Independent Practice (45 min)

In this exercise, we will compare some of the classical NLP tools from the last class with these more modern latent variable techniques. We will do this by comparing information extraction techniques on Twitter using the two methods.

Bonus: Want to collect your own tweets? Here are some instructions. We'll use the Twitter API to build a collection of tweets to learn from. After that, we'll filter future tweets based on some established conditions.

To collect tweets, we run the following code. Each tweet comes in as a Python dictionary, which contains many fields of metadata. The one we are most interested in is text which has the actual text of the tweet.

The retrieve_tweets function takes a topic, to limit the tweets we receive to that topic.

import twitter

tweets = twitter.retrieve_tweets(topic = 'google')

num_tweets_to_collect = 2000
tweets_text = []

n = 0
for tweet in tweets:
   tweet_text = tweet['text']

    n = n + 1

    if n == num_tweets_to_collect:

You can collect your own tweets, or use the existing collection found here.

Loading the data

tweets = [tweet for tweet in open('../../assets/dataset/captured-tweets.txt', 'r')]

Setting up spacy

from spacy.en import English
nlp_toolkit = English()

Now we'd like to do a few things:

  1. Use spacy to write a function to filter tweets down to those where Google is announcing a product. How might we do this? One way might be to identify verbs, where 'Google' is the noun and there is some action like 'announcing'

    a. Write a function that can take a sentence parsed by spacy and identify if it mentions a company named 'Google'. Remember, spacy can find entities and code them as ORG if they are a company.

     i. **BONUS**: Make this function work for any company

    b. Write a function that can take a sentence parsed by spacy and return the verbs of the sentence (preferably lemmatized)

    c. For each tweet, parse it using spacy and print it out if the tweet has 'release' or 'announce' as a verb.

    d. Write a function that identifies countries. HINT: the entity label for countries is GPE (or "GeoPolitical Entity")

    e. Re-run (d) to find country tweets that discuss 'Iran' announcing or releasing.

  2. Build a word2vec model of the tweets we have collected using gensim

    a. First take the collection of tweets and tokenize them using spacy

     i. Think about how this should be done. Should you only use upper-case or lower-case? Should you remove punctuations or symbols?

    b. Build a word2vec model

     i. Test the window size as well - this is how many surrounding words need to be used to model a word. What do you think is appropriate for Twitter?

    c. Test your word2vec model with a few similarity functions.

     i. Find words similar to 'Syria'
     ii. Find words similar to 'war'
     iii. Find words similar to "Iran"
     iv. Find words similar to 'Verizon'

    d. Adjust the choices in (b) and (c) as necessary

  3. Filter tweets to those that mention 'Iran' or similar entities and 'war' or similar entities.

    a. Do this using just spacy

    b. Do this using word2vec similarity scores

Conclusion (10 mins)

Concept Review:

  • Latent variable models attempt to uncover structure from text.
  • Dimensionality reduction is focused on replacing correlated columns.
  • Topic modeling (or LDA) uncovers the topics that are most common to each document and then the words most common to those topics.
  • Word2Vec builds a representation of a word from the way it was used originally.
  • Both techniques avoid learning grammar rules and instead rely on large datasets. They learn based on how the words are used, making them very flexible.


DUE TODAY Final Project, Deliverable 2
UPCOMING PROJECTS Final Project, Deliverable 3


LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation)
