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Lokesh-Jain edited this page May 23, 2016 · 48 revisions


This document outlines the architecture of the integration project to add Nuage VSP to OSP Director.

OSP Director Architecture

OSP Director is a tool set for installing and managing an OpenStack environment. OSP Director is primarily based on the TripleO project and uses an OpenStack deployment (known as undercloud) to deploy the OpenStack cluster (known as the overcloud). The OSP Director is an image based installer. It uses a single image (named overcloud-full.qcow2) that is deployed on the Controller and Compute machines belonging to the overcloud OpenStack cluster. This image contains all the packages that are needed during the deployment. The deployment only creates the configuration files and databases required by the different services and starts the services in the correct order. Typically, there is no new software installation during the deployment phase.

An OpenStack cluster can be installed using OSP Director in 2 ways:

  • Using a UI (tuskar) for basic deployments
  • Using command line for advanced deployments (template option)
    For integration of OSP Director with Nuage, the command line based template option will be used.

OSP Director uses Heat to orchestrate the deployment of the OpenStack environment. The actual deployment is done via Heat templates and Puppet. The relevant Heat templates are found in the following module. The users provide any custom input via templates via the openstack overcloud deploy command. When this command is run, all the templates are parsed to create the Hiera database and then a set of puppet manifests are run to complete the deployment. The puppet code in turn uses the puppet modules developed to deploy different services of OpenStack (such as puppet-nova, puppet-neutron, puppet-cinder, etc).

The OSP Director architecture allows partners to create custom templates (known as extraconfig templates) found here. Partners create new templates to expose parameters specific to their modules and then the templates can be passed to the openstack ovecloud deploy command during the deployment. Additionally, changes to the puppet manifests are required to handle the new values in the Hiera database and act on them to deploy the partner software.

Integration of Nuage VSP with OSP Director

The integration of Nuage VSP with OSP Director involves the following steps:

Modification of overcloud-full image

Since the typical deployment scenario of OSP Director assumes that all the packages are installed on the overcloud-full image, we need to patch the overcloud-full image with the following RPMs:

  • nuagenetlib
  • nuage-openstack-neutron
  • nuage-openstack-neutronclient
  • nuage-metadata-agent
  • Uninstall OVS
  • Install VRS
  • Nuage-puppet-modules
    This can be done via this script.

Configuring plugin.ini on the Controller

Puppet-neutron is a puppet module that configures Neutron and Neutron plugins. This module already has code to configure and maintain the /etc/neutron/neutron.conf file.
New code needs to be added to configure the plugin.ini.

OSP Director 7.3

The changes to create and modify the plugin.ini file is upstreamed at this review. This review contains new code in lib/puppet and manifests/plugins/nuage directories with the associated tests and custom resources. ID: This change is not in OSP-Director 7.3 yet.

OSP Director 8.0

For OSP Director 8.0, the changes required to create and modify the plugin.ini file is upstreamed at this review. This review contains new code in lib/puppet directory with the associated tests and custom resources. ID: This change is not in OSP-Director 8.0 yet.

Generic changes to openstack-tripleo-heat-templates

Some of the generic neutron.conf and nova.conf parameters need to be configured in the heat templates. Also, the metadata agent needs to be configured. All the generic neutron and nova parameters and their 'probable' values are specified in files neutron-generic.yaml and nova-generic.yaml under the "Sample Templates" section below.

Changes to openstack-tripleo-heat-templates specific to Nuage

The tripleo-heat-templates repository needs the extraconfig templates to configure the Nuage specific parameters. The values of these parameters are dependent on the configuration of Nuage VSP. The "Sample Templates" section contains some 'probable' values for Nuage specific parameters in files neutron-nuage-config.yaml and nova-nuage-config.yaml.

HA changes

For Nuage VSP with OpenStack HA, we need to disable the default services like openvswitch-agent and dhcp-agent from being controlled via Pacemaker. The flags to disable these services are also present in the neutron-generic.yaml file.

Neutron Metadata configuration and VRS configuration

A new puppet module is needed to create and populate the metadata agent config file and the VRS configuration in /etc/default/openvswitch. nuage-metadata-agent module will be included in Nuage-puppet-modules, along with other required Nuage packages. The section "Modification of overcloud-full image" mentions the steps for including Nuage-puppet-modules in the overcloud-full image used for Overcloud deployment.

Deployment steps

Modify overcloud-full.qcow2 to include Nuage components

The customer will receive all the RPMs and the script to patch the overcloud-full image with the RPMs. The user needs to create a local repo that is accessible from the machine that the script will run on and add all the RPMs to that repo. The machine also needs lib-guestfs-tools installed. The script syntax is: source --RhelUserName=<value> --RhelPassword='<value>' --RepoName=<value> --RepoBaseUrl='<value>' --RhelPool=<value> --ImageName='<value>'
This script takes in following input parameters:
RhelUserName: User name for the RHEL subscription
RhelPassword: Password for the RHEL subscription
RhelPool: RHEL Pool to subscribe to for base packages
RepoName: Name for the local repo hosting the Nuage RPMs
RepoBaseUrl: Base URL for the repo hosting the Nuage RPMs
ImageName: Name of the qcow2 image (overcloud-full.qcow2 for example)

Deploy undercloud

The undercloud deployment should proceed as per the OSP Director documentation. Follow all the steps until the openstack overcloud deploy command.

Change the overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml file

Open the file on the undercloud machine. It can be found at /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/

Change the following lines as shown below:

OS::TripleO::Controller::Net::SoftwareConfig: net-config-noop.yaml
OS::TripleO::ControllerExtraConfigPre: puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/controller/neutron-nuage.yaml
OS::TripleO::ComputeExtraConfigPre: puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/compute/nova-nuage.yaml

Changes for linux bonding with VLANs

Add network-environment.yaml file to /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ The sample is provided in the "Sample Templates" section

Nuage uses default linux bridge and linux bonds. For this to take effect, following network files are changed.




The changes include to remove ovs_bridge and change ovs_bond to linux_bond with the right bonding_options (For example, 'mode=active-backup'). Also, the interface names need to change to reflect the interface names of the baremetal machines that are being used.

Overcloud Deployment commands

For OSP Director, tuskar deployment commands are recommended. But as part of Nuage integration effort, it was found that heat-templates provide more options and customization to overcloud deployment. The templates can be passed in "openstack overcloud deploy" command line options and can create or update an overcloud deployment.


For non-HA overcloud deployment, following command was used for deploying with Nuage:

openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e neutron-nuage-config.yaml -e neutron-generic.yaml -e nova-nuage-config.yaml -e nova-generic.yaml--control-scale 1 --compute-scale 1 --ceph-storage-scale 0 --block-storage-scale 0 --swift-storage-scale 0

For Virtual deployment, need to add --libvirt-type parameter as:

openstack overcloud deploy --templates --libvirt-type qemu -e neutron-nuage-config.yaml -e neutron-generic.yaml -e nova-nuage-config.yaml -e nova-generic.yaml--control-scale 1 --compute-scale 1 --ceph-storage-scale 0 --block-storage-scale 0 --swift-storage-scale 0

neutron-nuage-config.yaml: Nuage specific controller parameter values
neutron-generic.yaml: Values for neutron config parameters as CorePlugin and ServicePlugins
nova-nuage-config.yaml: Nuage specific compute parameter values
nova-generic.yaml: Values for nova config parameters as LibvirtVifDriver, OVSBridge, SecurityGroupApi, etc.


For HA deployment, following command was used for deploying with Nuage:

openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e neutron-nuage-config.yaml -e neutron-generic.yaml -e nova-nuage-config.yaml -e nova-generic.yaml--control-scale 2 --compute-scale 2 --ceph-storage-scale 0 --block-storage-scale 0 --swift-storage-scale 0 --ntp-server

For Virtual deployment, need to add --libvirt-type parameter as:

openstack overcloud deploy --templates --libvirt-type qemu -e neutron-nuage-config.yaml -e neutron-generic.yaml -e nova-nuage-config.yaml -e nova-generic.yaml--control-scale 2 --compute-scale 2 --ceph-storage-scale 0 --block-storage-scale 0 --swift-storage-scale 0 --ntp-server

neutron-nuage-config.yaml: Nuage specific controller parameter values as well as services disabling parameters
neutron-generic.yaml: Values for neutron config parameters as CorePlugin and ServicePlugins
nova-nuage-config.yaml: Nuage specific compute parameter values
nova-generic.yaml: Values for nova config parameters as LibvirtVifDriver, OVSBridge, SecurityGroupApi, etc.

Linux bonding Non-HA with Nuage

For linux bonding deployment with VLANs, following command was used for deploying with Nuage:

openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e network-environment.yaml -e network-isolation.yaml -e net-bond-with-vlans.yaml -e neutron-nuage-config.yaml -e neutron-generic.yaml -e nova-nuage-config.yaml -e nova-generic.yaml --control-scale 1 --compute-scale 1 --ceph-storage-scale 0 --block-storage-scale 0 --swift-storage-scale 0

network-environment.yaml: Configures additional network environment variables
network-isolation.yaml: Enables creation of networks for isolated overcloud traffic
net-bond-with-vlans.yaml: Configures an IP address and a pair of bonded nics on each network
neutron-nuage-config.yaml: Nuage specific controller parameter values
neutron-generic.yaml: Values for neutron config parameters as CorePlugin and ServicePlugins
nova-nuage-config.yaml: Nuage specific compute parameter values
nova-generic.yaml: Values for nova config parameters as LibvirtVifDriver, OVSBridge, SecurityGroupApi, etc.

Linux bonding HA with Nuage

For linux bonding deployment with VLANs for HA config, following command was used for deploying with Nuage:

openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e network-environment.yaml -e network-isolation.yaml -e net-bond-with-vlans.yaml -e neutron-nuage-config.yaml -e neutron-generic.yaml -e nova-nuage-config.yaml -e nova-generic.yaml --control-scale 2 --compute-scale 2 --ceph-storage-scale 0 --block-storage-scale 0 --swift-storage-scale 0 --ntp-server

network-environment.yaml: Configures additional network environment variables
network-isolation.yaml: Enables creation of networks for isolated overcloud traffic
net-bond-with-vlans.yaml: Configures an IP address and a pair of bonded nics on each network
neutron-nuage-config.yaml: Nuage specific controller parameter values as well as services disabling parameters
neutron-generic.yaml: Values for neutron config parameters as CorePlugin and ServicePlugins
nova-nuage-config.yaml: Nuage specific compute parameter values
nova-generic.yaml: Values for nova config parameters as LibvirtVifDriver, OVSBridge, SecurityGroupApi, etc.

Sample Templates


# This template configures additional network environment variables specific
# to the deployment environment.
  OS::TripleO::BlockStorage::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../network/config/bond-with-vlans/cinder-storage.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Compute::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../network/config/bond-with-vlans/compute.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Controller::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../network/config/bond-with-vlans/controller.yaml
  OS::TripleO::ObjectStorage::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../network/config/bond-with-vlans/swift-storage.yaml
  OS::TripleO::CephStorage::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../network/config/bond-with-vlans/ceph-storage.yaml

# We use parameter_defaults instead of parameters here because Tuskar munges
# the names of top level and role level parameters with the role name and a
# version. Using parameter_defaults makes it such that if the parameter name is
# not defined in the template, we don't get an error.
  # Gateway router for the provisioning network (or Undercloud IP)
  # Generally the IP of the Undercloud
  # Define the DNS servers (maximum 2) for the overcloud nodes
  DnsServers: ['','']
  # Customize bonding options if required (ignored if bonds are not used)
  # BondInterfaceOvsOptions: 'mode=active-backup'


# A Heat environment file which can be used to enable a
# a Neutron Nuage backend, configured via puppet
  OS::TripleO::ControllerExtraConfigPre: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/controller/neutron-nuage.yaml

  NeutronNuageOSControllerIp: ''
  NeutronNuageNetPartitionName: 'Nuage_Partition'
  NeutronNuageVSDIp: ''
  NeutronNuageVSDUsername: 'csproot'
  NeutronNuageVSDPassword: 'csproot'
  NeutronNuageVSDOrganization: 'csp'
  NeutronNuageBaseURIVersion: 'v3_2'
  NeutronNuageCMSId: ''
  UseForwardedFor: true


# A Heat environment file which can be used to enable a
# a Nova Nuage backend, configured via puppet
  OS::TripleO::ComputeExtraConfigPre: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/compute/nova-nuage.yaml

  NuageActiveController: ''
  NuageStandbyController: ''
  NuageNovaApiEndpoint: 'internalURL'

neutron-generic.yaml for non-HA

  OS:TripleO:ControllerDeployment: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/controller-puppet.yaml

  NeutronCorePlugin: 'neutron.plugins.nuage.plugin.NuagePlugin'
  NeutronServicePlugins: ''
  ControlVirtualInterface: 'eth0'
  PublicVirtualInterface: 'eth0'
  NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret: 'NuageNetworksSharedSecret'
  InstanceNameTemplate: 'inst-%08x'

neutron-generic.yaml for HA

  OS::TripleO::ControllerDeployment: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/controller-puppet.yaml

  NeutronCorePlugin: 'neutron.plugins.nuage.plugin.NuagePlugin'
  NeutronServicePlugins: ''
  ControlVirtualInterface: 'eth0'
  PublicVirtualInterface: 'eth0'
  NeutronEnableDHCPAgent: 'false'
  NeutronEnableL3Agent: 'false'
  NeutronEnableMetadataAgent: 'false'
  NeutronEnableOVSAgent: 'false'
  NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret: 'NuageNetworksSharedSecret'
  InstanceNameTemplate: 'inst-%08x'


  OS:TripleO:Compute: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/compute-puppet.yaml

  NeutronCorePlugin: 'neutron.plugins.nuage.plugin.NuagePlugin'
  NovaOVSBridge: 'alubr0'
  NovaSecurityGroupAPI: 'neutron'
  NovaComputeLibvirtType: 'qemu'
  NuageMetadataProxySharedSecret: 'NuageNetworksSharedSecret'


Issues and Resolution

1. In case one or more of the overcloud deployed nodes stop

pcs cluster start --all
pcs status

Then for the node that was shutdown

nova start <node_name> as in overcloud-controller-0 

If it still does not come up, then try

pcs resource cleanup