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File metadata and controls

110 lines (71 loc) · 7.22 KB

Suggested Usage and Configuration


Depending on your use case, you may want to tweak the configuration options :history_length and :retry_count.

The default :history_length is 10. This means that if a request_id fails, but your application is unable to determine whether or not the counter was actually incremented, you have a buffer space or window of 9 additional request_ids on that counter before you can no longer retry the original failed request_id without assuming counter drift is happening.

The default :retry_count is also 10. This means that if a request_id fails, the actor that attempted the request_id will continue trying 9 more times. If the request to change the counter still fails after the 10th try, the operation will return false for failure. At this point your application can attempt to try the request_id again, or return a failure to the user with a note that the request_id will be retried in the future.

An example of a failure might look like the following:

  1. request_id1 fails with actor1, and because of the nature of the failure, your application is unsure whether or not the counter was actually incremented.

    1. If your :retry_count is low, you can quickly determine in your application that something went wrong, and inform the user that the request_id was unsuccessful for now, but will be attempted later
    2. If your :retry_count is high, the user will be kept waiting longer, but the odds of the request_id eventually working are higher
  2. If after the initial retries, the request_id was still a failure, your application must decide what to do next

    1. If your :history_length is low, your options are limited. You must continue to retry that same failed request_id for that user (using any available actor) until it is successful. If you allow additional request_ids to take place on the same counter before retrying, you run a high risk of counter drift.
    2. If your :history_length is medium-high, then you have an allowance of (:history_length - 1) additional request_ids for that counter before you run the risk of counter drift.


This gem cannot guarentee request_id idempotence of a counter for greater than :history_length number of request_ids.

Tunable Request History

By allowing clients to set how many request_ids to keep in the counter object as well as set a retry policy on the Riak actions performed on the counter, a good balance can be achieved. The Riak::Ledger class in this gem can be instantiated with the following options:

:actor => Actor ID, one per thread or serialized writer
:history_length => Number of request_ids to store per actor per type (credit or debit)
:retry_count => Number of times to retry Riak requests if they fail

Furthermore, each #credit! and #debit! action against the ledger takes an (assumed) globally unique request_id id that is determined by your application.

These options combined give you reasonable guarentees that a single request_id can be retried per counter continually as long as less than X number of other request_ids are applied to the same counter (where X is the :history_length).

The gem will automatically retry :retry_count number of times, and if it still fails after that you can define a secondary retry or reconciliation policy within your application to deal with the failure, although if the actions are continually failing, it is possible that something is systematically wrong with your Riak cluster.

Merging Siblings and Collapsing Old Requests

Prior to every write (#credit! and #debit!), and on every read (#find!), two merges happen: Sibling Merges and Request Collapse

Sibling Merges are just combining the data from two Riak siblings into a single object, nothing extraordinary happening here.

Request collapse happens based on the specified or default :history_length. In the following example, assume :history_length is equal to 2:

Add 3 request_ids

ledger =["ledgers"], "player_2", {:history_length => 2})!(10, "req1")!(10, "req2")!(10, "req3")

Check request_id existence

ledger.has_request_id? "req1" #true
ledger.has_request_id? "req2" #true
ledger.has_request_id? "req3" #true

Based on the above, you might expect "req1" to have been collapsed; however, merges happen only before writes, and when reads happen. This is because prior to every write, a read occurs triggering a merge. Given those facts, after a read happens, a merge should occur

ledger = Riak::Ledger.find!(client["ledgers"], "player_2", {:history_length => 2})

ledger.has_request_id? "req1" #false

:retry_count values

A low :retry_count (1-9) might be appropriate for applications that would rather give immediate failed request feedback to their users so that they can continue performing other actions. This should be coupled with a higher :history_length if you intend to allow your user to initiate other request_ids while waiting to retry the first one.

A medium :retry_count (10-50) might be appropriate for applications that require a higher level of certainty about a specific request_id's success at all times. Allowing a single actor to attempt retries for as long as necessary also greatly reduces the chance that duplicate request_ids will ever be created, but requests will take longer in that case. Even if duplicate request_ids are created, they should be merged at a later time, but it is safer to have a 1 actor per request_id at a time policy.

:history_length values

A low :history_length (1-9) is never really suggested, as it lowers the time window for idempotent operations to occur. The only time a low :history_length might be necessary is if your cluster is not big enough to handle the space consumed by the request_id list. Here is an example calculation to show how much space various request_id histories might consume.

# Riak's replication value
n = 3
actor_count = 5
# a single request_id within counter json might
# look like this: ["550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000": 10],
bytes_per_req = 45
# if you have 1 million users, and 1 ledger per user
number_of_counters = 1,000,000

For a :history_length of 10:

(actor_count * number_of_counters * bytes_per_req * history_length) * n = 6750000000 bytes or 6.28643 GB total raw disk storage

For a :history_length of 50:

(actor_count * number_of_counters * bytes_per_req * history_length) * n = 33750000000 bytes or 31.4321 GB total raw disk storage

A medium :history_length (10-50) is a safe balance for most applications. Applications suited for this range of values are ones that do not have very high concurrent access requirements on a per counter basis. For example an application that only allows a user to have one request_id in flight at a time, but wants the option to let the user continue doing a few more request_ids before the state of the failed request_id is known.

A high :history_length (50+) might be suitable for applications whose primary function is to provide highly concurrent and frequent access to a limited number of counters. An example might be a service that needs to keep accurate track of a limited number of statistics like how much bandwidth is consumed for a series of endpoints for the purposes of billing a customer.