diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf index 0ced48b1ba..adc146e79f 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf @@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. - A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. + Pole je deklarováno jako statické a jen ke čtení (ve Visual Basicu jako Shared a ReadOnly) a je inicializováno pomocí hodnoty, kterou lze při kompilaci vypočítat. Vzhledem k tomu, že hodnotu přidruženou k cílovému poli je možné při kompilaci vypočítat, změňte deklaraci na pole const (Const ve Visual Basicu), aby se tato hodnota vypočítala při kompilaci, a nikoli za běhu. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf index 7fc3a0ad6a..f943caa998 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf @@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. - A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. + Un champ est déclaré comme étant static et en lecture seule (Shared et ReadOnly en Visual Basic), et est initialisé à l’aide d’une valeur calculable au moment de la compilation. Dans la mesure où la valeur assignée au champ ciblé est calculable au moment de la compilation, changez la déclaration en la remplaçant par un champ const (Const en Visual Basic) pour que la valeur soit calculée au moment de la compilation et non au moment de l’exécution. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf index 3af973914e..a99a30ceec 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf @@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. - A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. + 필드가 static 및 읽기 전용(Visual Basic의 경우 Shared 및 ReadOnly)으로 선언되었으며 컴파일 시간에 계산할 수 있는 값을 사용하여 초기화되었습니다. 대상 필드에 할당된 값을 컴파일 시간에 계산할 수 있으므로 이 값이 런타임 대신 컴파일 시간에 계산될 수 있도록 선언을 const(Visual Basic의 경우 Const)로 변경하세요. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf index dd9a0d00b8..4ee437fffc 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf @@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. - A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. + Pole zostało zadeklarowane jako statyczne i tylko do odczytu (Shared i ReadOnly w języku Visual Basic) i zainicjowane przy użyciu wartości obliczanych w czasie kompilacji. Ponieważ wartość przypisana do pola docelowego jest obliczana w czasie kompilacji, należy zmienić deklarację na pole wartości stałej (Const w języku Visual Basic), aby wartość była obliczana w czasie kompilacji, a nie w czasie wykonywania. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf index afdb96e2c2..0ac5310dc0 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf @@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. - A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. + Um campo é declarado estático e somente leitura (Compartilhando e Somente Leitura no Visual Basic) e é inicializado usando um valor computável em tempo de compilação. Como o valor atribuído ao campo de destino é computável em tempo de compilação, altere a declaração para um campo const (Const no Visual Basic) para que o valor seja calculado em tempo de compilação em vez de no runtime. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf index 2b9ff0ecf5..9f2d8f37f6 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf @@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. - A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. + Поле объявлено как статическое и доступное только для чтения (Shared и ReadOnly в Visual Basic) и инициализировано с помощью значения, вычисляемого во время компиляции. Так как значение, присвоенное целевому полю, вычисляется во время компиляции, измените объявление на поле константы (Const в Visual Basic), чтобы значение вычислялось во время компиляции, а не во время выполнения. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf index 9538afa60c..922bab9faf 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. - A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. + 字段声明为静态和只读(在 Visual Basic 中为“共享”和“只读”),并且使用编译时可计算的值进行初始化。由于分配给目标字段的值在编译时是可计算的,因此将声明更改为“常量”(在 Visual Basic 中为“常量”),以便在编译时而非运行时计算值。 diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf index d25b4bd29d..01a9abbdd9 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftCodeQualityAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -1754,7 +1754,7 @@ A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. - A field is declared static and read-only (Shared and ReadOnly in Visual Basic), and is initialized by using a value that is computable at compile time. Because the value that is assigned to the targeted field is computable at compile time, change the declaration to a const (Const in Visual Basic) field so that the value is computed at compile time instead of at runtime. + 宣告為靜態及唯讀的欄位 (在 Visual Basic 中為 Shared 及 ReadOnly),使用編譯時期可計算的值初始化。因為指派給目標欄位的值,可於編譯期間進行計算,將宣告變更為 Const (在 Visual Basic 中為 Const) 欄位,所以此值可於編譯期間計算,而非於執行階段計算。 diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf index f6818d5c58..6222d73c75 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf @@ -895,17 +895,17 @@ Obecné přetypování (IL unbox.any) používané sekvencí vrácenou metodou E The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing se podporuje pouze u neobecných úloh, nikoli u Task<TResult>. Pokud ho chcete použít s task<TResult>, nejprve ho přetypujte na základní úlohu. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing se podporuje pouze s neobecnou úlohou. Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> - Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> + Nepoužívejte ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing s Task<TResult> @@ -2055,22 +2055,22 @@ Obecné přetypování (IL unbox.any) používané sekvencí vrácenou metodou E Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. - Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. + Upřednostňujte volání TryAdd před voláním Add, které je chráněné kontrolou ContainsKey. TryAdd se chová stejně jako Add s tím rozdílem, že pokud už zadaný klíč existuje, vrátí hodnotu false místo vyvolání výjimky. To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard - To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard + Pokud se chcete vyhnout dvojitému vyhledávání, zavolejte TryAdd místo volání Add s ochranou ContainsKey. Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method - Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method + Preferovat metodu IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue) Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' - Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' + Použít TryAdd(TKey, TValue) @@ -2840,17 +2840,17 @@ Obecné přetypování (IL unbox.any) používané sekvencí vrácenou metodou E Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. - Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. + Namísto předání původního řetězce formátu umožňuje zapsat a použít instanci CompositeFormat jako argument této operace formátování. Tím se sníží náklady na operaci formátování. Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation - Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation + Zapsat CompositeFormat do mezipaměti pro opakované použití v této operaci formátování Use 'CompositeFormat' - Use 'CompositeFormat' + Použít CompositeFormat diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf index 47d6131540..90cb521b4c 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf @@ -895,17 +895,17 @@ Les conversions étendues et définies par l’utilisateur ne sont pas prises en The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing est uniquement pris en charge avec la tâche non générique, et non avec une tâche Task<TResult>. Pour l’utiliser avec une tâche Task<TResult>, commencez par effectuer un cast vers la tâche de base. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing est uniquement pris en charge avec la tâche non générique Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> - Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> + Ne pas utiliser ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing avec Task<TResult> @@ -2055,22 +2055,22 @@ Les conversions étendues et définies par l’utilisateur ne sont pas prises en Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. - Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. + Préférez un appel « TryAdd » à un appel « Add » protégé par une vérification « ContainsKey ». « TryAdd » se comporte comme « Add », sauf que lorsque la clé spécifiée existe déjà, elle retourne false au lieu de lever une exception. To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard - To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard + Pour éviter la double recherche, appeler « TryAdd » au lieu d’appeler « Add » avec un garde « ContainsKey » Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method - Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method + Préférer la méthode « IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue) » Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' - Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' + Utiliser « TryAdd(TKey, TValue) » @@ -2840,17 +2840,17 @@ Les conversions étendues et définies par l’utilisateur ne sont pas prises en Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. - Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. + Mettez en cache et utilisez une instance « CompositeFormat » comme argument pour cette opération de mise en forme, au lieu de transmettre la chaîne de format d’origine. Cela réduit le coût de l’opération de mise en forme. Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation - Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation + Mettre en cache une instance « CompositeFormat » pour une utilisation répétée dans cette opération de mise en forme Use 'CompositeFormat' - Use 'CompositeFormat' + Utiliser « CompositeFormat » diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf index 06d0a27e95..53fe883ef2 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf @@ -895,17 +895,17 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T>에서 사용하는 제네릭 형식 검사(C# 'is' The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing은 일반적이지 않은 작업에서만 지원되며 작업<TResult>은 지원되지 않습니다. 작업<TResult>과 함께 사용하려면 먼저 기본 작업에 캐스트합니다. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing은 일반적이지 않은 작업에서만 지원됩니다. Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> - Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> + 작업<TResult>과 함께 ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing 사용 안 함 @@ -2055,22 +2055,22 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T>에서 사용하는 제네릭 형식 검사(C# 'is' Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. - Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. + 'ContainsKey' 확인으로 보호되는 'Add' 호출보다 'TryAdd' 호출을 선호합니다. 'TryAdd'는 'Add'와 동일하게 동작하지만 지정한 키가 이미 존재하는 경우 예외를 던지는 대신 'false'를 반환합니다. To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard - To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard + 이중 조회를 방지하려면 'ContainsKey' 가드를 사용하여 'Add'를 호출하는 대신 'TryAdd'를 호출하세요. Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method - Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method + 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' 메서드 선호 Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' - Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' + 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' 사용 @@ -2840,17 +2840,17 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T>에서 사용하는 제네릭 형식 검사(C# 'is' Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. - Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. + 원래 형식 문자열을 전달하는 대신 이 서식 작업에 대한 인수로 'CompositeFormat' 인스턴스를 캐시하고 사용합니다. 이렇게 하면 서식 작업 비용이 절감됩니다. Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation - Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation + 이 서식 지정 작업에서 반복적으로 사용할 수 있도록 'CompositeFormat'을 캐시합니다. Use 'CompositeFormat' - Use 'CompositeFormat' + 'CompositeFormat' 사용 diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf index e5bfaf5902..a844516d82 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf @@ -895,17 +895,17 @@ Konwersje poszerzane i zdefiniowane przez użytkownika nie są obsługiwane w pr The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. + Metoda ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing jest obsługiwana tylko z zadaniem niegenerycznym, a nie zadaniem <TResult>. Aby użyć ją z zadaniem <TResult>, najpierw rzutuj na zadanie podstawowe. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task + Metoda ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing jest obsługiwana tylko z zadaniem niegenerycznym Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> - Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> + Nie używaj metody ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing z zadaniem<TResult> @@ -2055,22 +2055,22 @@ Konwersje poszerzane i zdefiniowane przez użytkownika nie są obsługiwane w pr Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. - Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. + Preferuj wywołanie „TryAdd” zamiast wywołania „Add” chronionego przez sprawdzenie „ContainsKey”. Element „TryAdd” zachowuje się tak samo jak element „Add”, ale jeśli określony klucz już istnieje, zwraca wartość „false” zamiast zgłaszania wyjątku. To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard - To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard + Aby uniknąć podwójnego wyszukiwania, wywołaj metodę „TryAdd” zamiast wywoływać metodę „Add” z funkcją „ContainsKey” Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method - Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method + Preferuj metodę „IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)” Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' - Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' + Użyj polecenia „TryAdd(TKey, TValue)” @@ -2840,17 +2840,17 @@ Konwersje poszerzane i zdefiniowane przez użytkownika nie są obsługiwane w pr Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. - Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. + Umieść wystąpienie „CompositeFormat” w pamięci podręcznej i użyj go jako argumentu tej operacji formatowania zamiast przekazywania oryginalnego ciągu formatu. Zmniejsza to koszt operacji formatowania. Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation - Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation + Buforuj element „CompositeFormat” w celu wielokrotnego użycia w tej operacji formatowania Use 'CompositeFormat' - Use 'CompositeFormat' + Użyj elementu „CompositeFormat” diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf index adffa10ff1..ae43150a2f 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf @@ -895,17 +895,17 @@ Ampliação e conversões definidas pelo usuário não são compatíveis com tip The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. + Só há suporte para ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing com a tarefa não genérica, não com uma Tarefa<TResult>. Para usá-lo com um Tarefa<TResult>, primeiro converta para o Tarefa base. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task + O ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing só é compatível com a tarefa não genérica Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> - Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> + Não use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing com Task<TResult> @@ -2055,22 +2055,22 @@ Ampliação e conversões definidas pelo usuário não são compatíveis com tip Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. - Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. + Prefira uma chamada 'TryAdd' em vez de uma chamada 'Add' protegida por uma verificação 'ContainsKey'. 'TryAdd' se comporta da mesma forma que 'Add', exceto que quando a chave especificada já existe, ele retorna 'false' em vez de lançar uma exceção. To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard - To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard + Para evitar a pesquisa dupla, chame 'TryAdd' em vez de chamar 'Add' com um guarda 'ContainsKey' Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method - Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method + Prefira o método 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' - Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' + Use 'TryAdd (TKey, TValue)' @@ -2840,17 +2840,17 @@ Ampliação e conversões definidas pelo usuário não são compatíveis com tip Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. - Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. + Armazene em cache e use uma instância 'CompositeFormat' como argumento para esta operação de formatação, em vez de passar a cadeia de caracteres de formato original. Isso reduz o custo da operação de formatação. Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation - Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation + Armazenar em cache um 'CompositeFormat' para uso repetido nesta operação de formatação Use 'CompositeFormat' - Use 'CompositeFormat' + Use 'CompositeFormat' diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf index c1066eff0f..c7d55c78d0 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf @@ -895,17 +895,17 @@ Widening and user defined conversions are not supported with generic types. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing поддерживается только с неуниверсальной задачей, а не с задачей<TResult>. Чтобы использовать его с задачей<TResult>, сначала выполните приведение к базовой задаче. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing поддерживается только с неуниверсальной задачей Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> - Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> + Не использовать ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing с задачей<TResult> @@ -2055,22 +2055,22 @@ Widening and user defined conversions are not supported with generic types. Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. - Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. + Предпочитать вызов "TryAdd" вызову "Add", защищенному с помощью проверки "ContainsKey". "TryAdd" ведет себя так же, как и "Add", за исключением того, что при существовании указанного ключа он возвращает значение "false" вместо выдачи исключения. To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard - To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard + Чтобы избежать двойного поиска, вызовите "TryAdd" вместо вызова "Add" с защитой "ContainsKey" Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method - Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method + Предпочитать метод "IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)" Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' - Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' + Использовать "TryAdd(TKey, TValue)" @@ -2840,17 +2840,17 @@ Widening and user defined conversions are not supported with generic types. Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. - Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. + Кэшируйте и используйте экземпляр "CompositeFormat" в качестве аргумента для этой операции форматирования вместо передачи в исходной строке формата. Это сокращает затраты на операцию форматирования. Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation - Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation + Кэшировать "CompositeFormat" для многократного использования в этой операции форматирования Use 'CompositeFormat' - Use 'CompositeFormat' + Использовать "CompositeFormat" diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf index 222ec5cfbf..42c966a160 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -895,17 +895,17 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的泛型类型检查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing 仅支持用于非泛型任务,不可用于 Task<TResult>。若要将它用于 Task<TResult>,请先强制转换为基本任务。 The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task + 只有非泛型任务才支持 ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> - Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> + 不要对 Task<TResult> 使用 ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing @@ -2055,22 +2055,22 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的泛型类型检查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. - Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. + 首选 "TryAdd" 调用而不是由 "ContainsKey" 检查保护的 "Add" 调用。"TryAdd" 的行为与 "Add" 相同,但当指定的密钥已存在时,它返回 "false" 而不是引发异常。 To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard - To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard + 为了避免重复查找,请调用 "TryAdd",而不是调用带有 "ContainsKey" 保护的 "Add" Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method - Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method + 首选 "IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)" 方法 Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' - Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' + 使用 "TryAdd(TKey, TValue)" @@ -2840,17 +2840,17 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的泛型类型检查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. - Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. + 缓存并使用 "CompositeFormat" 实例作为此格式化操作的参数,而不是传入原始格式字符串。这会降低格式化操作的成本。 Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation - Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation + 缓存 "CompositeFormat" 以在此格式化操作中重复使用 Use 'CompositeFormat' - Use 'CompositeFormat' + 使用 "CompositeFormat" diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf index 0824794fff..aa2bb17278 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -895,17 +895,17 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的一般型別檢查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing 只支援非一般工作,不支援 Task<TResult>。若要與 Task<TResult> 一起使用,請先強制型轉到基本任務。 The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task + ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing 只支援非一般工作 Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> - Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult> + 請勿使用 ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing 與 Task<TResult> @@ -2055,22 +2055,22 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的一般型別檢查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. - Prefer a 'TryAdd' call over an 'Add' call guarded by a 'ContainsKey' check. 'TryAdd' behaves the same as 'Add', except that when the specified key already exists, it returns 'false' instead of throwing an exception. + 偏好 'TryAdd' 呼叫,而不要使用由 'ContainsKey' 檢查所防護的 'Add' 呼叫。'TryAdd' 的行為與 'Add' 相同,唯一的例外是,當指定的索引鍵已存在時會返回 'false',而不是擲回例外狀況。 To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard - To avoid double lookup, call 'TryAdd' instead of calling 'Add' with a 'ContainsKey' guard + 若要避免重複查閱,請呼叫 'TryAdd',而不是使用 'ContainsKey' 成立條件呼叫 'Add' Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method - Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method + 建議使用 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' 方法 Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' - Use 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' + 使用 'TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' @@ -2840,17 +2840,17 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的一般型別檢查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. - Cache and use a 'CompositeFormat' instance as the argument to this formatting operation, rather than passing in the original format string. This reduces the cost of the formatting operation. + 快取並使用 'CompositeFormat' 執行個體做為此格式化作業的引數,而不是傳遞原始格式字串。這樣可降低格式化作業的成本。 Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation - Cache a 'CompositeFormat' for repeated use in this formatting operation + 在此格式化作業中,針對重複使用的 'CompositeFormat' 進行緩存 Use 'CompositeFormat' - Use 'CompositeFormat' + 使用 'CompositeFormat'