:toc: toc::[] = Enterprise Architect client generation We are going to show you **how to** generate source code from an link:http://sparxsystems.com/products/ea/[Enterprise Architect] diagram using CobiGen. == Prerequisites If _CobiGen_Templates_ is not already imported into your workspace, follow the next steps: - Click on the Eclipse's menu _File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace_ and browse to select the `workspaces/main/CobiGen_Templates` directory. - Click _Finish_ and you should have the _CobiGen_Templates_ as a new project in Eclipse's workspace. Also verify that you have the **latest templates of CobiGen**. Your templates folder must contain the `crud_java_ea_uml` folder. If you do not see it, please follow the next steps: ** Download the link:https://e-3d.capgemini.com/sites/ESC113658/proj13658/Lists/REF_release/Attachments/2/win_accumulative_patch_22062018.zip[accumulative patch]. ** Open the zip file and extract its content inside the root folder of your Devonfw distribution **Devon-dist_2.4.0/** After following those steps correctly, you should have the latest version of the templates ready to use. == Generation In this tutorial, we are going to generate the entity infrastructure using as input a class diagram, modelled with link:http://sparxsystems.com/products/ea/[Enterprise Architect] (EA). First, create a class diagram, an example is shown on figure below: image::images/howtos/EA-gen/classdiagram.png[Eclipse CobiGen generation,width="500"link="images/howtos/EA-gen/classdiagram.png"] When you are finished, you will have to export that UML diagram into an XMI version 2.1 file. This is the file format that CobiGen understands. See below a figure showing this process: image::images/howtos/EA-gen/exporting.png[Eclipse CobiGen generation,width="500"link="images/howtos/EA-gen/exporting.png"] To open that window, see link:http://sparxsystems.com/enterprise_architect_user_guide/13.5/model_publishing/exporttoxmi.html[this] tutorial. After having that exported file, change its extension from `xmi` to `xml`. Then create an link:https://github.com/devonfw/devon4j/wiki/tutorial-newapp[devon4j project] and import the exported file into the `core` of your devon4j project. Now we are going to start the generation, right-click your exported file and select _CobiGen > Generate_, finally select the entity infrastructure increment: image::images/howtos/EA-gen/generating.png[Eclipse CobiGen generation,width="500"link="images/howtos/EA-gen/generating.png"] After following all these steps, your generated files should be inside `src\main\java` folder. If you want an XMI example, you will find it link:https://github.com/devonfw/cobigen/blob/master/cobigen/cobigen-xmlplugin/src/test/resources/testdata/integrationtest/uml-classdiag/completeUmlXmi.xml[here].