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File metadata and controls

107 lines (79 loc) · 9.6 KB


Installs ELK_Stack on the target with default values specified in the Elastic formal instructions. Has been tested on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18. Should work on all RedHat families and Debian families.

This play will run out of the box with no changes necessary. But if accepting all defaults, it will only install on localhost. Meaning Kibana will not be reachable except from itself. You will need to configure a reverse proxy on the machine (recommend NGINX) as well in order to reach it from localhost, or change the IPs to be a reachable IP by changing the corresponding configs (i.e. /etc/kibana/kibana.yml). Or you can simply change the variable with the customization steps below and everything will be reachable immediatley after the play concludes.

This play installs and configures Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and then calls the beats role which also installs and configures Auditbeat and Filebeat. This play loads all the templates and dashboards to easily view the information. Additional modules can be added as desired after the play is ran. Changes are required if the user does not want to install with the defaults.

The play also configures indexes to be rotated on a month basis and keeps it as a single shard with no replicas. This play is designed for a small environment. You can edit the shards and replica defaults through the variables. For larger environments this is strongly recommended as your index will be very large and have no backups. If you wish for daily rotation, change the following in ./roles/elk_stack/tasks/configure_elastic.yml located under the "Configure Logstash's Output" task:

  • current: index => "%{[@metadata][beat]}-%{[@metadata][version]}-%{+YYYY.MM}"
  • change to: index => "%{[@metadata][beat]}-%{[@metadata][version]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

This play also installs curator which will automatically clean out indices older than X days (default 365). It adds this to the crontab.

For RHEL distros, I open the ports in firewalld automatically. For Debian I open UFW. Comment these out if unused.

The beats role can be ran independently by running the ./playbooks/Beats.yml on the targets you wish to audit/monitor. It also has a separate readme contained in its role root folder for more information.

As I am making this, there are known issues with the 6.7.1 auditbeat for RHEL. The os_family it pulls does not line up with the what its looking for: expects "RedHat", gets "rhel". Because of this, the service won't start. This should be fixed in 6.7.2 based on issues reported in github


  1. Configure your ansible hosts file to add the groups listed in this ./hosts file, or simply put this file in your ansible root directory (/etc/ansible by default) and add the hostnames or IPs under each area. If you are a small business, you may have all roles as a single server. (note a elasticsearch master cannot also be a data node. If you dont have another node, leave this blank with no hosts.)
  2. Configure your hosts and ansible user at ./playbooks/ELK_Stack.yml
  3. Configure any desired changes from the defaults in ./roles/elk_stack/vars/main.yml (see Role Variables section for what to place). Add the variable and the desired setting under the ---
  4. Run the play. I usually run my play with ansible-playbook -kK /path/to/play.

Role Variables

The following variables are used. All variables have a default value.

If you wish to change the default value, simply add the variable to ./vars/main.yml and set its properties (i.e. "server_ip:"). Anything in ./vars/ will overwrite the defaults. We do not recommend changing ./defaults/main.yml.

Variable Location Required Default Description
auditbeat_conf ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/auditbeat/auditbeat.yml Path to the auditbeat configuration file
auditbeat_template_path ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/logstash/templates/auditbeats.json Path for where to create and configure the auditbeat template file
beat_port ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes 5044 Configures the port for logstash to listen on and where beats send to
curator_conf ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/curator/curator.yml Path to a curator configuration file
curator_delete_conf ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/curator/delete_indices.yml Path to a curator configuration file for delete actions
delete_after_days ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes 365 Configures the threshold of when indicies are deleted
elastic_conf ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml Path to the elasticsearch configuration file
elastic_port ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes 9200 Configures the port elasticsearch will listen on
filebeat_conf ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml Path to the filebeat configuration file
filebeat_template_path ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/logstash/templates/auditbeats.json Path for where to create and configure the filebeat template file
kibana_conf ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/kibana/kibana.yml Path to the kibana configuration file
kibana_port ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes 5601 Configures the port kibana will listen on
logstash_beat_conf ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/logstash/conf.d/01-beats-input.conf Path to the input configuration for logstash
logstash_output_conf ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/logstash/conf.d/30-elasticsearch-output.conf Path to the output configuration for logstash
logstash_sysfilter_conf ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/logstash/conf.d/10-syslog-filter.conf Path to the system logs filter configuration for logstash
replicas ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes 0 The amount of replicas that will be kept. If you change this, you need Elasticsearch and configured installed on other servers for the replication to occur. The index status will show yellow as a warning that replication hasn't occurred if you don't
server_ip ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes localhost Used to configure the host of ELK services
shards ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes 1 The amount of shards that will be kept (Applied to all indexes)
template_path ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/logstash/templates/shards.json Path where the template file will be created/stored at

This play also depends on the beats role which is contained in the same repo. The following are the variables from that role. These fields are passed automatically from the ELK_Stack role so you only need to change the ELK_Stack vars while running that play; if running the beats role individually (i.e. to install beats on other systems), these fields might need changed as desired:

Variable Location Required Default Description
auditbeat_conf ./roles/beats/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/auditbeat/auditbeat.yml Path to the auditbeat configuration file
beat_port ./roles/beats/defaults/main.yml Yes 5044 Configures the port for logstash is listening on to point beats at
elk_ip ./roles/beats/vars/main.yml Yes N/A Configures beats to point to ELK Stack
filebeat_conf ./roles/beats/defaults/main.yml Yes /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml Path to the filebeat configuration file

If desired, SSL can be enabled. This play is configured for .pem style certs. You can convert your cert if yours differs. If you already have certificates and keys for your environment, place them in /etc/ssl/ or change the default location by adding the var to the vars main.yml file.

To configure SSL do the following variables need set at minimal. Configure/add the following vars in ./roles/elk_stack/vars/main.yml:

  • ssl_on: true
  • cert_pem_key_name: YourKeyName.key
  • cert_pem_crt_name: YourCrtName.crt
  • cert_ca_chain_name: YourCAChainName.crt

Beats SSL still in the works.

The following are the variables applicable to the SSL:

Variable Location Required Default Description
cert_location ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml No /etc/ssl/ Where certificates are currently stored
cert_pem_key_name ./roles/elk_stack/vars/main.yml No N/A The key file name. Must be configured in /vars if SSL is set
cert_pem_crt_name ./roles/elk_stack/vars/main.yml No N/A The crt file name. Must be configured in /vars if SSL is set
cert_ca_chain_name ./roles/elk_stack/vars/main.yml No N/A The certificate chain file name. Must be configured in /vars if SSL is set
elastic_cert_location ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml No /etc/elasticsearch/certs/ Default location to put elasticsearch certs
kibana_cert_location ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml No /etc/kibana/certs/ Default location to put Kibana certs
logstash_cert_location ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml No /etc/logstash/certs/ Default location to put Logstash certs
ssl_on ./roles/elk_stack/defaults/main.yml No False If flipped to true, then configures ELK for SSL


This play depends on the beats role which is contained in the same repo.

Example Playbook

- hosts:
     - elk_stack

Author Information

Steven Craig, ISSM, 24Feb19