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Bug/Feature Lists

TODO LibEGL Bug Priority List:

- None yet :)

TODO LibEGL Feature Priority List:

- Add EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED_BIT support. See EGL 1.4 Table 3.2
  Surface swap is EGL_BUFFER_DESTROYED for now ? See iOS support EGL_BUFFER_RETAINED via kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking too
- Add support for rotation. See EGL 1.4 - Section 3.9.1 Native Window Resizing
- Add support for Multisampling

TODO Uncategorised List:

- Memory Leak: App starts with 8.5Mb without EGL. Running the demo + unit test consumes more 16Mb. When the demo stops, the memory consumption is higher than 8.5Mb. Some resources are not deleted
- Split Samples from UT Xcode projects 
- Can add support for GLKView (currently only CEAGLLayer supported) ?

TODO Code Cleanup Priority List:

- None. 

TODO Unit Test Bug Priority List:

- None yet :)


EGL:  several types of drawing surfaces collectively referred to as EGLSurfaces;
- windows, used for onscreen rendering; 
- pbuffers, used for offscreen rendering; 
- pixmaps, used for offscreen rendering into buffers that may be accessed through native APIs. 
EGL windows and pixmaps are tied to native window system windows and pixmaps
EGLDisplay = the UIWindow holding our custom view 
EGLSurface = window surf: CAEAGLayer's attached to a sub-class from UIView 
         pbuffer surf (block of memory dynamically allocated on the graphics card, but not visible on-screen): OpenGL's Framebuffer Objects -> See
         pixmap surf ( uses whatever pixel buffer representation is supported by the platform’s native graphics API (in the case of Android, this would be a Bitmap), allowing you to mix and match OpenGL and native graphics drawing calls into the same pixels without having to copy buffers back and forth): CGContextRef from Quartz 2D  - About offscreen rendering