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475 lines (266 loc) · 15 KB

File metadata and controls

475 lines (266 loc) · 15 KB

Release notes

SwiftUIKit makes its best effort to honor semver, but breaking changes can occur even in minor bumps.


This version adds a new storage value type and moves the gesture buttons to

✨ Features

  • StorageValue is a new property wrapper for serializing data into AppStorage.

🗑️ Deprecations

  • GestureButton and ScrollGestureButton has been moved to


This version adds localization support, and makes more types use LocalizedStringKey instead of String.

This version also adds standard button types, which makes it easier to create standard button types.

✨ New features

  • Button+Init adds a new button initializer.
  • Button+Standard adds new standard button types.


💡 Behavior changes

  • Label now used LocalizedStringKey for its title.


🐛 Bug fixes

  • View+Label now correctly applies the provided bundle.


💡 Behavior changes

  • View.alert now injects the context as environment object.
  • View.label now takes a localized string key instead of a key.
  • View.sheet now injects the context as environment object.
  • View.fullScreenCover now injects the context as environment object.


This version refactors many views to take their styles & configs as environment values, instead of injecting them in the initializer.

✨ New features

  • CircularProgressBar now supports customizing animation.
  • FilePicker now supports providing a custom picker config.
  • ImagePicker now supports providing a custom picker config.
  • LinkText has new link style options, to define font weight.
  • ListButtonGroup is a new group view for groping many buttons.
  • ListButtonStyle has a new optional pressedOpacity init param.
  • ListCard now supports specifying a custom pressed scale animation.
  • String+Replace has a new options-based replace extension shorthand.

💡 Behavior changes

  • Color.standardListBackground has been renamed to listBackground.
  • FormInlineActionButtonStyle has been replaced by ListButtonGroup.
  • FormText has been renamed to ListActionRow, and is now style-based.
  • ListActionRow now supports a ListAction instead of a trailing view.

🗑️ Deprecations

  • DismissableView has been deprecated due to native SwiftUI support.
  • FormRowTitle has been deprecated due to now being used internally.
  • PresentationDetents has been deprecated due to native SwiftUI support.


This version makes the list header not use a section, to avoid disclosure groups.


This version fixes a bug in the image list header extension.


This version adds a few additional utilities.

✨ New features

  • ListHeader has a new image-specific modifier.
  • View+Label makes it easy to convert any view to a label.
  • View+macOS has a new openAppSettings() view extension.

💡 Behavior changes

  • ListHeader now applies a platform-specific bottom padding.


This version deprecates ListBadgeIcon.

🗑️ Deprecations

  • ListBadgeIcon has moved to


This version makes the ListBadgeIcon available on macOS.

✨ New features

  • ListBadgeIcon is now available on macOS.
  • ListBadgeIcon has a new appStore badge.
  • ListBadgeIcon iconColor is nil by default and adaptive to the badge color.


This version adjusts the ListBadgeIcon to behave better.

✨ New features

  • ListBadgeIcon has new properties and render better on iOS 17.
  • ListBadgeIcon has new predefined types.


This patch fixes the default FormInlineButtonStyle background in dark mode.

✨ New features

  • Color has a new standardRowBackground function.


This major version bumps the deployment targets to iOS 15, tvOS 15, watchOS 8, and macOS 12. This lets us remove a lot of code for older OS versions.

This version also adds everything from SwiftKit, which is discontinued. I don't want to manage or add two libraries, so merging them seems valid.

This version removes protocols where not needed. This means that it will no longer have a protocol and a standard implementation if not needed.

✨ New features

  • Bundle+Information is a new extension with bundle-specific information.
  • BundleFileFinder is a new file service that can search for files in a bundle.
  • Collections is a new namespace with collection-related utilities and extensions.
  • Commands is a new namespace with macOS commands.
  • CsvParser is a new class that can be used to parse CSV files and strings.
  • Date is a new namespace with date-related extensions and utilities.
  • DeviceIdentifier is a new class for generating unique device IDs.
  • iCloudDocumentSync is a new class that can sync iCloud document changes.
  • Keychain is a new namespace with keychain-related utilities and services.
  • ListAction is a new enum with quick list action types.
  • MimeType is a new type that defines various MIME types.
  • Pasteboard is a multi-platform pasteboard typealias.
  • String is a new namespace with string-related utilities and extensions.
  • URL+iCloud adds new iCloud-specific URLs.
  • ValidationRegex is a struct that defines various regex-based validation expressions.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • View disableDynamicType now applies the provided size category instead of always .medium.

💥 Breaking Changes

  • All previously deprecated code has been removed.

  • ActionToggle has been removed - just use onChange(of:) to observe the toggle state instead.

  • DismissableView now uses DismissAction instead of PresentationMode.

  • EdgeInsets factory functions have been replaced with proper initializers.

  • FilePicker now requires UTType instead of String.

  • FolderMonitor has been renamed to DirectoryMonitor.

  • FolderObservable has been renamed to DirectoryObservable.

  • FormActionButton has been replaced with a FormActionButtonStyle.

  • FormTextButton has been removed since ListAction is so easy to use.

  • FormTextEditor and FormTextField has been removed. Use .formRowTitle(...) instead.

  • ScanCodeGenerator has been replaced by Image and ImageRepresentable init extensions.


This release deprecates a bunch of things in preparation for the 4.0 bump.

SwiftUIKit 4.0 will drop support for iOS 13.

✨ New features

  • MultilineSubmitViewModifier is a new view modifier to make multiline text fields submit when return is pressed.
  • View has a new multilineSubmit(...) extension.
  • View has a new onMultilineSubmit(...) extension.

💡 Behavior changes

  • ForEachPicker no longer applies a .plain button style.
  • ForEachMultiPicker no longer applies a .plain button style.
  • SwiftPreviewInspector now provides a standard implementation.

🗑 Deprecations

  • MultilineText has been deprecated.
  • DotAnimation has been renamed to DotLoadingAnimation.
  • DotAnimationText has been renamed to DotLoadingAnimationText.
  • SearchBar has been deprecated.
  • SidebarPresenter has been deprecated.
  • StandardSwiftPreviewInspector has been deprecated.
  • Text+Markdown has been deprecated.
  • UIApplication+Windows has been deprecated.
  • View height and width modifiers have been deprecated.
  • View+Keyboard has been deprecated.


✨ New features

  • FormTextField has new multiline capabilities.

🗑 Deprecations

  • FormTextEditor has been soft deprecated.


✨ New features

  • FormText has a new action-based initializer.
  • FormTextButton is a new FormText button view.


✨ New features

  • ImageCache.shared has been made public.


✨ New features

  • ImageCache is a new convenience util for caching images.
  • ImageRepresentable has a new jpegData(resizedToWidth:withCompressionQuality:) extension.
  • ListPadding is a new view that can be used to add vertical padding to lists.


✨ New features

  • GridItem+Convenience is a new extension with GridItem builders.
  • ReorderableForEach is a new view that lets you reorder items in stacks and grids.


✨ New features

  • SidebarListRowBackgroundModifier is a new view modifier for sidebar lists.


This version removes another deprecation.


✨ New features

  • StorageCodable is a new protocol for persisting Codable in AppStorage and SceneStorage.
  • View+Font extensions are now available on tvOS and watchOS as well.
  • sidebarListRowBackground is a new View modifier for applying a sidebar list row background.

💡 Behavior changes

  • Persisted is changed to soft deprecated since the RawRepresentable AppStorage support requires iOS 15.

🗑 Deprecations

  • The Printing namespace has been deprecated and moved to the new PrintingKit.


✨ New features

  • NavigationContext is a new observable class.
  • Image+Resized is a new Image extension.

🗑 Deprecations

  • AlertProvider has been deprecated.
  • FullScreenCoverProvider has been deprecated.
  • SheetProvider has been deprecated.


✨ New features

  • Color+Hex has new static functions.
  • ColorPickerBar is a new color picker component.
  • EditableView is a new view protocol.
  • ListBadgeIcon now supports custom icon colors and icon gradients.
  • ListHeaderIcon is a new view.
  • ListSectionTitle has a new withInsets() init parameter.
  • ListShelfSection has a new style.
  • OptionalBinding is a new func that makes it possible to pass in optional values as a non-optional binding.
  • View has new prefers extensions.
  • ViewShadowStyle has a new .sticker style.

🗑 Deprecations

  • ImageRenderer was not available to 5.7 compilers and has been removed altogether.
  • ImageRenderer can still be found and copied from any earlier versions of SwiftUIKit.
  • MultilineTextField has been deprecated.
  • SystemColor has been deprecated.


This release adds new support for Codable and AppStorage.

This release also adds new list functionality and text editor styling.

From this version, the demo application has been removed. Instead of the demo application, you can use the internal previews directly.

✨ New features

  • Array has new extensions that make it possible to use with Codable and AppStorage.
  • Dictionary has new extensions that make it possible to use with Codable and AppStorage.
  • ImageRepresentable has new resizing tools.
  • ListBadgeIcon is a new view that mimics the color badge icons in System Settings.
  • ListCard is a new view that can be used to create cards for a list or grid.
  • ListDragHandle is a new view to mimic the native iOS list drag handle.
  • ListSectionTitle is a new view that mimics a grouped iOS section title.
  • ListShelfSection is a new view that can be used to create horizontally scrolling shelves in vertically scrolling lists.
  • ProcessInfo has a new static preview property.
  • TextEditorStyle lets you style a TextEditor like a TextField.
  • Image+Symbol is a new Image initializer that serves as a shorthand for .init(systemName:).
  • Image+ListBadgeIcon is a new Image modifier that can be used to convert an image to a color badged icon.

💡 Behavior changes

  • Persisted has been deprecated due to AppStorageCodable.
  • ViewShadowStyle now allows not specifying a shadow color.
  • ViewShadowStyle.badge has been redesigned to look more like a sticker.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • The undimmed presentation detents move some code to after layout to improve behavior.

🗑 Deprecations

  • UndimmedPresentationDetent is renamed to PresentationDetentReference.
  • The .presentationDetents(undimmed:largestUndimmed:selection:) modifier is deprecated and replaced by .presentationDetents(:largestUndimmed:selection:).


✨ New features

  • GestureButton is a new view that can be used to handle multiple gestures with a single button.
  • GestureButtonDefaults is a new class that can be used to configure the default values for the new gesture buttons.
  • LinkText is a new view that lets you combine text and tappable links without Markdown.
  • RepeatGestureTimer is a new class that can be used to trigger a repeating action.
  • ScrollViewGestureButton is a variant of GestureButton that works within a scroll view.
  • SwipeGestureViewModifier is a new view modifier that exposes the View+onSwipeGesture extension to DocC.
  • UndimmedPresentationDetentsViewModifier is a new view modifier that exposes the View+presentationDetents extension to DocC.

💡 Behavior changes

  • ImageRenderer now renders with correct scale - thanks alfredcc for this!

🗑 Deprecations


✨ New features

  • FormTextField is now available in iOS 13 as well.
  • LinearProgressBar is a new, style-based progress view.
  • ListSelectItem now supports providing a custom select indicator view.
  • ScrollViewHeader is a new header view with stretch and parallax support.
  • SwiftPreviewInspector and StandardSwiftPreviewInspector are new types for detecting SwiftUI preview mode.
  • UndimmedPresentationDetent is a new enum that is used to define undimmed detents with View+PresentationDetents.
  • View+PresentationDetents now supports specifying a largestUndimmed presentation detent.

💡 Behavior changes

  • FormActionButton now uses true as default value for the dimmed modifier.
  • FormActionButtonStyle now lets you style more parts of the form action button.
  • FormText no longers forces lowercase to its title.
  • SearchBar no longer adds a divider below the text field.
  • TextFieldClearButton now animates in the clear button.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • CircularProgressBar is no longer greedy and only allocates the space it needs.

🗑 Deprecations

  • The entire CollectionView namespace has been deprecated, since it's no longer needed on tvOS.

💥 Breaking Changes

  • CircularProgressBarStyle has been renamed to CircularProgressBar.Style.
  • ErrorAlertConvertible has a new errorButtonText property to avoid the hard-coded "OK".
  • ScanCodeGenerator has a cleaner function name for generating a scan code.


This major version removes all previously deprecated logic to make the library tighter and cleaner.

If you need any parts of the library that have now been removed, just grab them from the previous 2.9 versions.

✨ New features

  • The disableDynamicType view extension now accepts a size category.
  • The ListSelectItem now accepts a customizable checkmark icon.

💥 Breaking Changes

  • The Documents namespace has been removed without being previously deprecated.
  • The .safeAreaInsets environment value has been removed without being previously deprecated.
  • The Views/DetailPanel namespace has been removed without being previously deprecated.
  • The UIViewWrapper view has been removed without being previously deprecated.