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183 lines (161 loc) · 10.9 KB

Change log of DVH Analytics

0.5.11 (2019.8.1)

  • Bug fix in causing crash due to syntax typo on lines 318 and 429

0.5.6 (2019.2.14)

  • Allow roi_name in query

0.5.5 (2019.2.14)

  • Beam complexity is now CP MU weighted sum (not mean complexity)
  • Plan complexity is MU weighted sum of beam complexity times scaling factor in
  • Toxicity and complexity values now can be stored as NULL values

0.5.4 (2019.2.11)

  • In the Regression tab, plotting any variable with min, median, mean, or max crashed on axis title update. Fixed.
  • Min, mean, median and max of beam complexity, beam area, control point MU now calculated at time of import
    • These new values are available for time-series, correlation, and regression tabs in the main view
  • Terminal now prints mrn of excluded plans due to non-numeral data used for correlation / regression
  • Fixed bug causing crash at import due to some now missing SQL columns

0.5.3 (2019.1.31)

  • Bokeh >=1.0.4 now required
  • Import Notes tab added to Admin view for quick reference
  • Protocol and Toxicity tabs added to Admin view
    • Use Protocol tab to designate plans that are attached to a particular protocol
    • Use Toxicity tab to enter toxicity grades (must be integer values)
    • DVH Analytics 0.5.4 will have appropriate statistical tests for toxicity data
    • Selecting rows in the table will auto-populate the MRN Input text area
    • Note that you can copy and paste multiple rows from Excel into the text area inputs
  • Plotting PTV Distances in Regression tab previously caused a crash, issue resolved

0.5.2 (2019.1.18)

  • Beginning development for toxicity and protocol data
    • New columns added to the Plans and DVHs SQL tables to tag toxicity scale and grade
      • Toxicity grade must be a positive integer, default value is -1 indicating no reported toxicity
      • New tab in Admin view to manage toxicity and protocol information
    • New column added to Plans SQL table to indicate if a plan is part of a protocol
    • Next version will have GUI in the Admin view to update this information more easily than via Database Editor
  • Input text for action selected by radio buttons in ROI Manager now properly updates based on current selections
  • If a plan for a given Study Instance UID is in your database when importing a plan with the same Study Instance UID, a message incorrectly indicated the plan was moved to the misc. This message has been corrected and the files remain in the inbox.
  • New radio button for Post Import Calculations easily allowing you calculate only missing values (instead of recalculating the entire database or entering your own custom SQL condition)

0.5.1 (2019.1.7)

  • 0.5.0 Code was not running with pip install
    • Changed absolute imports to relative imports, some file reorganizing

0.5.0 (2019.1.6)

  • New ROI Name Manger layout
    • plot now displays entire physician roi map
    • you can show all data or filter institutional rois by linked, unlinked, or branched
    • Functionality added to merge one physician roi into another
  • Previously, importing a ROI Map automatically added institutional rois to physician rois. This behavior has been removed. Adding a new physician will still create a default list of physician rois based on the insitutional roi list. The DEFAULT physician will include only institutional rois
  • Minor changes to Database Editor layout
    • Database editor now updates without recreating layout (much faster table update after query)
    • Database table no longer uses a slider for width
  • Downloading tables with values that have , in them now replaced with ; instead of ^
  • tables in Admin View sorted by mrn by default

0.4.10 (2019.1.1)

  • Bad reference to SQL config settings in the Ignore DVH button of the ROI Name Mangaer of the Admin view

0.4.9 (2019.1.1)

  • Organize modules in tools directory
  • Generalize update_all_in_db functions in
  • ensure all options read from custom options file if available
  • Backup tab functionality in Admin view was incomplete since modularization of bokeh views
    • Backup selection menus now update
    • Backup preferences works again

0.4.8 (2018.12.27)

  • Reorganize python files into directories:
    • path updated with: import update_sys_path
    • and now have code wrapped in a class
    • Multiple simultaneous sessions enabled again by wrapping all bokeh objects into classes
  • Remove test files
  • Catch keyboard interrupt in for graceful shutdown
  • Moved import_warning_log.txt to user's data directory
  • All preferences stored in user folder now so that there's no need to run servers with sudo
  • May need to copy files from /preferences into ~/Apps/dvh_analytics/preferences/
  • Data directory defaults to ~/Apps/dvh_analytics/data but can still be customized
  • All sql/preference backups stored in ~/Apps/dvh_analytics/data/backup now (can't customize)
  • now contains imports (os and
    • This broke load_options, code added to ignore ModuleType
  • Automatically update uncategorized variations in ROI Manager after importing data, updating database, deleting data, or reimporting database

0.4.7 (2018.12.6)

  • Move csv creation to python for less javascript (download.js)
  • Some bug catches if certain fields are too long to import into its SQL column
  • ROI Name Manager in the Admin view displays a table of the currently saved ROI Map of the currently selected physician

0.4.697 (2018.11.11) - removed from PyPi

  • The docker compose file for DVH Analytics Docker had a bug such that it would not share import and sql connection settings between main, admin, and settings views. A directory was created to share changes with each server.
  • DVH Analytics will detect if you're using Docker and have docker applicable default sql connection settings
  • Note that DVH Analytics Docker has only been validated on Mac

0.4.62 & 0.4.68 (2018.11.11) - removed from PyPi

  • If a RT Plan that is incompatible with the current version of, DVH Analytics would crash. Now the command prompt will print the failed RT Plan file, and skip the MLC Analyzer tab update, preventing a crash.
  • Moving to the bokeh_components directory caused relative import errors. As a temporary fix, all python files moved to main dvh directory. This version was verified to work via pip install (and subsequently running with dvh command calling for entry point), as well as in docker.
  • These versions were explicitly tested by running source code with direct bokeh serve calls, pip install of DVH Analytics, and using docker-compose.

0.4.6 (2018.11.6)

  • MAJOR restructuring with majority of moved into bokeh_components directory
    • Next release will begin working on better efficiency
  • Residual chart added to Regression tab, will develop into Control Chart
  • Begin making code more concise using classes and dictionaries
  • Issue #42 - Regression drop-downs not updating properly when deleting/changing EP
  • MLC Analyzer does not cause crash if DICOM plan file cannot be found

0.4.5 (scrapped)

0.4.4b,, (2018.11.1)

0.4.4a (2018.11.1)

0.4.4 (2018.08.15)

  • typo in keyword for parameter in dicom_to_sql (import_latest_plan_only changes to import_latest_only)
  • Shapely speedups enabled, if available
    • Shapely has calcs available in C, as opposed to C++
  • centroid, dist_to_ptv_centroids, dth (distance to target histogram), spread_x, spread_y, spread_z, cross_section_max, cross_section_median, columns added to DVHs
    • These columns can be added by clicking Create Tables from Settings view, if running from source
    • Running from Docker or pip install shouldn't need to do this manually
  • dist_to_ptv_centroids and dth must be calculated from Admin view after proper ROI name mapping
  • dth_string calculated with Calc PTV Dist in Admin view
    • the string stored is csv representing a histogram with 0.1mm bins
  • centroid, spread, and cross-sections also calculated at time of import
    • calc in Admin view only required for data imported prior to 0.4.4 install
  • Admin view now specifies Post-Import calculations via dropdown
    • Added choice "Default Post-Import" to run through all calcs not done at time of DICOM import
  • Endpoints for review DVH now calculated

0.4.3 (2018.08.04)

  • IMPORT_LATEST_ONLY removed from in lieu of a simple checkbox in the admin view.
  • Settings view now has functionality to edit parameters in These edits are stored in preferences/options via pickle. If preferences/options does not exist, the default values in are used.
  • Draft of a user manual is now available.

0.4.2 (2018.07.31)

  • Download button added for DVH endpoints.
  • LITE_VIEW added to If this is set to True, only Query and DVHs tabs are rendered. The DVHs tab is stripped down to only calculate endpoints, although they are not displayed. This is to avoid any table or plots being displayed. No correlation data is calculated. Users working with VERY large datasets may find this useful if all they want is to query and quickly calculate DVH endpoints.
  • The download dropdown button on the Query tab has been non-functional since we updated for Bokeh 0.13.0 compatibility. This button works as expected now.

0.4.1 (2018.07.23)

  • The DVH Analytics Docker image now has an empty file , /this_is_running_from_docker, which is used by DVH Analytics to detect if the user is running Docker. This helps DVH Analytics know where to look for SQL and import settings, as reflected in
  • The default behavior for adding a physician in the ROI Name Manager is to copy institutional ROIs as physician ROIs.
  • The Admin view now has a feature to backup and restore preferences. This is mostly useful for backing up ROI maps. If you're using Docker, it's strongly recommended you backup your preferences since relaunching an image may restore your preference defaults.
  • The database backup feature in the Admin view has been fixed to work with Docker. If you're running DVH Analytics source code locally, be sure you have the postgres sql command line tools installed, specifically pg_dumpall needs to be available.
  • If a new physician was created in ROI Name Manager, and then ROI Map was saved while the newly added physician had no physician ROIs, an empty .roi file was created causing subsequent Admin view launches to crash. This bug has been fixed; empty Physicians will not be stored and adding a new Physician automatically copies your institutional ROIs as physician ROIs.
  • DVH Analytics is FINALLY using a change log.