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File metadata and controls

181 lines (124 loc) · 6.95 KB


local intl = require "crit.intl"

The main goal here is simple: Map internationalisation keys (something like menu.settings.button_title) to strings (like Settings) in the user's language.

Secondarily, we might want to group our strings into separate loading units to spare the parser from using precious CPU cycles loading strings that won't be used. Crit achieves that with namespaces.

Namespaces are intl's loading unit. There's a main namespace you can use directly and secondary namespaces you can load on demand.


  1. Create a directory named intl in the root of your project and add it to custom_resources.

  2. In that directory, create a Lua or a JSON file (as you wish) with your strings. Name it main.[lang].lua or main.[lang].json respectively, where [lang] is the ISO-639 language code (eg. main.en.lua), or a combination of ISO-639 and ISO-3166 country code (eg. main.en-US.lua). In case it's a Lua file, it must return a table with string keys and values.

  3. Call intl.init() somewhere early on in your code (before trying to translate any string). Before the init() function in your main collection is a good place for that.

  4. For any additional namespaces, create additional [namespace_id].[lang].[lua|json] files.

If you don't like this string data loading mechanism, you can customise it and use your own (options.loader).


Fetching a string is as simple as intl.translate("menu.settings.button_title") (or shorthand: intl("menu.settings.button_title")). Behind the scenes, intl will go through the list of current languages and fallback languages in order and return the string in the first language in which it exists.

This multiple language loading order allows you to add dialect layers over a translation. For example, you can have an en translation and another en-UK data file which overrides only the strings which sound different in British English. Using { "en-UK", "en" } as your language list will look for the strings in the en-UK data file and, if they're not there, fall back to the common en translation.

For convenience, the intl module is also the main namespace. If the string is not in the main namespace, we have to load the namespace first:

local namespace = intl.namespace("menu")

API Documentation


Initializes the intl module.


  • options: table. Optional. The module's configuration
    • options.languages: string | table of strings Optional. The list of current languages to use. Defaults to { language .. "-" .. territory, language }, as reported by sys.get_sys_info().
    • options.fallback_languages: string | table of strings Optional. The list of languages to fall back to, in case strings can't be found in any of the current languages. Defaults to { "en-US", "en" }.
    • options.warn_fallback: boolean Optional. Issue console warnings if a string is not found in any current language and fallbacks are used. Defaults to false.
    • options.strict: boolean Optional. All warnings become errors. Defaults to false.
    • options.loader: function (namespace_id: string, language: string) Optional. Use a custom loader for string data. Must return a table with string keys and values or nil. Defaults to intl.default_loader.
    • options.intl_dir: string Optional. Custom resources directory where the default loaders can find the data files. Defaults to "/intl"


Re-initializes the module with changed options. (For example, when changing language at runtime).


  • partial_options: table. A table with the keys to change in the options table passed in intl.init().


Loads a namespace or returns it from cache, if it's already loaded.

Remember: The intl module is also a namespace itself (the main namespace). intl == intl.namespace("main")


  • namespace_id: string. The ID of the namespace to load.

Return value: namespace The requested namespace.

namespace.translate(key, values)

Translates the string identified by key. If values is specified, will replace patterns like ${foo} in the resulting string with


  • namespace(key, values)
  • namespace.t(key, values)


  • key: string The string's internationalisation key.
  • values: table Optional. Values for replacement patterns.

Return value: string | nil. The translated string or nil if not found.


Translates the GUI text node node using its text as internationalisation key.

Effectively gui.set_text(node, namespace.translate(gui.get_text(node))).


  • node: gui node | string. A GUI text node (or text node ID).

namespace.translate_label(url, key, values)

Translates a label component.

Effectively label.set_text(url, namespace.translate(key, values)).


  • url: url | hash | string. URL to a label.
  • key: string The string's internationalisation key.
  • values: table Optional. Values for replacement patterns.

Select from a table (with languages as keys) a value corresponding to the current language. Languages are tried until a non-nil value is found.

Instead of a table, a function can be passed instead. It will be called with each language until it returns a non-nil value.


  • options: table | function (language) A table of options or an option resolver function.

Return value: The value selected from the table (or returned by the function).

intl.default_loader(namespace_id, language)

The default string data loader. Will try to use lua_loader, then json_loader.


  • namespace_id: string The name of namespace to load data for.
  • language: string The language to load data for.

Return value: table | nil A table with string data or nil if data file not found for the requested namespace and language.

intl.lua_loader(namespace_id, language)

Will load data from options.intl_dir .. "/" .. namespace_id .. "." .. language .. ".lua".


  • namespace_id: string The name of namespace to load data for.
  • language: string The language to load data for.

Return value: table | nil A table with string data or nil if data file not found for the requested namespace and language.

intl.json_loader(namespace_id, language)

Will load data from options.intl_dir .. "/" .. namespace_id .. "." .. language .. ".json".


  • namespace_id: string The name of namespace to load data for.
  • language: string The language to load data for.

Return value: table | nil A table with string data or nil if data file not found for the requested namespace and language.