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CouchDB-rs Change Log

v0.6.1 (unreleased)

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v0.6.0 (2017-07-17)

This release is a total rewrite owing to a change in project goals. The library now less ambitiously provides a set of passive types and does not provide an HTTP client.

Here's what the library supports so far:

  • There's an Attachment type for intelligently working with document attachments.
  • There's a suite of path-related types (in the path submodule) for specifying the locations of CouchDB resources in a type-safe way.
  • There are a few other types for deserializing specific CouchDB JSON objects. For example, the Nok type can capture information from a CouchDB error response.

Also, all project dependencies are now up-to-date.

v0.5.2 (2017-05-26)

This release fixes compiler warnings that are soon to become hard errors. See issue #57 for more information.

v0.5.1 (2016-02-12)

This release extends the crate's coverage of the CouchDB API, deprecates a few poorly named things, and improves documentation.


  • The method Client::post_to_database is deprecated. Use Client::post_database instead.
  • The type PostToDatabase is deprecated. Use PostDatabase instead.


  • The GetChanges action type is new and allows applications to get database changes via the /db/_changes resource.
  • The GetRoot action type is new and allows applications to get the CouchDB root resource (/), which includes the server's version information.
  • There's now support for getting documents at a specific revision via the ?rev query parameter—i.e., GET /db/doc?rev=<revision>.
  • This release adds limited support for getting embedded attachments via the GetDocument action.
  • The Document type now contains a deleted field for signifying whether the document has been deleted.
  • The action module's documentation now contains a feature table showing, in detail, the crate's coverage of the CouchDB API.

v0.5.0 (2016-01-17)

This release makes a few API changes to continue the library's progress towards optimal type-safety and convenience.

Breaking changes

  • The Document type has been refactored to make it easier to use.
    • The Document type is no longer a generic type, nor is the content field publicly accessible. Applications now access document content via a new into_content method, which does the JSON-decoding. See issue #28 for more information.
    • The revision field has been renamed to rev, which more closely matches the CouchDB name.
    • The Document type implements serde::Deserialize instead of a custom from_reader deserialization method. This should not affect applications.
    • The Document type no longer implements these traits: Eq, Hash, Ord, and PartialOrd.
  • Throughout the project, the term “command” has been replaced with “action”. The only API change is that the command module is now named the action module. This should not affect applications. See issue #32 for more information.
  • The PostToDatabase action now returns (DocumentId, Revision), not (Revision, DocumentId).
  • The following types now have at least one private field and can no longer be directly constructed by applications:
    • Database,
    • Design,
    • ErrorResponse,
    • ViewFunction,
    • ViewResult, and
    • ViewRow.
  • The DeleteDocument action now returns the revision of the deleted document. Previously the action returned nothing.
  • The Server type has been moved/renamed to testing::FakeServer.


  • New ViewFunctionBuilder type for constructing a ViewFunction instance.
  • New Revision::update_number method for getting the update number part of a revision.

Additional notes

  • The project is now dual-licensed under Apache-2.0 and MIT. See issue #31 for more information.
  • Actions are now tested as unit tests and integration tests. Previously, actions were tested only as integration tests. Unit-testing now provides good test coverage without having the CouchDB server installed on the local machine.
  • The project now has support for Travis CI.

v0.4.0 (2016-01-03)

This release introduces several breaking changes to improve type-safety and ease-of-use, as well as to fix inconsistencies between the crate's API and the CouchDB API.

Breaking changes

  • The path types of v0.3.x (e.g., DocumentPath, etc.) are now split into path, id, and name types (e.g., DocumentPath, DocumentId, and DocumentName, etc.). Client commands use path types as input; id and name types are used everywhere else to match what the CouchDB API uses.
    • Paths now must begin with a slash (e.g., /db/docid vs the db/docid format of v0.3.x).
    • Path types now implement std::str::FromStr instead of From<String>. This means string-to-path conversions now may fail.
  • The Revision type now fully understands CouchDB revisions.
    • The Revision type now implements std::str::FromStr instead of From<&str> and From<String>. This means string-to-revision conversion now may fail.
    • The Revision type no longer implements AsRef<str>.
    • Revisions now compare as numbers, not strings, to match what the CouchDB server does.
  • The Error enum has been refactored to be simpler.
    • Many error variants documented in v0.3.x are now hidden or removed. The remaining variants are either CouchDB response errors or are for path-parsing.
    • All CouchDB response error values are now wrapped in an Option to reflect how the CouchDB server returns no detailed error information for HEAD requests.
    • All non-hidden error variant values are now tuples, not structs.
    • The InvalidRequest error variant has been renamed to BadRequest. The new name matches HTTP status code 400 of the same name.


  • When getting a document, the client now ignores any _attachments field in the CouchDB response. Previously, the client included the attachment info in the document content.
  • The client no longer tries to decode the server's response as JSON when the client receives an "unauthorized" error as a result of executing a client command to HEAD a document.

Additional notes

  • Test coverage has expanded, and test cases have been broken out into smaller cases. Consequently, there are now more than 200 additional test cases than in the v0.3.1 release.
  • The source code has been reorganized to be more hierarchical. CouchDB types, path types, and client commands now reside within distinct submodules.

v0.3.1 (2015-12-21)

This release expands the crate's coverage of the CouchDB API.


  • There's a new client command to POST to a database.
  • The Revision type now implements serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize.

v0.3.0 (2015-12-12)

This release overhauls the crate's API to provide stronger type-safety and to be more Rust-idiomatic.

Breaking changes

  • There are new types for specifying databases, documents, and views.
    • All raw-string path parameters have been replaced with new path types: DatabasePath, DocumentPath, and ViewPath. The signatures of all client commands have changed, as well as the Document and ViewRow types.
    • There's a new DocumentId type that combines a document name with its type (i.e., normal document vs design document vs local document).
  • All client commands specific to design documents (e.g., get_design_document) have been removed. Design documents are now accessible via generic document commands (e.g., get_document).
  • The ViewResult struct now wraps its total_rows and offset fields in an Option.
  • The underlying type for ViewFunctionMap is now HashMap, not BTreeMap.
  • The Command trait is now private.
  • Crate dependencies now specify explicit version ranges instead of *.


  • All JSON-decoding errors are now reported as the Decode error variant. Previously, some decoding errors were reported as a hidden variant.
  • The Revision type now compares as case-insensitive, matching CouchDB semantics.
  • A bug has been fixed that caused CPU spin on Windows in the Server type.


  • The Database type now includes all fields returned by the CouchDB server as a result of a client command to GET a database.
  • There's a new DesignBuilder type to make it easier to construct Design instances.
  • The Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, and PartialOrd traits have been implemented for all types where appropriate.

v0.2.0 (2015-10-17)

Breaking changes

  • Client command-construction methods (e.g., put_document, get_database, etc.) now bind the lifetime of the returned command to the lifetimes of all &str parameters.
  • The client command to GET a design document now strips "_design/" from the resulting document id.

Additional notes

  • The integration test has been split into separate test cases, one for each CouchDB command.
  • Some support has been added for running tests on Windows. See issue #8.

v0.1.0 (2015-09-21)

Breaking changes

  • The Revision type now implements the AsRef<str> trait instead of implementing the as_str method.
  • Client commands that have a revision parameter now borrow the Revision argument instead of taking ownership. This resolves issue #1.
  • Disallow construction of a Revision from an arbitrary string.
  • The ServerErrorResponse type has been renamed to ErrorResponse, which is now used consistently for reporting CouchDB server errors.
  • The DesignDocument type has been renamed to Design.
  • There's a new IntoUrl trait that aliases hyper::IntoUrl.


  • The views field of the Design struct is now public.


  • There's a new ViewFunctionMap collection type.

v0.0.1 (2015-09-07)

This release adds and improves API doc comments.

v0.0.0 (2015-09-05)

This is the first release. It provides support for client commands to manipulate databases (HEAD, GET, PUT, and DELETE), to manipulate documents (HEAD, GET, PUT, and DELETE), and to execute views (GET).