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Simon Willison edited this page Nov 6, 2017 · 26 revisions

If you want to install binaries, see below. If you want to check out the source and build it yourself, please see the Development wiki page.


A Docker image is available here:

If you have docker installed, you can download and run it using the following command:

docker run --rm -it -p 7419:7419 -p 7420:7420 contribsys/faktory:0.5.0 -b -no-tls

Then visit http://localhost:7420/ in your browser to view the web dashboard.


Faktory RPM/DEB binary packages will soon be available via You can run Faktory today via the Vagrant boxes in build/{centos,ubuntu}.

Want another method? Open an issue and let us know.


For now we have a custom tap since Faktory is still under active development.

> brew tap contribsys/faktory
> brew install faktory
[2 minutes pass]
> faktory
Faktory 0.5.0
Copyright © 2017 Contributed Systems LLC
Licensed under the GNU Public License 3.0
INFO[2017-10-26T20:15:27.084551559-07:00] Initializing storage at /Users/mikeperham/.faktory/db 
INFO[2017-10-26T20:15:27.106333222-07:00] Now listening at localhost:7419, press Ctrl-C to stop 
INFO[2017-10-26T20:15:27.106401589-07:00] Web server now listening on port 7420
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