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executable file
284 lines (214 loc) · 8.31 KB

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executable file
284 lines (214 loc) · 8.31 KB


NOTE: Below commands are tested in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Prepare the development environment

  1. Install dependencies

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y git gcc make libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev
  2. Create the workspace directory

    mkdir ~/workspace
  3. Install GO (used by the vendoring direnv):

    Please install GO.

    cd ~/workspace
    sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.9.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    rm go1.9.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    mkdir ~/go
    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> ~/.profile
    echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> ~/.profile
    source ~/.profile
  4. Install direnv

    Please install direnv.

    mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
    git clone $GOPATH/src/
    pushd $GOPATH/src/
      sudo make install
    echo 'eval "$(direnv hook bash)"' >> ~/.profile
    source ~/.profile
  5. Install chruby

    Please make sure you have installed chruby before you start.

    cd ~/workspace
    wget -O chruby-0.3.9.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf chruby-0.3.9.tar.gz
    pushd chruby-0.3.9/
      sudo make install
      echo 'source /usr/local/share/chruby/' >> ~/.profile
    source ~/.profile

    Note: The development scripts expect chruby to be located at /usr/local/share/chruby. Installing chruby via other mechanisms than those shown above may require additional steps to make the installation compatible with the development scripts' expectations. For example, to install chruby via homebrew, you could create a softlink from the brew-installed location to the script-expected location:

    brew install chruby
    sudo ln -s '/opt/homebrew/opt/chruby/share/chruby' '/usr/local/share/chruby'
    echo 'source /usr/local/share/chruby/' >> ~/.profile
    source ~/.profile
  6. Install ruby

    Please make sure you have installed ruby 3.2.3 before you start.

    Note: The development scripts use chruby as the ruby version manager.

    cd ~/workspace
    wget -O ruby-install-0.6.1.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf ruby-install-0.6.1.tar.gz
    pushd ruby-install-0.6.1/
      sudo make install
    ruby-install ruby 3.2.3
    echo 'chruby 3.2.3' >> ~/.profile
    source ~/.profile
    ruby -v
  7. Install bundler (used by the vendoring script)

    gem install bundler
  8. Clone Azure CPI repository

    cd ~/workspace
    git clone
    cd bosh-azure-cpi-release/
    direnv allow
  9. Run vendoring script

    With bundler installed, switch to ./src/bosh_azure_cpi and run:

    cd ~/workspace/bosh-azure-cpi-release/src/bosh_azure_cpi

Your development environment is prepared successfully.

Run Tests

Unit tests

The unit tests are REQUIRED before you submit a PR. When submitting a PR, you need to provide the test coverage and make sure that the coverage doesn't decrease.

cd ~/workspace/bosh-azure-cpi-release/src/bosh_azure_cpi


cd ~/workspace/bosh-azure-cpi-release
pushd src/bosh_azure_cpi


cd ~/workspace/bosh-azure-cpi-release
pushd 'src/bosh_azure_cpi' ; ./bin/test-unit ; popd

If unit tests are passed, you can create a dev release and deploy it for tests.


The rubocop_check script checks for rubocop offenses.

cd ~/workspace/bosh-azure-cpi-release/src/bosh_azure_cpi
bundle install --with=test

Rubocop autofix

The rubocop_autofix script auto-corrects any rubocop offenses which can be auto-corrected.

WARNING: Running this script COULD introduce bugs into the code. Auto-correct code changes made by rubocop ARE NOT guaranteed to be functionally equivalent to the original code. You should carefully review all auto-corrected code changes made by rubocop before merging them.

However, with the above warning clearly in mind, this script may be useful in certain situations, even if only as a way to better understand the 'problem' for rubocop offenses with ambiguous output.

cd ~/workspace/bosh-azure-cpi-release/src/bosh_azure_cpi
bundle install --with=test

Running ERB job templates unit tests

The ERB templates rendered by the jobs of this Bosh Release have specific unit tests that are run along with the other unit tests as instructed above. When required, you can run them separately though, with this command:

./src/bosh_azure_cpi/bin/test-unit --spec spec/unit/bosh_release

CI Pipeline

You can setup a CI pipeline to run the integration tests and BATs. It's optional for submitting a PR and required for publishing a new CPI release.

Test CPI methods

You can use bosh_azure_console to test your code changes quickly.

# Assume that you have cloned into ~/workspace/bosh-azure-cpi-release
cd ~/workspace/bosh-azure-cpi-release/src/bosh_azure_cpi
bundle install

# Please replace xxx with your credentials.
cat > ~/workspace/cpi.cfg <<EOS
  environment: AzureCloud
  subscription_id: xxx
  storage_account_name: xxx
  resource_group_name: xxx
  tenant_id: xxx
  client_id: xxx
  client_secret: 'xxx'
  ssh_user: vcap
  ssh_public_key: ssh-rsa xxx
  default_security_group: nsg-bosh
  debug_mode: false
  use_managed_disks: false

Start bosh_azure_console in the console.


cd ~/workspace/bosh-azure-cpi-release/src/bosh_azure_cpi/bin
./bosh_azure_console -c ~/workspace/cpi.cfg


# Test the mehodes in azure_client2.rb

# Test disk_manager2.rb
cpi.disk_manager2.has_disk?('fake-resource-group-name', 'bosh-disk-a')

# Test the CPI method create_stemcell
stemcell_properties = {
  "name" => "fake-name",
  "version" => "fake-version",
  "infrastructure" => "azure",
  "hypervisor" => "hyperv",
  "disk" => "30720",
  "disk_format" => "vhd",
  "container_format" => "bare",
  "os_type" => "linux",
  "os_distro" => "ubuntu",
  "architecture" => "x86_64",
  "image" => {"publisher"=>"Canonical", "offer"=>"UbuntuServer", "sku"=>"16.04-LTS", "version"=>"16.04.201611220"}
cpi.create_stemcell('', stemcell_properties)

# Test create_vm with a valid stemcell_id
agent_id = "<GUID>"
stemcell_id = "<a-valid-stemcell-id>"
resource_pool = JSON('{"instance_type":"Standard_F1"}')
networks = JSON('{"private":{"cloud_properties":{"subnet_name":"Bosh","virtual_network_name":"boshvnet-crp"},"default":["dns","gateway"],"dns":["",""],"gateway":"","ip":"","netmask":"","type":"manual"}}')
instance_id = cpi.create_vm(agent_id, stemcell_id, resource_pool, networks)

Create a dev release

Follow the guidance to install the latest version of BOSH CLI v2.

NOTE: BOSH CLI v2.0.36+ is required for bosh vendor-package.

cd ~/workspace/bosh-azure-cpi-release
bosh create-release --name=bosh-azure-cpi --version=${cpi_dev_version} --tarball=/tmp/bosh-azure-cpi-release-${cpi_dev_version}.tgz

The release is now ready for use. If everything works, commit the changes including the updated gems.