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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 31, 2021. It is now read-only.

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117 lines (90 loc) · 4.84 KB

File metadata and controls

117 lines (90 loc) · 4.84 KB


Thank you for taking the time to contribute to Cloogle. Please read this before contributing to avoid wasting your or our time.

  1. Bug reports
  2. Submitting patches
  3. I just want to add library X
  4. I just want to add a new user agent to the statistics

1. Bug reports

We use GitHub issues for bug tracking.

First, check if your bug has been reported already. If not, open a new GitHub issue. Make sure to include the following:

  • Steps to reproduce
  • Actual outcome
  • Expected outcome
  • How you're accessing Cloogle (through the frontend or directly to Clean)

If you have found a security vulnerability, please do not open a GitHub issue. Instead, contact one of the maintainers (see the list in We will take immediate action.

2. Submitting patches

Which repository to patch

  • libcloogle describes the Cloogle API as a set of types. Because many applications make assumptions about this API, one must be reluctant with changing this. However, sometimes it is necessary. See in that repository for more details.
  • Cloogle contains the core functionality for indexing and searching. It relies on CleanPrettyPrint to pretty-print the abstract syntax tree of Clean, and on CleanTypeUnifier to unify types in type search.
  • This repository ( is only a wrapper around Cloogle. It contains functionality for TCP, caching, the web frontend and statistics.


  • Fork the repo, make a topic branch and when done submit a pull request.
  • If your PR fixes some issue, be sure to mention it in the commit message (e.g. Fix #15).
  • Keep PRs as focused as possible. If you intend to fix multiple, independent things, open multiple, separate PRs.
  • If you intend to make large changes, it's probably best to open an issue and discuss with the maintainers first.
  • If necessary, edit as well.

Code style

  • Use tabs instead of spaces.
  • Try to keep lines under 80 chars (except for HTML).
  • When editing the frontend, do not use external frameworks (jQuery, bootstrap, etc.). We strive for minimality and elegance.

Other stuff

  • Add yourself to the authors list in

3. I just want to add library X

If the library is not well-known it is advised to first open an issue to see whether it is suitable to be indexed by cloogle.

To add a library you have to modify libs.json. This file is a JSON record with three collections of Clean libraries. Usually, you should add the new library to the Miscellaneous collection. Please keep the alphabetic order intact.

The newly added item may contain the following fields:

  • name (required): a human-readable name.
  • fetch_url (required): choose one of:
    • ["Git", "<URL>"] where <URL> points to a public git repository;
    • ["SVN", "<URL>"] where <URL> points to a public Subversion repository;
    • ["CleanDistribution", "<NAME>"], if the library is distributed in Clean nightlies as <NAME>.
  • path: the path from the root of the repository to the files that should be indexed.
  • info_url: a URL to an informative page about the library.
  • pattern_exclude: a pattern (see below) for files to exclude.
  • pattern_app: a pattern (see below) for modules that should be marked as apps rather than libraries.
  • pattern_core: a pattern (see below) for modules that are part of the core of the library.

Patterns are JSON lists of simple patterns. A simple pattern is one of:

  • ["PWildcard"], to match everything;
  • ["PStartsWith",<S>], to match paths starting with <S>;
  • ["PNot",<P>], to negate the simple pattern <P>.

4. I just want to add a new user agent to the statistics

If you have created a new Cloogle client, please give it a specific user agent and add it to the $user_agents array in frontend/stats/ajax/conf.php. That way, it will show up in the statistics on There are no strict naming conventions, but you can have a look at the other user agents for inspiration.

Each entry has a key, which is the name of the client (e.g. 'vim-clean'). The value is an array with a required pattern, which is used in SQL LIKE queries so you can use % as in %Linux% - in most cases, the pattern will be equal to the name. The optional url is a link to where the client may be used or downloaded.