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Evan Schneider edited this page May 9, 2018 · 12 revisions

# Welcome to the Cholla wiki!

Cholla is a GPU-native hydrodynamics simulation code designed to run on massively-parallel architectures. The code is written in a combination of C++ and Cuda C and requires at least one NVIDIA GPU to run. Cholla solves the 3-dimensional equations of hydrodynamics and includes a variety of other useful features for astrophysics simulations, including:

  • optically-thin radiative cooling
  • photoionization heating based on Cloudy tables
  • static gravity
  • passive scalar tracking

Cholla can be run with a variety of different Riemann solvers, spatial reconstruction techniques, and integrators, allowing users to test the sensitivity of their results to the exact code configuration.

Please cite the original code paper (Schneider & Robertson, 2015, ApJS) if you use this code for your research.

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