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Evan Schneider edited this page Jan 19, 2024 · 4 revisions

Particle-based Feedback

Models supernova (SN) feedback from star cluster particles as a Poisson processes following the prescription in Kim & Ostriker (2015) ApJ, 802, 99. Energy or momentum is injected into the interstellar medium depending on whether the SN is sufficiently numerically resolved.

Required Compilation Flags

  • SUPERNOVA - Supernova rate (SNR) information from a Starburst99 generated *.snr file can be read in by specifying the path as the value of the snr_filename parameter. If this parameter is not set, then a default constant SNR is used. The default SNR corresponds to 1 supernova per $100 M_\odot$ of cluster mass, spread out over 36 Myr, starting when the cluster is 4 Myr old. A sample Starburst99 file is included in the source code at src/particles/starburst99_snr.txt. The sample represents a $10^6 M_\odot$ fixed mass cluster, created using a Kroupa initial mass function, and with an $8 \mathrm{M}_\odot$ supernova cutoff.
  • PARTICLES_GPU - Particle-based feedback requires that the particle data be on the GPUs.
  • PARTICLE_AGE - Feedback varies with cluster age.
  • PARTICLE_IDS - Cluster IDs are used to prevent possible correlations or biases when generating random numbers used by the feedback algorithm.
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