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138 lines (112 loc) · 4.37 KB

File metadata and controls

138 lines (112 loc) · 4.37 KB


  1. Erase original map when re-compressing the maps.
  2. Edit p-bag values.
  3. Inventory of all the different townspeople (mostly done)

Issues found in alpha-1 release

  1. Add "did you remember to save all of your files?" dialog when you quit with unsaved changes

Curate list of known hacks to optionally apply to a ROM:

  • Others? (Shadow of Night has a "Dash" spell for running fast).
  • Links tunic color, other spell colors?

Sprite and tiles editor

  • List of sprite equivalents between banks


  • Sideview editing flow
  • Enemy editing
  • Known restrictions:
    • Overworld map must be < 896 bytes
    • Enemy lists must be < 1K
    • Linked side-view areas in overworlds must be areas < 29.
  • Auto-generate documentation from content/obj_*.textpb?
  • Auto-generate documentation from content/{enemies,items}.textpb?
  • Document used/unused sidview areas in vanilla game.
    • Create a vanilla ROM which fixes all sideview exit oddities.



  1. Palaces turn to stone after completion (done).
  2. Edit strike-for-jar items/enemies (done)

Add config which describes how to render towns (done)

  1. Townspeople text editor
  2. Building door editor.

From GTM

  1. Investigate and document swap/copy better (done).
  2. Document enemy editing WRT to "worlds". (done)
  3. Fix continue from palaces hack. (done)
  4. Add an undo stack (done)
    • save commits
    • include swap/copy
    • optional notes field
    • store project + config + history in a saved protobuf.
  5. Make File|Emulate more portable to windows. (done)
  6. Make sideview editor easier to use. (done)

Issues found in alpha release

  1. Fix sideview editor crash (fixed?)
  2. Reminder dialogs for "Commit to Rom" (and flag to disable)(done)
  3. Feature to swap sideview areas around (because of the 28 limitation)(done)
  4. Button on sideview connection edtior to open up the destination area. (done)
  5. Enemy level editor wanted (done)
  6. Move palaces between contitnents (done)

Create a target for Windows (build for Windows from Linux)

  1. One-time setup:

    ./tools/ --nowin32 compiler SDL2
  2. Build:

    bazel build --crosstool_top=//tools/windows:toolchain --cpu=win64 :main
  3. Package:

    ./tools/windows/ --mxe tools/mxe --out \
        bazel-bin/main zelda2.textpb content/*

Better visualization of side-view areas

Done: Multimap editor

  • Figure out drop rooms in GP (done-ish)
    • Elevators and side-exits use separate subroutines.
    • Dropping out the bottom uses the side-exit routine.
    • Suspect Link Y-pos overflow triggers up exit.
  • Figure out room reuse in Palaces 1,2,5 (fixed, config error).
  • How to render when multmap puts two rooms in the same place? (use force-directed-graph to visualize).

Decompress Configs for all side-scroll areas

  • Overworld caves/outside areas (done)
  • Palaces (done)
  • Towns (done)
  • Great Palace (done)

Startup conditions editor

  • starting levels (done)
  • starting lives (done)
  • starting itesm (done)
  • starting spells (done)
  • starting sword techs (done)

HiDPI solution.

  • Done: --hidpi command line flag.

Figure out how overworld map size is determined

  • Done: hardcoded constant in ROM.
  • Need documentation on how to change.

Overworld enemy encounter editor

  • Which sideview areas to load (done)

Overworld Editing

  • Fix raft spot (done)
  • Fix hidden places in East Hyrule (New Kasuto, P6) (done)
  • Figure out if there is anything to do for boulders or river devil. (no, done)

Sideview editing

  • Add/Delete enemies from a sideview area (done)
  • Sideview modifications should allocate new memory regions (done)
  • Large/small encounter enemy lists (done)
  • Initial item availability editor (doors & items) (done)

Curate list of known hacks to optionally apply to a ROM:

  • walk anywhere (done)
  • text speed (done)
  • pick-up-item delay (done)
  • Continue from the beginning of palaces (done)

Enemy editor to change enemy HP, XP etc.

  • Enemy attributes editor (done)
  • Experience table editor (done)

Palette editor (done)

Code cleanups

  • Rename the ::New methods to ::Spawn (done)
  • Common base class for imwidgets (done)
  • Get rid of vector of callbacks in imapp in favor of vector<unique_ptr>s. (done)
  • Clean up imapp. Bigtime. (done)