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245 lines (204 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (204 loc) · 10.3 KB


CeTZ 0.3.0 requires Typst 0.11.0 The licence changed from Apache-2.0 to LGPLv3.

CeTZ' plotting and charting functionality has been moved to a separate package called cetz-plot.


  • Add runtime cetz version check support (see assert-version)
  • Fixed a bug with #set place(float: true) affecting the canvas.
  • Transformation matrices are now rounded
  • The default coordinate system changed to a right-hand side system. Use scale(z: -1) if you want to change back to a left-hand system.
  • The on-<axes> functions lead to wrong anchors and got fixed. The offset argument is now behaving as tranlation instead of hard setting the coordinate!
  • A new scope(...) element got added that behaves like a unnamed group but leaking child elements to the outside. This element can be used for scoping transformations, without having to scope children under a group name.
  • The center anchor of content() with two coordinates got fixed when using negative cordinates.
  • Element names are now checked to not contain a "." character.
  • Fixed intersection bug for content with anchor: set.
  • BREAKING The winding order of all elements has been changed to CCW.
  • You can now add custom marks via register-mark.
  • Mark anchor (tip, base, center) calcuation got fixed.
  • Content border anchors for text now default to the texts bounds.
  • Content emit new anchors for accessing the baseline of the content.


  • Added floating function for drawing elements without affecting bounding boxes.
  • The ortho function gained a sorted and cull-face argument to enable depth ordering and face culling of drawables. Ordering is enabled by default.
  • Closed line and merge-path elements now have a "centroid" anchor that is the calculated centroid of the (non self-intersecting!) shape.


  • Added support for mark anchor style key, to adjust mark placement and allow for centered marks.


  • BREAKING The plot library has been moved out of cetz
  • Added support for automatically adding axis breaks (sawtooth lines) by setting the break attribute of an axis to true.
  • Added a new errorbar function: add-errorbar
  • Added errorbar support to the add-bar function
  • Improved the performance & memory consumption of the clipping algorithm
  • BREAKING Legend anchors got renamed and do not use the legend prefix anymore


  • BREAKING The chart library has been moved out of cetz
  • Added errorbar support for bar- and columncharts
  • Piecharts now support a legend (see legend.label style)
  • BREAKING Legend anchors got renamed and do not use the legend prefix anymore


  • copy-anchors no longer requires copied anchors to have a default, allowing the copying of an element's anchors from a group as expected.


  • apply-transform now allows passing a function that takes and returns a vector, instead of a transformation matrix.
  • Fixed matrix-vector multiplication.



  • Support for accessing anchors within groups.
  • Support string shorthand for path and border anchors.


  • CeTZ gained some helper functions for drawing 3D figures in orthographic projection: ortho, on-xy, on-xz and on-yz.


  • New axes style key to force showing tick labels on mirrored axes.
  • Axes tick format can now be set to none or content, without defaulting to floating point ticks.


  • Fixed piechart styles when using clockwise: true.
  • Fixed decorations.flat-brace vertical positioning
  • Fixed drawing of mirrored plot axis ticks.
  • Fixed plots with only annotions.
  • Added matrix rounding to fix rounding errors when using lots of transforms



  • Changing a group's "center" anchor now effects how border anchors are calculated.
  • Allowed changing of the default anchor for groups.
  • Re-added "a", "b", and "c" anchors for circle-through
  • Open arcs are no longer modified for anchors, invalid border anchors will panic.
  • Grids now actually support border anchors.


  • Marks can now be placed on a path after that path got transformed. See the new transform-shape style key.


  • The hide function now support an additional bounds: parameter to enable canvas bounds adjustment for hidden elements
  • The default transformation matrix changed


  • Default piechart rotation changed from counter-clockwise to clockwise
  • Default piechart start/stop angles changed so that the first item starts at 90° (ccw)



  • The default style of plots changed
  • New style keys for enabling/disabling the shared zero tick for "school-book" style plots
  • New style keys for specifying the layer of different plot elements (grid-layer, axis-layer, background-layer)
  • Fixed annotation bounds calculation
  • Marks insides annotations are now unaffected by the plots canvas scaling by default (see marks new post-transform style key)


CeTZ 0.2.0 requires Typst 0.10.0



  • BREAKING Default anchors are now using TikZ like compass names: north, south, east, west, north-west, north-east, south-west and south-east
  • BREAKING Element anchors have changed! See the documentation for details.
  • BREAKING Rotation direction changed to CCW
  • BREAKING Removed the shadow function
  • BREAKING Changed the behaviour of mark
  • BREAKING Changed the behaviour of translate by changing the transformation order, changed arguments of scale and translate
  • BREAKING LERP coordinates now use ratio instead of float for relative interpolation.
  • BREAKING Removed place-marks and place-anchors functions, use the new mark pos: attribute and path anchors (name: <element>, anchor: <number, ratio>) instead.
  • Content padding has been improved to be configurable per side
  • Groups support same padding options as content
  • Overhauled marks, see manual for the new mark symbols, placement- and styling options
  • Fixed and improved intersection calculation
  • Fixed and improved the styling algorithm
  • Catmull-Rom curves, Hobby curves and arcs now can have marks
  • Line elements now use border intersection coordinates if first and/or last coordinate is an element name with a "default" anchor
  • Added element arc-through to draw an arc through three points
  • Added Hobby curves (hobby) in addition to catmull (thanks to @Enivex)
  • Added radius style to rect for drawing rounded rects
  • Added hide function for hiding elements
  • Added distance, ratio and angle anchors to elements


  • Added plot.add-contour(..) for plotting contour plots
  • Added plot.add-hline(..) and plot.add-vline(..) for plotting h/v lines
  • Added plot.add-between(..) for filling the area between two line plots
  • Added plot.add-boxwhisker(..) for displaying boxwhisker plots (thanks to @JamesxX)
  • Added fill-type option to plot.add(..) for specifying a fill type (axis or shape)
  • Changed default samples from 100 to 50!
  • Fixed plot filling in some cases
  • Axes can now be locked (equal) to keep aspect ratio
  • Axes can be reversed by setting min > max
  • Axis orientation can be changed, enabling rotation of plots
  • Plots now support legends!


  • Added piechart for drawing pie- and donut charts
  • Added boxwhisker for drawing boxwhisker charts


  • New path decorations zigzag, wave and coil


CeTZ requires Typst 0.8.0.


  • New on-layer(layer, body) function for drawing with a given layer/z-index
  • New catmull(..) function for drawing catmull-rom curves
  • Changed default anchors of circles and arcs to anchors on the elliptical path
  • Added style option to specify triangle mark angle
  • Fixed rect anchors if coordinates were swapped
  • Fixed bezier extrema/aabb calculation
  • Fixed bug with content and intersections
  • Fixed automatic mark offset for lines
  • Fixed problems with style inheritance



  • Added sample-at: (..) option to plot.add(..) for specifying extra sample points
  • Added line: <linear|spline|vh|hv|vhv> support
  • The plot lib tries to linearize data to reduce draw calls
  • Fixed custom tick plot formatting
  • Allow plots without data


  • New decoration library by @RubixDev for drawing braces




  • New angle library for drawing angles


  • Support tick label rotation
  • Support negative tick mark direction


  • Fixed arc with negative delta
  • Fixed division by 0 error when calculating bezier extremas
  • Added mark: (..) support for bezier and bezier-through
  • Changed content to allow for a second coordinate to span content between
  • Added content: (frame: "rect"|"circle") style for drawing a frame around content
  • Default triangle mark angle changed. It can now be set via the style attribute angle.
  • Arrowheads on lines are now offset so the tip of the triangle points exactly on the target position



  • Added arguments plot-style and mark-style to the plot(..) base function that allow providing a base style that gets inherited by all graphs. Plots now default to the color pattern (blue, red, green, yellow, black) for stroking & filling graphs.


  • Fixed axis label alignment.


  • Fixed issue #24, assert if line has fewer than two points.
  • Fixed an issue with calculating bounding boxes for some transformed paths


  • Fixed barchart bars getting labeled in reversed order



  • The content function now supports a second coordinate as angle, to compute the rotation angle between the origin.
  • Anchors of the content function are now properly rotated.


  • Added the tree module for laying out trees.


  • Changed transformation matrix multiplication order from Local * World to World * Local.
  • Added set-viewport function for setting up scaling and translation to draw insides a rectangular region.
  • The function rect now emits rotated anchors, before it did not set anchors but used the bounding box.
  • New function copy-anchors to copy anchors of an element into a group.
  • Arcs are now approximated using up to 4 bezier curves instead of using sampling with straight lines.
  • New function intersections that emits anchors at all child element intersection points.


  • Added new library chart for drawing charts, currently only bar- and columncharts are supported.


  • Added new library plot for drawing line charts (of functions), replacing typst-plot.