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File metadata and controls

257 lines (218 loc) · 13.1 KB

Mapping CLI Tool


The mapping CLI tool provides functionality related to querying and visualizing the data contained in mapping files. It supports multiple functional modes with each mode accompanied with help text.



  • Python 3

It is best practice to create an isolated Python virtual environment using the venv standard library module to manage the dependencies between your different Python projects.

  1. Change directory (cd) into the tools directory.
  2. Create the virtual environment: python3 -m venv venv
  3. Activate the environment: source ./venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the project requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt


./ -h

usage: [-h]

Provides functionality related to querying and visualizing the data contained in mapping files.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  Specify the subcommand with -h option for help (Ex: ./mapping_cli visualize -h)


Validate Subcommand validate -h
usage: validate [-h] [--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR]
                               [--mapping-file MAPPING_FILE]

Validates a mapping file or all mapping files in a directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR
                        Path to the directory containing the mapping files
  --mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
                        Path to the mapping file
  --tags-file TAGS_FILE
                        Path to the file containing the list of valid tags

The JSON schema used to validate the mapping files can be found in the config/mapping_schema.json file.


  • Validate all mapping files in the default mappings directory (../mappings):
    ./ validate
  • Validate all mapping files in a specified directory:
    ./ validate --mapping-dir /home/mapper/my_mappings_dir
  • Validate a particular mapping file:
    ./ validate --mapping-file ../mappings/Azure/JustInTimeVMAccess.yaml

Visualize Subcommand visualize -h
usage: visualize [-h] --visualizer
                                [--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR]
                                [--mapping-file MAPPING_FILE]
                                [--output OUTPUT] [--skip-validation]
                                [--tag TAG] [--title TITLE]
                                [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                [--relationship {OR,AND}]
                                [--include-aggregates] [--include-html]

Build visualizations from mapping file(s).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --visualizer {AttackNavigator,MarkdownSummary}
                        The name of the visualizer that will generate the
  --mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR
                        Path to the directory containing the mapping files
  --mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
                        Path to the mapping file
  --output OUTPUT       Path to the directory were the visualizations will be
  --skip-validation     Skip validation when visualizing mapping(s)
  --tag TAG             Return mappings with the specified tag, this will
                        utilize the db rather than traversing the file system
  --title TITLE         Title of the visualization
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Description of the visualization
  --relationship {OR,AND}
                        Relationship between tags
  --include-aggregates  When generating a visualization for mappings, generate
                        it for each tag and platform also. This depends on
                        visualizer support.
  --include-html        When generating a visualization, if supported,
                        generate an HTML version too.

The set of configuration and template files used to generate the visualizations can be found in the config directory:

  • config/markdown_summary.json: contains the introductory text for each platform that is displayed in the Introduction section of the Markdown Summary view for a platform.
  • config/markdown_summary_template.html: contains the HTML template used when generating an HTML version of the Markdown Summary view.
  • config/navigator_layer_config.yaml: contains configuration settings for the Navigator Layer visualizer such as the colors to utilize for each score category and whether to include numeric scores in the generated layer files.
  • config/navigator_layer_template.json: contains the Navigator layer template used by the Navigator visualizer when generating Navigator layer files.


  • Generate ATT&CK Navigator layers for each mapping file in the default mappings directory (../mappings):
    ./ visualize --visualizer AttackNavigator
  • Generate an ATT&CK Navigator layer for a particular mapping file and save the layer in the /tmp/my_layers directory:
    ./ visualize --visualizer AttackNavigator --mapping-file ../mappings/Azure/IdentityProtection.yaml --output /tmp/my_layers
  • Generate an ATT&CK Navigator layer for all mappings with the specified tag:
    ./ visualize --visualizer AttackNavigator --tag "Azure Defender" --title "Azure Defender" --skip-validation
  • Generate ATT&CK Navigator layers for each mapping file in the default mappings directory (../mappings). In addition, generate a layer for each tag and an aggregate layer for all mapping files for each platform:
    ./ visualize --visualizer AttackNavigator --skip-validation --include-aggregates
  • Generate ATT&CK Navigator layers for each mapping file found only in the current directory. In addition, generate a layer for each tag and an aggregate layer for all mapping files for each platform: visualize --visualizer AttackNavigator --mapping-dir . --no-recurse --skip-validation --include-aggregates
  • Generate a Markdown Summary view of all mapping files in the default mappings directory (../mappings). In addition, generate an HTML version of the view:
    ./ visualize --visualizer MarkdownSummary --skip-validation --include-html

Rebuild Mappings Subcommand

usage: rebuild_mappings [-h] [--mapping-db MAPPING_DB]
                                       [--mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR]
                                       [--skip-attack] [--skip-validation]

Builds the mapping database used to provide the query capabilities of the
list_mappings and list_scores subcommands.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mapping-db MAPPING_DB
                        Path to the mapping.db file to generate
  --mapping-dir MAPPING_DIR
                        Path to the directory containing the mapping files
  --skip-attack         Rebuild an existing mapping.db by just rebuilding the 
                        mapping data (and reuse the already built ATT&CK data)
  --skip-validation     Skip validation of discovered mapping files, just
                        import them into the db.


  • Scan all the mapping files in the default mappings directory (../mappings) and build a SQLite database containing the mapping data. Produces the mapping.db file in the current directory:
    ./ rebuild_mappings

List Mappings Subcommand

usage: list_mappings [-h] [--mapping-db MAPPING_DB] [--tag TAG]
                                    [--relationship {OR,AND}] [--width WIDTH]
                                    [--name NAME] [--platform PLATFORM]

List mapping files by name, tag and/or platform.

Requires the mapping database to be built using the rebuild_mappings command.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mapping-db MAPPING_DB
                        Path to the mapping.db file
  --tag TAG             Return mappings with the specified tag
  --relationship {OR,AND}
                        Relationship between tags (default OR)
  --width WIDTH         Set the width of the Comments column
  --name NAME           Filter the returned mappings by a substring of the
                        control name.
  --platform PLATFORM   Filter by mapping platform (e.g. Azure).


  • List the mapping file of all controls that have "Defender" in the control name and limit the width of the comments section to 40 characters per line:
    ./ list_mappings --name Defender --width 40
  • List the mapping file of all controls that have the tag "Linux" and are from the Azure platform:
    ./ list_mappings --tag Linux --platform Azure
  • List the mapping file of all controls that have the tag "Linux" and the tag "Azure Security Center":
    ./ list_mappings --tag Linux --tag "Azure Security Center" --relationship AND

List Scores Subcommand

usage: list_scores [-h] [--mapping-db MAPPING_DB]
                                  [--category {Protect,Detect,Respond}]
                                  [--attack-id ATTACK_ID] [--tactic TACTIC]
                                  [--control CONTROL] [--platform PLATFORM]
                                  [--score {Minimal,Partial,Significant}]
                                  [--width WIDTH]
                                  [--level {Technique,Sub-technique}]
                                  [--tag TAG]

Query mapping data by various filters and return a table consisting of the
following columns: Control Name, Mapping File Path, Technique/Sub-technique ID
& Name, Score, Score comment. 

Requires the mapping database to be built using the rebuild_mappings subcommand.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mapping-db MAPPING_DB
                        Path to the mapping.db file
  --category {Protect,Detect,Respond}
                        Filter by score category
  --attack-id ATTACK_ID
                        Filter by ATT&CK ID (specify Technique [default] or
                        Sub-technique using --level parameter)
  --tactic TACTIC       Filter by ATT&CK tactic name
  --control CONTROL     Filter by a control (name)
  --platform PLATFORM   Filter by mapping platform (e.g. Azure).
  --score {Minimal,Partial,Significant}
                        Filter by mapping score
  --width WIDTH         Set the width of the Comments column
  --level {Technique,Sub-technique}
                        Return technique data or sub-technique data
  --tag TAG             Return mappings with the specified tag. This does a
                        LIKE search for exact match, surround w/ quotes (e.g.
                        '"Azure Defender"'


  • Return a table with a row for each technique in a mapping file that has a Protect score category:

    ./ list_scores --category Protect
  • Return a table with a row for each mapping file that has a Protect score category for technique T1078 Valid Accounts:

    ./ list_scores --category Protect --attack-id T1078
  • Return a table with a row for each mapping file that has a Protect score category for technique T1078 Valid Accounts or technique T1578 Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure:

    ./ list_scores --category Protect --attack-id T1078 --attack-id T1578
  • Return a table with a row for each mapping file that has a Protect score category for sub-techniques of T1078 Valid Accounts. Displays the sub-technique scores instead of technique scores:

    ./ list_scores --category Protect --attack-id T1078 --level Sub-technique
  • Return a table with a row for each Azure mapping file that has a Protect score category with a Minimal or Significant score. Limit the width of the score comments column to 40 characters:

    ./ list_scores --category Protect --platform Azure --score Minimal --score Significant --width 40
  • Return a table with a row for each score category for controls with a name that contains the "Identity Protection" that provide a mapping for technique T1078 Valid Accounts:

    ./ list_scores  --attack-id T1078 --level Technique --control "Identity Protection"