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This document explains the processes and practices recommended for contributing enhancements to this operator.

  • Generally, before developing enhancements to this charm, you should consider opening an issue explaining your use case.
  • If you would like to chat with us about your use-cases or proposed implementation, you can reach us at Canonical Mattermost public channel or Discourse.
  • Familiarising yourself with the Charmed Operator Framework library will help you a lot when working on new features or bug fixes.
  • All enhancements require review before being merged. Additionally, new code must pass the tests. Code review typically examines
    • code quality
    • test coverage
    • user experience for Juju administrators of this charm.
  • Please help us out in ensuring easy to review branches by rebasing your pull request branch onto the main branch. This also avoids merge commits and creates a linear Git commit history.


Environment set up

This operator charm can be deployed locally using Juju on a localhost LXD cloud. If you do not already have a Juju controller bootstrapped, you can set one up by doing the following:

# install requirements 
sudo snap install charmcraft --classic
sudo snap install lxd
sudo snap install juju --classic

# configure lxd
sudo adduser $USER lxd
newgrp lxd
lxd init --auto
lxc network set lxdbr0 ipv6.address none

# bootstrap controller to lxd
juju clouds
juju bootstrap localhost overlord

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd mongodb-operator/

Create and activate a virtualenv, and install the development requirements:

virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


tox run -e format                   # update your code according to linting rules
tox run -e lint                     # code style
tox run -e unit                     # unit tests
tox run -e integration              # run all integration tests
tox run -e charm-integration        # charm integration tests
tox run -e ha-integration           # high-availability replication integration tests
tox run -e relation-integration     # relation integration tests (legacy and new relations)
tox                                 # runs 'lint' and 'unit' environments

Testing high availability on a production cluster can be done with:

tox run -e ha-integration -- --model=<model_name>

Note if you'd like to test storage re-use in ha-testing, your storage must not be of the type rootfs. rootfs storage is tied to the machine lifecycle and does not stick around after unit removal. rootfs storage is used by default with tox run -e ha-integration. To test ha-testing for storage re-use:

juju create-storage-pool mongodb-ebs ebs volume-type=standard # create a storage pool
juju deploy ./*charm --storage mongodb=mongodb-ebs,7G,1 # deploy 1 or more units of application with said storage pool
tox run -e ha-integration -- --model=default # run tests in the model where you deployed the app 

Build Charm

Build the charm in this git repository using:

charmcraft pack

Deploy Charm

# Create a model
juju add-model development

# Enable DEBUG logging
juju model-config logging-config="<root>=INFO;unit=DEBUG"

# Deploy the charm
juju deploy ./mongodb_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm

Code overview

The core implementation of this charm is represented by the MongodbOperatorCharm class. This class will handle the core lifecycle events associated with the charm:

  • Download and installation of MongoDB, using the operator_libs_linux library.
  • Configuration changes to /etc/mongod.conf
  • Starting of MongoDB daemon mongod for the unit as a single replica

The class MongoDB is a helper module. It provides utilities to communicate with a MongoDB database. This class is used by the core MongodbOperatorCharm to get information and interact with the database.

Intended use case

TODO: expand on this section when spec doc is created

Canonical Contributor Agreement

Canonical welcomes contributions to the Charmed MongoDB Operator. Please check out our contributor agreement if you're interested in contributing to the solution.